Can you sue if an unvaccinated person gives you COVID?

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    ‘Choices have consequences’: Can you sue if an unvaccinated person gives you COVID-19?

    As the drumbeats of a Delta-driven fourth wave grow louder, an argument is being made that people who choose not to get vaccinated should face fines, loss of such benefits as employment insurance, increased rates for life insurance and personal liability, if it could be proven their behaviour caused the hospitalization or death of others.

    So they are wanting to attack the non-jabbed directly? ! ?

    “Want to reject expert opinion and the established facts about COVID and put yourself and others at risk? Then you should pay, if your choice harms others.”

    Fear-mongering!  Drum-beating!

    Scientists warn it may take vaccination rates nearing 90 per cent of the total population to quell a fourth wave of COVID…

    Hold on!  We were originally told you need Herd Immunity of 75%.  This constant “moving the goal post” is NOT giving faith to the “established facts” arguments.

    Caplan argued that, if an unvaccinated person infects and hospitalizes someone else, lawsuits should happen, “just like when somebody doesn’t adequately protect their pool with a fence or cover their well with a lid.” The unvaccinated may be liable for medical bills, lost wages and “declining earning capacity.”

    So, can we then use the same legal arguments to sue politicians, and criminal organizations (like BLM/antifa) for all the riots and the ESTABLISHED FACTS police and increased police reduces violence, property damage, etc.?

    I sure hope so.  We need to sue the shit out of all those demented dem mayors/governors who deliberately put their citizens and their property/livelihoods at risk/loss!

    Fully vaccinated people can still get “breakthrough” infections and spread the disease. But they’re “meaningfully different” than people who willingly refuse the shots…

    Splitting hairs on that one.  The jab helps prevent oneself from the more serious effects.  It does NOT prevent one from having nor spreading it.  So that is a FALSEHOOD!

    People are free to control what happens to their bodies, Caplan said. “No one has proposed, and I’m not, sending the vaccine police to your house to force vaccination on you and your family.” But freedoms come with responsibilities, obligations and duties, he said. “There are all sorts of freedoms, and they impact when they offend or restrict the liberty of others.”

    But that IS the next step.  If you can’t get people to voluntarily take this drug, can’t bribe them to take the drug, threaten them with job loses, restrictions to travel and visit certain establishments, you will eventually force the nazi police after you.

    In another article, they are opening calling for “concentration camps” and use those by FEMA to those whom are not controlled by their agenda!

    No vaccines are mandatory in Canada. Charter rights protect people from unwanted vaccination.

    Thanks goodness for the Charter of Rights!

    There are “a whole bunch of reasons” why people aren’t vaccinated, said McGill University law professor Richard Gold. “If you’re being misled, or don’t have proper information, or there has been historic discrimination against you or you don’t simply really have access, because you can’t take time off work if you get a bad reaction, then I’d be hesitant to impose personal liability,” Gold said. “First we educate and we do everything we can. I do worry about the equity of it.”

    OK then.  Please educate me on the LONG TERM side effects of this drug, providing documentational proof as is required with all other drugs?

    Please educate me on when drug maker liabilities will be REINSTATED on these drugs, so that if/when something BAD does happen we have a legal recourse on it?

    So to CLAIM it is SAFE without providing this PROOF is, IMO, a serious misleading information campaign.



      “The jab helps prevent oneself from the more serious effects”

      Why would I or anyone else be inclined to believe that?

      It prevents COVID
      It stops your from spreading it
      So I would believe the latest claim why?


      So I would believe the latest claim why?

      Because the LYING politicians, the narcissistic celebrities, and the agenda-driven media all say so?

      Because “their” experts are better that your “experts”.

      Oh wait, that is why we DON”T believe ANY of their claims!  Silly me.  🤭


        People have sued people that;
        Broke in to their house to rob them, then scrambling to get out fell an broke a leg… I mean I could sue anyone for anything basically.



        I keep seeing reports that Israel is suffering a massive infection rate of vaxxed people.

        I dont trust any of this shit. I certianly dont trust anything flipflopping Fucki thinks.


