Canada, in as much trouble as the USA

  • This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Vknid.
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      This stuff was probably way out of hand 5 years ago in both our countries.  Now we are on a societal roller coaster that is coming off the rails.

      Good people (straight, gay or otherwise) need to come together and fight this nonsense.  It cannot be more obvious where this is going and that they are after children.


      I am not being negative about Canada, us here in the USA are in the same position.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Vknid.

      The threat of being call an -ist or a -phobe, cancelled and called out, and having the illegitimate spawn of castro potentially using a Emergency Act to confiscate bank accounts, etc.

      The inmates ARE running the Asylum, running around with their “PRIDE” and worship us or else.

      I saw an article where most people, Hetro and non, all just want to live their lives in peace, and to do without all this shoved into their faces.

      As was done in the Bible to Sodom and Gomorrah:


      And as a meme shows:


      What you do in the privacy of your own homes, is your business.

      Pushing this extreme toxic ideology/indoctrination to kids, punishing parents who object, etc.

      It is time the “silent majority” to say enough is enough, etc.


        I find it ironic (and not at the same time) that “woke” is clearly a religion.   Just like Christianity there are the constructs of sin, original sin and I would even say “priests” with their clergy essentially being the media.  But unlike Christianity there is NOT the concept of absolution.  So while the woke consider you sinful or even having original sin that you did not even necessarily participate in, there is no way out.  You are a sinner forever and can never become more than what you are.

        However, I find the most interesting difference is this.  God is the creator of all.  All powerful and without limitation.  But even he, does not force you to worship him.



        Canada is in far, far, far worse shape than the U.S.

        We have MAiD (medical Assistance in Dying).  It’s assisted suicide.  It just barely got sent back for a review on a change that will allow for people to get doctors to kill them for depression or other mental health issues. It almost got through without even getting additional safeguards, and once those “safeguards” are in, it will go through.  But that’s not the worst part. The worst part is that MAiD allows for “mature minors” to opt for it without parental permission. Right now, “mature minors” can only opt in if they are already dying, but the push is already on to also let them do it for depression.

        So this, literally can (and thus will) occur in Canada in the next few years: Someone will bring their 15 year old to a counsellor for being suicidal. The counselor will be a leftist whack-a-doodle. Over the course of some five or six months, this whack-a-doodle decides the kid really is unhelpable and it would be just to kill them. They apply to have the kid considered a mature minor. They are. Because of this, the parents don’t have to be told the kid decides to opt into MAiD. The new rules (in order to not be overly onerous) have made it so you only need one person to vouche for you that you are in your right mind, so the whack-a-Doodle vouching for the kid is enough.

        Parents pull up for the next session at the clinic and wait in the parking lot for their kid to leave the session. Kid goes in. Multi-purpose clinic has the local health office that provides MAiD. One hour later, the unsuspecting parents are asked to come in and retrieve the body. Because they went and asked for help for their kid’s depression.

        That’s literally what was about to literally be possible in actual Canada today.



          As a parent of a teenager with some strong emotional issues that absolutely breaks my heart to know Canada is going in that direction.  Canada is a beautiful country with beautiful people.  What that goverment is doing to it is truly evil and sinful.  I will pray for Canada as I do for the US.  Cleary we are both in dire trouble.

          I will add this.  The linchpin of morality in our western societies is the priceless value placed on life. Once that value falls away (and it’s really about there) nothing will have any value and you will have people in lines wanting to do this because they will very sadly feel like they are nothing and there is no value in life itself.

          What people do not understand, is that logically, it all means something or nothing means anything.  Either everyone has value or no one does.  The line in the sand between those 2 thought processes is God.  Without God we lose value and devolve into what is going on now.  That is one of the primary reasons God was intentionally removed from everywhere and to the point where belief in God is openly frowned upon and attacked.

          Am I saying everyone must believe in God?  No.  Everyone has the choice.  But unless a society as a whole believes in the moral code of God and thus the value placed on life, that society is lost to chaos.


          In Europe there are long traditions of nudism. For example Germany has the so called “FKK” (stands roughly for free body culture) culture. It is legal to sunbathe nude in public parks, outdoor swimming pools, beaches etc.  Very few do it, and with the recent influx of muslims, it has become dangerous to do it even. However, even at the height of FKK culture, people kept to themselves. There were no displays of sex acts, or fetish stuff. Yes, kids would see a dangling schlong or some boobs, but in an entirely non-sexual manner. And you know what? It bothered nobody. It was no more than a healthy sense of actual, real body positivity.

