boy uses logic: it was very effective

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    He makes some very good points. Especially like how he point how the school has others kinds of opinions being expressed at the school, yet his is considered somehow dangerous.

    And for the record, he’s right: there are only two genders.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Audie. Reason: fixed a word not spelled right

    Well done kid! I think if anyone felt “unsafe” because he had that skirt on saying that they need to be in an asylum!


    Another one who doesn’t understand the difference between sex and gender


    There are ONLY two genders – there are ONLY two sexes.

    And LOTS of gender dysphoria and wanted to be unique (so lets make a gazillion identities when in reality there are ONLY TWO – Male and Female).

    We should be treating these mentally ill people and their identity dysphoria, not play along with their delusional fantasy.

    Good for this LAD and speaking the TRUTH (even if the facts hurt snowflakes feelings.  YAY!  cry me a river!)


    At about 10 minute mark, Alex shows this clip. This boy is an example of my favorite kind of activist because so few real people have the courage.
    Alex also shows a clip of some British woman trying to groom a man’s daughter right to his face.


    Nature designed two genders (“gender” having the same root as “genetic” and “generation”): one gender to reproduce in parallel, and one to reproduce serially, for a specific survival advantage*. Historically, my ancestors have called the parallel reproductive gender “men”, and the serial reproductive gender “female”, and I respect both Nature and my ancestors more than modern greenhouse morality.

    I also consider those who are trying to change those definitions to be haters of Nature, akin to those who would bulldoze a rainforest and pave it with concrete.

    *The advantage is that men are reproductively expendable; the death of men has a minimal impact on the size of the next generation. In short, Nature designed men to do the dirty jobs, the dangerous jobs, the jobs that get people killed, to be the ones who die first, to stand between entropy and humanity. Consider the videos of men instinctively shielding women and children with their bodies in a crisis, or the data on who bears the brunt of workplace fatalities.

    Also consider how often in movies, even in kids’ movies, male characters get smacked in the reproductives. :) Conversely, how often does that happen to female characters? I consider that disparity to be systemic evidence of how Nature’s configuration of humanity is still innate in our subconsciousness.


    What a brave and intelligent young man!


    “There are ONLY two genders – there are ONLY two sexes.”

    Wrong. Gender is historically a soiciological and grammatical term. There are three grammatical genders (male, female, neutral), at least in the languages that the term gender originated in (Greek, Latin, German, French).

    Gender isn’t a biological term. In Latin, it’s “genus” for gender and “sexus” for biological sex. “Genus” was used the same way “lineage” was used (like “royal lineage”).  Same with “Geschlecht” in German, which was used to denote noble family heritage. It wasn’t until the 1800s there as well, that “Geschlecht” was used in a biological context. Scientific papers until then had continued to use the Latin sexus. There were a lot more than 2 “genders” or geni during the late antiquity and middle ages in Europe.

    “Gender” has only been used as a biological term in the response to the puritan movement, when idiots deemed the term “sexus” or “sex” unfit for polite (or scientific) conversation. It’s a bastardization of language to use the term gender for sex.

    Without a doubt, there are 3 grammatical genders, and who knows how many societal genders. The Since we no longer have royalty or nobility, gender as a sociological term is meaningless, thus obsolete. People claiming to be one of 72 genders based on what orifice they stick what part of their body in, are either insane or stupid. Unless you’re claiming noble lineage, you ain’t a different gender.

    As for biological sex, that is determined by chromosomes. There are two primary sexes and a few intersex mutations (XXY, XXYY and so on). Whether those constitute a third sex is debated among biologists, but relatively meaningless for anyone who wasn’t born intersex. Personally, I have no problem designating intersex people as “other” or “non-binary” sex, if that is their wish.



    @Wisdom, the context of the discussion is clearly not grammar. :) Out of curiosity, I opened my 1936 copy of Webster’s, and it defines “gender” colloquially as “Sex, male or female”. Naturally, there’s also a definition relating to grammar, but it’s obvious that ordinary people have used the words “gender” and “sex” interchangeably for a long time.

    It’s also evident that the attempt to distinguish the two words is being used to dilute the meaning of “sex”. If all we were discussing in society was grammatical distinction, the question “what is a woman?”, would not have been so famously asked, nor would we have men invading women’s bathrooms, nor would politicians be pushing the chemical mutilation of children without parents’ consent.

    In light of that, I’m not interested in playing pedantic wordgames. There are only two human genders: male and female.


