Canada is getting real comfortable with killing its disabled

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    Canada is getting real comfortable with killing its disabled

    Only months after Ottawa greenlit one of the world’s most liberal euthanasia regimes, a series of controversial state-sanctioned deaths have attracted growing international criticism that the Canadian health system now seems to be actively killing its disabled patients.

    We knew that ever since the libtard government announced this legislation.

    The AP story also quoted Tim Stainton, director of UBC’s Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship, who called medical assistance in dying “probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s.”

    When you have a government that does not care for human live, be it the old, the disabled, the pre-born, the more they can kill…

    The initial legislation was very careful to extend MAID (medical assistance in dying) only to Canadians with terminal illnesses whose death was “reasonably foreseeable.”

    And the slipper slope began!

    … the federal government earlier this year to widen MAID eligibility to sick Canadians who weren’t necessarily on death’s door.

    Which will lead to:

    Next year, the legislation will be expanded still further to include Canadians with mental illness.

    And who will decide those with mental illness to pick MAID?  A bureaucratic?  Your health care provider?  Your insurance provider?

    …a small but growing number of high-profile cases in which Canadians with treatable illnesses appear to have instead been prescribed death by lethal injection.

    Because it is cheaper to eliminate a “problem” than to solve it.

    Canada has now become an international poster child for how quickly the legalization of euthanasia can go off the rails.

    Any euthanasia is MURDER.  Legalizing it does not make it right.

    a team of United Nations special rapporteurs warned that Canada’s liberalization of euthanasia posed dire threats to its elderly and inform populations. “There is a grave concern that, if assisted dying is made available for all persons with a health condition or impairment … a social assumption might follow (or be subtly reinforced) that it is better to be dead than to live with a disability.”

    The report also warned of a “two-tiered system in which some would get suicide prevention and others suicide assistance.”

    You have money/insurance/coverage, we will treat you.

    You are poor/no coverage, we will kill you.

    So much for universal health care.



    Like I always said. The Nazis won WW2.

    Generelly I don’t mind euthanasia for terminally ill people who are basically suffering vegetables and want their suffering to end (or are brain dead already). But this will end up like in places like Belgium where healthy people can now receive assisted suicide for being depressed (nothing a little LSD can’t cure)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Wisdom.

      It boils down to one of the primary goals of the WEF, massive population reduction.  How they get there does not matter to them.


      Like in Logan’s Run, and its future utopia world, that is a dystopia where everyone must die by a certain age, in order to keep a balance between consumption of resources and the population.


      You become a burden on the system, you need to be removed from the system (ie killed).

      It is who decides this, what standards are use, etc. that we see is currently infesting our society.

      Only the healthy/wealthy/elites gives to live a long life.  Everyone else, once their usefulness is used up, out to pasture you go!


      Young woman who survived Brussels terror attack ‘euthanised’ after suffering severe PTSD

      A young woman who survived the 2016 terror attack in Brussels airport has died after choosing to be euthanised due to suffering extreme depression and PTSD following the incident.

      Euthanized?  Suicide?  Assisted Suicide?  Murdered?

      Despite escaping the blast and leaving the scene physically unharmed, the psychological effects of the attack sent her spiralling into a deep depression and left her suffering from intense panic attacks from which she never managed to recover from.

      Shanti later attended a psychiatric hospital in her hometown of Antwerp and took a range of antidepressant medications, but was unable to make a full recovery and attempted suicide on two seperate occasions in 2018 and 2020.

      And what did the doctors do?

       ‘I get a few medications for breakfast. And up to 11 antidepressants a day. I couldn’t live without it.

      ‘With all the medications I take, I feel like a ghost that can’t feel anything anymore. Maybe there were other solutions than medications.’

      Drugs, drugs, drugs.

      Euthanasia, defined as the practice of intentionally ending a person’s life to relieve pain and suffering, is legal in Belgium for an individual who is in ‘a medically futile condition of constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be alleviated, resulting from a serious and incurable disorder caused by illness or accident’.

      And I am sure that they will expand who all qualifies to be killed as time goes on.  Life has no meaning/value if it cannot be exploited by some, and when they are no longer useful, they are erased.


        Euthanasia, abortion, limiting farming, limiting energy production.  Seems to me the goal of ALL OF IT is to depopulate the planet.

        I know since at least the 80’s I can recall the thought was pushed, why bring children into this world.  Then that got ramped up to have less kids because of whatever but that chant was pretty loud.  And now it’s being yelled if you have kids you hate the planet and abortion on demand and whatnot.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.

        And it gets worse!

        Federal minister says she’s ‘shocked’ by suggestion of assisted deaths for some babies

        Canada’s minister of disability inclusion says she’s offended by a Quebec doctor’s suggestion that infants less than a year old should have access to medically assisted deaths if they are unlikely to survive and are dealing with severe health issues.


