California new law – masks required

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      i have to vent. there’s a new law enacted about 5 hours ago and it pisses me off. we are now REQUIRED by state law to wear a mask anywhere outside. it’s fucking bullshit. they didn’t give a fuck for 3 weeks about this nonsense while everyone was rioting and protesting, and now, because there’s a “sudden spike in covid cases” asshat newsome enacted this bullshit law. if you’re not in califonia please stay the hell out. if you are here, then i’m sorry.


      I have no intention of following this UNCONSTITUIONAL LAW.

      Fuck Nuisance and his wants. Im a free man.


      How is it any different than being required to wear pants or shirts?

      According to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Trump required everyone in the West Wing to wear masks (she confirmed it). Are you saying Trump is unconstitutional? Wow…go cry some more.


        Frankly, the difference is that I don’t breathe through any orifice covered by pants or shirts.

        Regarding the West Wing, I absolutely support an employer’s right to enforce safety rules on their job site.

        I skimmed through the new California law. The scope isn’t exactly “anywhere outside”. It does include public spaces — both outdoors and indoors. Personal spaces, like one’s own front/back yards and the interior of cars not used in a professional capacity, are exempt. There are a lot of other exceptions, too many to list but easily found online.


        Too many false information reports from the agenda driven press out there to have to enact this for California state wide,  better to leave it up to each county.

        1 – Masks do not protect you from getting sick, only that you will not give it to someone else.
        2 – Most people get sick from being in a house with other sick people
        3 – If you keep distance from others in public there is little chance of spread
        4 – I can see in stores or other crowded areas requiring masks.
        5 – I have seen reports that 20%, 30% and even 40% of regional populations that have already had the bug, so they would not have to wear masks and how do you determine these people from others in public.
        6 – If you are 70+ years old or have a condition known to be problematic stay home.

        Where I live in Ventura County there are 820,000 people.   So far 1700 have been tested positive that is 0.2%  and there have been 41 deaths, that is 0.005%

        At this rate Ventura COVID deaths will match the number of auto accident fatalities for the year,  so where is the law that we can only drive 5 miles an hour?


        • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by TomsTechShow.

          at my place of employment i also have to follow their safety standards including wearing a mask when they tell me to, however i should have a RIGHT to choose when such a time is necessary outside of work or my house.


          this law makes it a misdemeanor if i am not wearing a mask in such dangerous places as – a parking lot, or outside in public like a park.


          when is the last time you were within 6 feet of anyone in a fucking parking lot or at a park?


            See that’s what I was referring to, when I mentioned the exemptions found online.

            The following individuals are exempt from wearing a face covering:
            […several bullets are listed here about other exemptions, then the next one…]
            Persons who are engaged in outdoor work or recreation such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling, or running, when alone or with household members, and when they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others.”

            June 18, 2020 Guidance for Face Coverings

            I don’t know about a parking lot, but I know claiming someone in your party is “hearing impaired”, “where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication” is one exemption. ;)

            I’m not defending the rules — I’m just figuring out what they are, and aren’t.

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by WeareChaoS.

              See that’s what I was referring to, when I mentioned the exemptions found online.

              “The following individuals are exempt from wearing a face covering:

              […several bullets are listed here about other exemptions, then the next one…]

              Persons who are engaged in outdoor work or recreation such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling, or running, when alone or with household members, and when they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others.”


              I don’t know about a parking lot, but I know claiming someone in your party is “hearing impaired”, “where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication” is one exemption. ;)

              I’m not defending the rules; I’m just figuring out what they are, and aren’t.


                I don’t live in CA, but I have a vet appointment for my dogs soon; and while the vet has just allowed owners to enter the facility (vs. curbside drop off/pick up), owners have to wear a mask.

                When I’m handling my fidgety dogs, I don’t want to have to fuss with a dumb mask too.  I’m buying the set of three Hijabs pictured below from Amazon.  These will stay put, no hands near my face trying to readjust, and no worries about my overdue hair cut either. I’m not kidding.

                No, I’m not Muslim.  But I do have a rebellious / sarcastic streak.

                I also am aware of the now-redacted published studies conducted by reputable labs which concluded “both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.”, for example.

                I know. Masks offer little more than a symbol of compliance to most, perhaps reassuring the few who think they actually make a difference.  But getting myself fined or arrested isn’t going to help me or my family.  So I’ll follow the rules.


                I see you are a man of culture too!  This made me smile.


                I can understand why this california law on mask can be worrisome, but you may want to look at how they’re pushing an appeal on proposition 209 and all that’s left is for it to get through the cal. Senate. How do you think the vote would go in November if it makes it there? I don’t live in California but I don’t want something like appealing laws against discrimination to spread.


                Repealing the anti discrimination laws is the holy grail for the Slave owning DNC assholes.

                Everything else is a smoke screen. They are also trying to raise the home owner taxes that have been price set for 30 years so they can steal more money from citizens and give it to the illegals.


                  i get you 100% i just saw this the other day and if it wasn’t 2020 i wouldn’t believe they’re trying to repeal an anti-discrimination law to fight discrimination. and the problem is it’ll probably pass because the people out here vote in some seriously dumb shit. look at the gas tax and repeal for example. because these idiots voted against repealing the gas tax, they added the addendum to it that they can increase the gas tax at anytime for any reason without any legislation or vote.


                  I was denied food today unless I wore my mask.  I am being denied the most basic of life’s needs unless I bow before them.

                  This is getting to the point of fucking insane.

                  I was all okay with wearing a mask before half the country decided they didn’t have to.  And the experts all cowered behind them and said no you guys are fine.

                  We see what is going on here.  We see it.



                    Any non-N95 mask is barely more than a symbol of compliance.

                    When I read stories of well-meaning people making homemade cloth masks en masse, I’m reminded of pet rocks, tie-die shirts, and silicone bracelets. Sure, why not.  Some people will buy anything.

                    I do believe in social distancing and hygiene, however.  I don’t trust we know everything about this virus.

                    This coming Monday will be my first time beyond my property, since the beginning of March, for my pets’ vet appointments.  I’m wearing the hijab, no mask.  It is actually rather comfortable, fits even better than I had hoped.  If I’m turned away by the vet, they’re turning away $1,200 (that’s my typical bill each year for my pets’ annual appt.). No problem, the vet already approved my prescription refill for heartworm and flea prevention meds.

                    I don’t think I’m trusting enough to buy prepared food outside my home for a while; in fact, I’m not sure I’ll ever feel comfortable doing that again.  I’m a skinny white middle-aged female with blond hair.  So guess what I look like? I’m a target for hate — including compromised food — because I look like a fad stereotype, even though I was raised to behave like a respectable lady and I tend to hold my tongue (well, in person, anyway).  Every time someone pokes fun at “Karens” I feel hit in the gut, even though that isn’t my name, even though by nature I’m a “live and let live” kind of a person.   I look like one, and in our society now, that’s all that matters.

                    Everything I eat comes from my home, made from packaged ingredients. Actually, I’m still working through what I refer to as BC ( “before corona”) stock.     I live in hurricane alley, so before the lock-down, I had already stocked up, when prices were low, for the upcoming hurricane season: toilet paper, paper towels, non-perishable food, sanitizing wipes, etc.  I have been very fortunate.

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