      There are three grammatical genders (male, female, neutral)

      That is correct, but humans biologically (regardless of what you want to identify as) only posesse 2 of them, male and female, because that is what humans need to reproduce

      You know what animal is gender neutral? Worms, worms are gender neutral ’cause worms don’t need to have sex, they can self reproduce

      And the mear fact that you use “gender” in reference to male and female contradicts your whole argument that the word evolved from words that had a different meaning in the past, that is irrelevant, in today’s language it’s used in refference to sex, you yourself used it in refference to sex

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by DigiCat.

      @Roccandil, yes 1936 was still well over a century after the Puritan movement. Yes, people have been using gender for biological sex for a long time. That doesn’t make it right. The origin of the terms is clear, as is their use in academia, which has always used the latin definitions.

      If you want to beat the left, you gotta beat them at their own game. They like to pretend to be scientific, so be more scientific. You’re not gonna beat them by using the wrong terminology. That’s an automatic disqualification in any academic field.

      “but humans biologically (regardless of what you want to identify as) only posesse 2 of them”   We don’t possess any biological gender, because there’s no such thing as a biological gender. There’s biological sex.

      I can guarantee I never spoke of a female gender in a biological sense. When I mentioned the 3 genders male, female, neutral, I made it clear these were grammatical genders. As someone who speaks German, French, and some Italian and Latin, I generally pay attention to terminology.

      Worms are hermaphrodites, yes. But again, it doesn’t have anything to do with gender. Worms aren’t “gender-neutral”. Gender can only ever be grammatical or sociological. That being said, there are human hermaphrodites, and again, if you want to beat the left, become a champion of intersex people’s rights. Cuz right now the left are a lot more concerned with make belief genders than with actual intersex people.

      I’m not making the distinction between gender and sex to piss you off, but because it presents a wonderful opportunity for people on the right to become champions of marginalized people, without going full retard like the left does. When the left pretends to care about marginalized people, it’s ALWAYS in service of pushing pedophilia. Always. Most people, intersex, transgender, gay, whatever, do not appreciate being used as human shields to promote sex with children.

      This is the left’s biggest weakness. But to make use of it, you’re gonna have to use the correct terminology and not be bigoted towards lgbt people.


      > If you want to beat the left, you gotta beat them at their own game.

      If the Left rejects me because I used the wrong terminology, while they justify chemically mutilating children, so be it. Anyone who can look at that juxtaposition, and think that the terminology is the issue, is not someone I desire to waste any resources on attempting to persuade.

      In fact, I consider baiting the Left into straining at gnats, while swallowing camels, a reasonable strategy for exposing the depths of their corruption to ordinary people.



      There is NO Neutral.

      You are either a sperm producer, or an egg producer.

      If, due to some defeat, a person is missing such an organ/are not capable to make their half of the reproduction function, does not make them “neutral”.

      Or such defeats as having an extra “X” or extra “Y”, does NOT create a new gender.

      Sex is binary: Male/Female

      Gender is binary: Male/Female

      Human reproduction is binary: Male/Female

      Gender Dysphoria: is rampant and is using the terms such as “gender identity” to mask their sickness/social disease.

      Hermaphrodites (ie.shemales) is a defect IMO, just like conjoined twins.  Something happened during their development in the womb.  People born with extra fingers, extra arms, extra toes, two hearts, etc, are all unfortunate defects.

      To reproduce, naturally, is for humans BINARY!  Fact!  A sperm needs to fertilize an egg.  Basic Biology!  Fact!

      If you are delusional and want to think of yourself as a cat, a unicorn, or any other Gender Dysphoria/identity/spectrum, you have a sickness and needs to be treated as such, not GLORIFIED!  or force others to accept your delusional behavior.



      “If the Left rejects me because I used the wrong terminology, while they justify chemically mutilating children, so be it”

      Another conservative glutton for punishment. No one else on the planet must enjoy losing as much as you guys.


      “You are either a sperm producer, or an egg producer.”

      Again, biology has nothing to do with gender.

      Sex and gender are not the same thing. There are THREE genders. Male, fremale, neutral. No matter how often you repeat the lie that there are two genders, it won’t make it true. Gender is a grammatical term, and there are three grammatical genders.

      How can you people be this stupid? Insisting on using the wrong term for things. It’s like you’re looking at a house and you go “that’s a homestead”. No, it’s a house. “But for the past 200 years, people also called it a homestead, so now the terms are interchangeable.”  No they’re not. “I’m still gonna say homestead”.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Wisdom.
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