          So I’m really not a puritanist. I don’t mind nudity. But this isn’t healthy nudity, this is debauchery. I don’t care what they do behind closed doors. Those guys on the truck are engaging in vulgar fetish acts. Not romance, not nudity, but actual sexual acts (and not of the healthy kind). This is not okay in front of kids.

          This shows how sick the US and Canada have become. There is something truly twisted going on there, that is not found like this elsewhere.

          Look at American pride parades with simulated sex acts and bondage kink, half naked people crawling on leashes like a dog and just complete debauchery and then compare to pride parades in Japan.

          Notice anything different? Those who focus on the gay aspect are missing the pointg. It runs far deeper. There is cultural and societal rot in the west. The west no longer recognizes beauty and decency. It has come to celebrate (and often subsidize) all that is vile, ugly and morally reprehensible.

          As someone mentioned, Canada now has medically assisted suicide for people in poverty. There is an absolute disregard for human dignity in the West.
          It’s source is cultural relativism, postmodernism. When people are no longer able to recognize beauty and virtue, when all cultural norms are uprooted, all shrines razed and instead mediocrity enshrined, then the only remaining value is power.
          And the state has become god.

          Even as an Atheist, I have to say what is happening in the West is the very worst thing that can happen to a culture. Probably even worse than something like ISIS.


          It has been said that some “experts” think a solution to the health care crisis, was to look at the patients in terms of dollar value.

          Is it better to keep giving this individual medical care, or to exterminate them.

          That is what the “experts” said IIRC when a veteran with disabilities asked for funds to help make her home more accessible to her, which they declined to offer.

          They told her to go to a MAiD office instead.


          This looking at dollars/profits in the medical field is more obvious in the States, where treating teens/pre-teens with gender dysphoria with counselling when +95% will grow out of it is not as profitable than forcing them into mutilating surgeries that will leave them with lifelong medical treatments (and more profit$).

          Profits over health.

          Canada (and the lunatic left) are just doing it slightly differently.  But in the end, you are just a number, a potential source of revenue/costs.  Not a person.  Not an individual.


          The trans surgeries aren’t done for profit so much as for politics. They want more “oppressed” people.
          Even the counseling is a racket for the most part. You’re right, some 90% grow out of it after puberty.

          What they should be doing, when a young patient presents themselves with claims of dysphoria is:
          1. Diagnostics first. See what they’re dealing with. f-MRI and immunoassay. If those are negative, it’s very likely not real dysphoria. Might be hormonal or atyptical, but for the most part it’ll be psychological.
          2. Send everyone with negative results to psychologists.
          3. On those with positive results for pathological dysphoria, order a  more tests, send them to psychologists and psychiatrists to rule out mental illness, send them to endocrinologists to rule out hormonal imbalances. Only consider gender realignment surgery if the diagnosis is 100% confirmed.

          That would rule out about 90% of self-identified trans teens, and about 100% of those who later regret their surgery and commit suicide.

          And yes, that’s where we’re heading. Just a number, not a person. A slave.


            “The trans surgeries aren’t done for profit so much as for politics.”

            This is untrue.  To not understand the relationship between those 2 things is to not understand why this is catching on like wildfire.  Yes, there is MUCH political motivation to this but the clinics and doctors are also in it for the cash.  So you have this coming down the the top and being pushed by governments whom allow it and, don’t investigate it and essentially look the other way.  The clinics/doctors are all for it because they are making life long medical patients whom need VERY expensive care repeatedly. It’s not that 1 thing is driving it alone, but the fact that both groups are getting what they want from it and that is why it everywhere now.

            Most of the political insanity we see now is not due to 1 reason or 1 group. There is usually an alliance of groups each getting what they want from the situation.  The perfect example of this is the current LGBT movement itself.  You have a number of groups whom are often only very loosely associated with one another all defending each other to the death because they each get what they want.

            As far as your list.  Up until the last few years there was an extensive process to get hormones and surgeries (let’s be clear that putting on a wig or a dress does not make you trans).  As I understand it those things were only done for people who were diagnosed with the sickness that is dysphoria and only as a last resort and it was on their dime.  That system has been grossly perverted so that sick people can be used as political footballs all the while NOT giving them actual help but for all intents and purposes driving them further into sickness.

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