        Dr. Louis Roy, of Quebec’s College of Physicians, said his group believes assisted death could be offered to babies up to one year old “with severe deformities and very serious syndromes for which the chances of survival are virtually nil, and which will cause so much pain that a decision must be made to not allow the child to suffer.”

        And who is to say what that “suffering” is?

        Qualtrough, who is legally blind, said that while she can’t speak on behalf of the entire government, “there is no world where I would accept that.”

        People often make incorrect assumptions about the quality of life that someone with a disability experiences, she said.

        Yay, and people like Dr.Louis Roy is IMO more a Eugenicist.

        Qualtrough also said she hears frequently that some people with disabilities are seeking assisted deaths because they can’t find adequate housing or sufficient care.

        “Working with the disability community and hearing very regularly that people’s options around MAID are being driven by lack of social supports is devastating,” she said.

        So according to that doctor, kill the disabled to save on future social commitments by the government.

        Canadians who weren’t already nearing death became eligible for MAID in 2021, when the government changed the law in response to a lower court ruling. That change allows people with “grievous and irremediable” medical conditions who are experiencing “intolerable suffering” to seek a doctor’s help to die — even if their natural deaths are decades away.

        And how is a one year old infant to decide that?  They can’t!

        IMO, it is more that this “doctor” wants to give parents a away out of taking care of a disabled child of these… by KILLING IT!

        Before the law changed, the federal government was warned by many disability advocates of the risk of disabled people seeking assisted deaths because inadequate supports left them feeling they had no other options.

        And that is now happening.

        “I’m very concerned about the messages that people are getting from this, that somehow a life lived with disability is is worse than death,” she said.

        Not to a Eugenicist.  They are nothing but a mass of tissues to be tossed away.




        The cult of death is taking it one step further.

        Canadian doctors encouraged to bring up medically assisted death before their patients do

        In most jurisdictions in the world with legalized euthanasia, doctors are explicitly prohibited, or strongly discouraged from raising assisted dying with a patient.

        The request must come from the person.

        But a guidance document produced by Canada’s providers of medically assisted death states that doctors have a professional obligation to bring up MAID as an option, when it’s “medically relevant” and the person is likely eligible, as part of the informed consent process.

        ie. the people killing people want more people to kill, sooner rather than later.

        But some ethicists argue that introducing death as a “treatment option,” without the person suggesting it first, is seriously problematic, especially within the expanding realm of MAID, and that people could be unduly influenced to choose to have their life intentionally ended, given the power dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship.

        ie. I am tried of treating you, you are going to die eventually, so why not die now!

        “Some people, no matter how well-handled your conversation, may infer that it’s essentially a suggestion,” said University of Toronto bioethicist Kerry Bowman.

        “They would also definitely infer that they have the strong potential to meet eligibility criteria, or you wouldn’t be offering it.”

        Or the kickback from sending one to their death outweighs any financial benefit of keeping them coming to your office/keeping them alive.

        “We have to make sure that people are aware of their options,” (CAMAP’s vice president, Dr. Konia) Trouton said. “Awareness is not the same as coercing them or pushing them in that direction.”

        MAID would never be raised solely, in and of itself, she said, but within the context of discussing “goals of care” and “values clarifications.”

        ie. value to the financial bottom line to the physician?  value/cost to the patient to their bank accounts to keep them alive?  etc.

        “’Do you want to move to a nursing home? Do you want to be resuscitated? Do you want CPR? Do you want to be in the intensive care unit?’ And within that, ‘Is assistance to die something that is ethically abhorrent to you or acceptable to you? Is that something you want to explore more, or not?’”

        Which comes down to, do you want to die naturally or killed?  And if you had a competent doctor whom you have been visiting, they should already have a great deal of knowledge about that the patient thinks.

        Not raising MAID could mean to deny people’s rights, Bowman said, “because there are people out there that think, ‘If I was eligible, (the doctor) would have brought it up.’” Those living in isolated areas, or people new to Canada, may not know assisted death is legal in this country, he said.

        ie. they want more people to know they can be “legally killed”, so let us help you kill yourself!

        Many people in health care are risk avoidant, he said. “Knowing that someone could interpret their conversation as encouraging suicidality is enough to stop a lot of people from even bringing it up. Because that is clearly illegal.”

        I consider any form of killing as murder, be it via suicide, abortion, assisted killing, assassinations, etc.

        “I also see it as very problematic when we bring (MAID) up to people who can’t pay the rent, or people who are living with disability who don’t have adequate access to the things that they need,” Bowman said.

        Within the mental illness context, “imagine what this means,” said Trudo Lemmens, a professor of health law and policy at the University of Toronto.

        “You have a person who is severely depressed where the nature of the illness is often accompanied by a desire to die. The person takes a step to go and see a mental health counsellor to get help, and is being told, as part of the informed consent procedure, we can have treatment a, b, c or MAID.”

        The most vulnerable in society, a solution is deletion.  A form of eugenics, IMO.