        Most people who give Covid are those who get Covid Vaccines. That is in the news all over the place and I mean even main stream outlets, all the big ones have written so many articles about these things but then they quickly try to say that we all have to get even more vaccines because the vaccines are not working. If something is not working, the simple logic is to do more of that like the Coyote Cartoon trying to catch the Road Runner. The Coyote tries to kill the Road Runner with a Vaccine but the Road Runner escape the Vaccine Trap. So, the Coyote gets out more and more Vaccines. But it turns out that the Coyote Mutated and Adapted and Evolved to be Immune to the Vaccines. By the way, Covid Vaccines are killing millions to billions of people in the next several years assuming people don’t try hard enough to fight it and people who get Covid Vaccines are growing Crystals inside their body which causes blood clots which then causes heart attacks and brain seizures and autoimmune diseases which activated in the fall of 2021 and winter of 2022 which fake news will blame on the unvaccinated. People who get the vaccines and who are near those vaccinated are becoming infertile and are developing cancer and a variety of things. The good news is there are natural remedies and a number of things people can do or try to do at the very least.


        @joeyarnoldvn being an anti-vaxxer and not trusting its effect is one thing, but how about providing some sources to back up a psychotic rampage like that? It’s like the reincarnation of Niko Bellic.

        I guess this is why the majority can’t take anti-vaxxers seriously, because even if there are people who just don’t wanna take a vaccination before being sure, they are always going to be linked with the mentally ill conspiracy theorists.


        To answer the question, they person does NOT have to get covid, and they can still charge you as being a terrorist! ! !

        Terrorism charges laid against 45 people accused of trying to infect others with COVID-19

        Nearly four dozen people in New Jersey have been hit with terrorism charges as part of the state’s campaign to criminalize threats of COVID-19 transmission.

        They are coming for you, too!

        If convicted, the 45 people could each face up to 10 years of prison time and a $150,000 fine, in what defence attorneys of the accused have called a “miscarriage of justice” targeting the poorest and most vulnerable residents of the state.

        As if that matters to these over zealous prosecutors.

        After being taken into custody, police say Lewis coughed “in close proximity” to the arresting officers and stated she had COVID-19, even though no dashboard, body or in-station videos have shown the encounter.

        Lewis had no criminal history prior to this exchange, but now she faces a terrorism charge after the officer’s allegation.

        As if you can control when you have to cough, but if you do… you are a domestic terrorist! ! !

        Since then, at least some of the accused have remained in jail or have entered prosecution deferment programs. Others have told the Guardian that their lives have been “ruined” by the charges, which many have called unjust.

        “People lives (sic) are being ruined because of these kind of charges with no proof of having COVID at all,” said Lewis, the woman arrested on warrants related to traffic tickets, via an email. “How can u (sic) assault someone who hasn’t gotten Covid?”

        In this era of sue for damages and get quick/easy money?  I am surprised cases like theses are not reported more often.  OH wait!  We have some of the most UN-trustworthy media evar!

        The charges are similar to the HIV transmission prosecutions in the 1990s, in which people were charged for threatening to transmit the virus or AIDS.

        New Jersey prosecutors, according to the Guardian, specifically cited precedents set by the 1990s HIV charges, in an attempt to justify action against those who threatened to spread COVID-19.

        Anything to continue the fear mongering about this disease…

        Chad Flanders, a U.S. law professor, told the Guardian that New Jersey’s decision to prosecute the accused was “unusually aggressive” and presented a mismatch between the severity of the crime and that of the penalty.

        “The idea we’re going after knuckleheads with 10 years and $150,000 fine – there’s sort of a disconnect to me,” he said.

        Considering how many prosecutors are no longer going after criminals who rob, commit murder, riot or looting, etc, they have to find someone to attack.

        So if you breathe or cough near someone, you too can be charged as a domestic terrorists!


        And with more and more nations now calling that a person is only considered “vaccinated” if their last booster shot was done within six-months.

        Any jab older than six-months ago and you (for the sake of vaccine passports/etc.) are considered UN-vaxxed.

        The question of can you sue will come down to timing of the last jab and when any transmission “may have” taken place.

        But I got my booster jab three weeks ago, so I am safe… yay but you infected me four weeks ago!  How do you know?


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