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The sheer firepower I own is what.
Better to be tried by 12, than carried by 6.
America must never give up its right to bear arms.
I know many Americans think of their history beginning in 1776, but in truth you’re keeping many English traditions alive more so than England itself these days (which is sad state of affairs for us).
Just when you thought the far-left couldn’t get any more mad we now have “Black Hammer.” An organization so radical they think BLM is too soft and have some sort of grudge against Antifa:
Lol. Shockingly, it turns out the Black Hammer crazies never bought the land and were trespassing.
— AntifaWatch (@AntifaWatch2) May 22, 2021
That guy is the same “Black Hitler” from roughly four-five years ago… I admit I ended up forgetting about him.
It’s pretty easy to laugh at these guys as clowns, but it’s an indicator of where the future is going. If you think things are bad now in regards to the levels of political violence just imagine where we’ll be in just a few years.
I am sure the extreme toxic-left will release these useful idiots in time to stop the 2022 mid-term elections. 💥
Sadly, I think many people, including blacks, will continue to the buy the con.
“Black Lives Matter” is a powerful phrase. Of course black lives matter: No-one is saying they don’t. But agreeing with the slogan is an all-together different thing from the organization.
It’s Marxism 101 – Anyone who looks into Marxist history knows they come up with altruistic slogans to shield themselves from criticism, and those who attack directly look like they’re attacking the group the label is associated with. Loathe feminism? You must hate women. Despise BLM? You must want black people dead. Disapprove of the LGBT lifestyle? You must want them persecuted and murdered.
Sadly most people don’t care to make the distinction. They just hear the phrase and assume all there is to know and blindly support and donate to these massive grifters, and people don’t take it well when you can prove they’ve been conned: They have to dig their heels down and and resort to weak excuses because so they desperately want believe they’ve made a difference when in fact all they’ve done is contribute to more pain.
“It easier to fool people than convince them that they have been fooled.”