Book Of Boba Fett

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    Honestly, I only skim through to see what it going on. I just kind of peek at the show. The tone will never match the wonder and magic of the original. Just the fact that they can’t even really adapt Sith and Jedi in this era without being cheesy is telling. You know who made a better sith than anything from Disney Star Wars? Tory from Cobra Kai triggered terror in Samantha LaRusso. She has that aura of intimidation and provokes fear. The Jedi and Sith in Disney Star Wars lack that aura or the Force. The essence of The Force is missing. It comes off cheesy in the latest movies and shows. What’s really missing is the component of hope against the evil empire. Disney is the evil corporate empire, so how would they be able to tell a story on behalf of the little guy who works hard every day and trusts in the force?

    There is only one note and one message from all these movies and shows and Gary mentioned it. Whether it’s Avatar or Dune or Boba Fett Sand People, it’s the same communist message of native people oppressed and colonized. There is a sense that this is all we are going to get from here on out as we live under a rigged system that wants to blame the public while enriching the virtue-signaling corporate communist. At this point, I can see where Gary and Jeremy are coming from in that you already know the propaganda is coming and it’s the same propaganda as before. It’s not revolutionary, it’s just stale and expired.

    STAR WARS Apathy | Why I Am NOT Reviewing ‘The Book of Boba Fett’
    Nerdrotic Daily





    lol just an update from my previous post. I stopped watching this show. fuck this shit xD


    Going to be a bit of a negative nancy here but…

    Why do these people have to continually mention how and why they don’t watch these shows? I am frankly really tired of hearing about it. We get it, you don’t watch the shows, shut up about it and move on. I don’t watch CW’s Batwoman, and I don’t set around talking about why I don’t or bring it up all the time. Jeremy is the worst about this, he takes every chance to tell you why he doesn’t watch anything new Star Wars. He made yet another video on the subject the other day. Again, we get it. Enough grand standing. I really don’t give a shit man because you’ve mentioned it way too much, I am tired of hearing them all say it. If you don’t care about new Star Wars….well….you certainly seem to care enough to bring it up all the damn time.

    In fact, Jeremy just put up a video about “Book of Boba Fett Brought The Power Rangers Into Star Wars?”. So, he is still trying to capitalize off something he continually says he doesn’t care about nor watch. I find it hypocritical. He is bitching about SOMETHING HE DOESNT EVEN WATCH!!! I find it absolutely ridiculous.

    Honestly, sometimes I think Jeremy and Ryan are way too click bait oriented. They spent video after video on the Alec Baldwin bullcrap. I have ZERO interest in that nonsense and it really irritated me to see the hysteria over it all. Sometimes half their video is showing what is on Twitter. Well, I dont give a shit about Twitter! 



    Some fans on the streams ask about those shows and not only once but several times, some of them also send Superchats, I think the videos are ok to address them, I know some people who are invested on those shows, or that believe Star Wars could change direction under Disney get annoyed by them but Jeremy stated he’ll monetize their stupid decisions and he’s just doing so.

    For me I enjoy watching Jeremy’s & Ryan’s videos the only ones I don’t dig are the real sports coverage ones, since I’m not a sport fan.


    Reciprocity. Silver spoon privileged people in entertainment want to bash the fans, so the fans should respond in kind. Counter-punches. I am on the other side of the spectrum of opinion on the matter and it is only my own, but I hope they never quite bashing shows and Hollywood because the work is not good. I think entertainers deserve to be mocked and laughed at. They never do anything for the people. It’s always someone other than the western civilization that created the success that they pretend to care about. I hope that when the cast of the CW is crawling on all fours from being beat up by the public that when they reach up for a hand from the Fandom Menance, that someone kicks sand in their faces. I have that much contempt for entertainers who said nothing as outsourcing, off-shoring, H-1B visas and woke replaced my countrymen in sector after sector of the economy. I hope they pay for the rest of my life.

    Some of the kindest people I ever met were destroyed by liars that called them racist, sexist, Nazi, homophobic, etc.


      Boba Fett cuddle Rancor 😻😻😻


      Mos Espa rhymes with Vespa. Was curious about George’s 3rd show review. He said in the last one that it needed a hook and he was waiting for a hook and it was not there. I did not encounter “the hook” in episode 3. Also, should be said, that if YOU like a show, no amount of talk can take you away from it. Some shows I watch only out of curiosity. Also, just a side note, but I enjoy all the reviews of topics by the staff. The writing is really good from Gherzo, Tuggs, Virginia and others. OK, back to show, I look forward to him riding the Rancor like riding the Sandworm on Dune. Maybe something will happen there. Also, final thing, but the fact that George is doing a fan film is encouraging. That is going to be the next stop, when writers and fans start challenging themselves to do better than corporate America.

      Book of Boba Fett Ep 3 Review + New Movie Announcement!
      George The Giant Slayer
      The Book of Boba Fett episode 3 The City of Mos Espa is an embarrassment to George Lucas’ Star Wars and a humiliating deconstruction of a legendary, mysterious figure. I share where this goes off the rails.

      Special Announcement!!! Upcoming New Movie Short Film about the real Boba Fett! A Star Wars film for the Fans ! ! !

      Watch the video for more exciting and surprising details ! ! !


        Mando at airport security 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


        The Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 Review – WoW!

        George The Giant Slayer

        The Book of Boba Fett episode 4 The Gathering Storm reclaims the Bounty Hunter’s character after episode demolished Boba Fett. This is now, my favorite episode replacing episode 2 The Tribes of Tatooine’s engaging action packed extravaganza!


        Anyone else feel bad for Boba Fett that he got sidelined in his own show with by the Mandalorian who started off as a rip off of Boba Fett because Jon Favereau couldn’t get the rights to Boba Fett to use in a Star Wars series, so instead he made a Boba Fett like character that ironically ended up being more Boba Fett than the real Boba Fett was once Jon got the rights to be able to use the real Boba Fett?

        Talk about weird….what next a C3PO series revolving around a C3PO like droid that ends up being more C3PO than C3PO? Hey Jay from the Drunk C3PO Youtube Channel if you are reading this comment of mine….this is your time to shine with Disney Plus. Jon Favereau could give you The Mandalorian treatment but with C3PO :)









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