California $20 min wage. How to ruin your economy and have people cheer for it

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      So California just signed in a new law that fast food chains with X number of locations in California has to pay at least $20 an hour.  The law also creates a new council to “regulate” the fast food industry and can later on bump that higher if they so choose.

      Of course it was all done in the name of “compassion” for fast food workers whom they claim cannot carve out a life at that rates below that.  And they showed you a lady who has worked at Burger King for 20yrs who cheered it on.  They told you that anyone making less than $20 an hour would be below the poverty line with families of 4 or more.

      Makes people feel like good is being done.  That is until their Whopper is $20.  Their job gets replaced by a robot.  They have to get a second job because they lost their fulltime status and now they no longer have insurance or benefits.

      It seems to me that politicians have a formula now. They find a handful of cases and say, look at these folks.  They are not doing well.  We must help them.  But the help is generally an intentional power/money grab in the name of those few folks but to the detriment of everyone else.



      Fast Food jobs were never meant to be a career.  They were there for people to get skills, get something on their resume as saying they can work, be on time, dependable, etc.

      And I have already seen in the last decade how kiosk have replaced most cashiers at some of the fast food places near me.

      I have also seen reports of places that have already increased the “min wage” to $15, and how the lose of shifts, hours, benefits, etc. and those workers made far less now than before the raise.


        It blows me away how if you give someone something now but take away everything they have later, they will not only welcome such a thing but they will demand it.

        On some level I think this is one of the reasons for limitless immigration.  3rd world humans seem easy to control and sway because they are so in need they will do as you please for crumbs off the oligarch’s table.   When you are hungry and or scared people stop thinking multiple steps ahead and only consider the now.  If all the systems fail we all end up being 3rd world humans in that same situation.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.
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