        This is sickening.



        I thought I had posted the original story here, and this is the next step in this saga:

        Cabinet minister now says Veterans Affairs never offered MAID — after testifying they did

        Despite proffering a public apology and claiming the case was under police investigation, Canada’s veterans affairs minister now says Canadian soldiers were never offered a medically assisted death by members of his department.

        Just like in the novel 1984, they are trying to erase the past.

        In a late-night Monday tweet, Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay denied that Veterans Affairs caseworkers had offered medical assistance in dying (MAID) to Canadian Forces veterans, contrary to numerous news reports and his own testimony before a Commons committee.

        But they did!

        “This is incredibly false and harmful misinformation,” MacAulay tweeted in response to a tweet by Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who condemned the practice.”Veterans Affairs Canada does not offer medical assistance in dying to Veterans, never has and never will.”

        Another libtard lie.

        The minister’s tweet runs counter to his testimony before the House of Commons veterans affairs committee in November, when MacAulay not only admitted that as many as five Canadian Forces members were offered MAID by VAC, but said the caseworker accused of being behind the offers was suspended and the case was now before the RCMP for possible criminal charges.“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it once again, what happened was totally unacceptable,” MacAulay said during his testimony last month.

        And now you deny it ever happened.

        An internal investigation led by his deputy minister, Paul Ledwell, uncovered a total of four cases where veterans were offered MAID, MacAulay told the committee — all allegedly by the same caseworker.

        My Truth!  My truth is it never happened (when the truth is it DID HAPPEN!)

        Earlier this month, veteran and Paralympic athlete Christine Gauthier told the committee she was offer medical suicide at least twice during  interactions with VAC seeking assistance in building a wheelchair ramp at her home.

        For some reason, that article/post I can’t find of this story.

        Both MacAulay and Ledwell said the caseworker involved in four of those cases was suspended and the matter forwarded to the RCMP.

        Reaction online to MacAulay’s tweet was swift. Richards tweeted a video of MacAulay’s testimony from the Nov. 24 committee meeting, captioned with “Has your story changed yet again, Minister?”

        Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner included a screenshot of a news story of the minister’s Nov. 24 testimony, telling MacAuley that “gaslighting doesn’t fix the problem, Minister.”

        Liberals and gaslighting.  They so do like to gaslight even when they HAD the petroleum industry so much.

        Meincke, a veterans wellness advocate and podcaster who also testified before the committee on the issue, said MacAulay’s tweet was devastating.

        Meincke, who spoke with three of the veterans who’ve come forward, said he found MacAulay’s tweet even more confusing considering he was sent a letter from the minister himself apologizing for caseworkers counselling Canadian soldiers to kill themselves.

        “Our examination has uncovered four confirmed cases of inappropriate discussion on medical assistance in dying,” MacAulay wrote in his letter to Meincke, which was seen by the National Post.

        More lies from this liberal Canada’s veterans affairs minister.

        Even with proof they are lying, they still won’t admit the truth.


          This was prophesized years ago during all the Obama care crap when people were saying there would be death panels because it would end up being a monetary decision whether someone got to live or not.  Well once again, conservatives were correct.  Because here is Canada offering people death because the costs are lower.  How sick.

          To me this is Biblical. If there is one theme that comes from the Bible is that all life is precious as God loves and created each of us.  To kill people to save money is the antithesis of that.


          Quadriplegic Ontario mother says her only option is assisted suicide due to lack of support

          An Ontario woman is counting down the days until she can access medical assistance in dying (MAID), saying it’s more timely and easier to pursue MAID than it is to receive disability support services.

          “I am a 33-year-old quadriplegic single mom raising two kids with disabilities,” Rose Finlay said in a video shared on social media. “Every Ontarian that is paying taxes and paying into social programs thinking that one day should they ever need the supports they would be available to them, I’m here to let you know that’s not actually the case.”

          As the liberal (government) has said/implied many times, they would rather have to kill yourself (MAID) than pay for disability.

          Finlay notes that while the MAID eligibility assessment takes 90 days, it can take up to eight months to receive disability support.

          “My life as it is, without support as a quadriplegic is far more deadly than me even exploring the MAID process,” Finlay…

          And the government wants to make it easier for the disabled to kill themselves.

          Finlay writes that the government “has created the perfect storm for disabled people here in Ontario.”

          “Starve them, cut them off from participating in society and then offer them death,” she writes.

          Noting that the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) program determined Canadians need $2,000 at minimum to live, Finlay describes ODSP, where individuals can receive up to $1,228 per month, as “forced poverty.”

          Making life so bad, the only choice you have left is to kill yourself (MAID).

          Anonthy Frisina, director of media relations at the Ontario Disability Coalition, said ODSP needs to be doubled so people “can get out of legislated poverty and be in more of a position to be able to thrive.”

          And part of that is because the federal government’s share of health care funding is not keeping up with their share of the costs.

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