Canadian Truck Convoy/Rebellion

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  • #254988

      God bless those folks.  Everyone should be so loving and supportive of the country they are in or are from. Freedom isn’t free.  God Bless Canada and God Bless America.


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Vknid.


      There’s truckers on the road,
      Driving for our freedom,
      Steady down Highway 1,
      As the whole world cheers,
      They see the truth that lies ahead,
      This our last chance to make a stance,
      Stand tall and proud like Canadians,
      Keep driving on that road to freedom,
      Keep On Truckin in The Free World X 4

      They’re are driving thru the night,
      Hauling the freedom FIGHT,
      Precious cargo indeed,
      This trip must succeed,
      And as they pass their way thru the next small town,
      More and more people are gathering around,
      Canadian flags are flying high,
      Fire works are lighting up the sky,
      Keep on Truckin in the Free World X4

      Their destination grows near,
      Hello Mr. Trudeau can you hear?
      Hear their horns a blazing, hear their engines ROAR!
      They’ve joined together to settle the score,
      From the north, from the south, from the east, from the west,
      When your fighting for freedom there’s no time to rest,
      Like true Canadians they’ve made us PROUD!
      Keep On Truckin in the FREE WORLD X4




      Tredeau called them a “fringe minority”, as if that were a bad thing. But in the world of people like him, doesn’t being a “fringe minority” automatically make their concerns legitimate?



        While division is all over the place and there is an attempt to break down society into as many tribes as possible, at the end of the day the elites only see 2 types of people.  Those that are willing to do as they are told an those that aren’t.






        The hypocracy of the press and politicians:

        The calls of desecration of statues in Ottawa… putting a Canada Flag of the statue of Terry Fox, and a statue holding an upside-down Canadian flag and a sign that read, “Mandate Freedom.”

        Yet in the states, the media/politicians CHEERED with the desecration and destruction of their statues and monuments.

        So too is talk of those “soldiers who have given their lives for our country and those Canadian soldiers who continue to fight for our freedom today.”

        And those freedoms includes the freedom to protest peacefully!

        Freedom of assembly!

        Freedom to chose what you do to one’s own body!

        Then we get this:

        Police haven’t reported any physical violence at the ongoing Ottawa rally against vaccine mandates and other government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions, but critics warn that conflating the absence of bloodshed with “peaceful” protest downplays the dangers of the weekend demonstrations.

        Well, if you call the summer of “mostly” peaceful protests in the states… peaceful, WTF would you call one where you have protesters who ARE actually peaceful?

        Activists and academics on social media have taken issue with this characterization, saying it undermines the fear, damage and disruption the protests have wrought.

        OH!  So only extreme toxic alt-left are allowed to protest and with violence.  But a peaceful protest not along SJW/Woke/Left agenda is not?

        And there have been:

        …suggested the mass gathering could become a COVID-19 “superspreader event” that would have deadly consequences far beyond those who attended it.

        Only non-left demonstrations of “super spreader events”.  No one of the left CONDEMED the potential “super spreader events” of the summer of “peace”! ! !

        True and pure hypocracy!

        And in response, we have people saying this:

        Comedian Rob Schneider:

        I don’t often agree with Justin Trudeau, but I concur wholeheartedly that it is the selfless hardworking truckers “working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can #ThankATrucker for EVERYTHING they’re doing and help them however you can.”

        This in response to what Trudeau wrote not that long ago:


        Nice how once this libtard could no longer use them to his political advantage, he is now attacking those whom made sacrifices and still decided the freedom from the jab.

        And we also had this:

        “We want those great Canadian truckers to know that we are with them all the way,” (POTUS) Trump said at a rally in Texas on Saturday.


        This whole protest sounds so much like the protests truckers had in Paris not that long ago, and the elites are trembling because they see that happening here.

        A long protest of your average Canadians who are feed up with the tyrannical dictates against one’s freedoms and rights and livelihoods.


        So, someone actually played the “super-spreader event” card. For people driving in vehicles.

        I remember Fauci saying that back in the fall, about college football. And I also remember Clay Travis pointing out that Fauci’s fearmongering prediction didn’t even come close to being true.

        It’s like they think that after 2 years, we haven’t learned.


        @Audie  what do you expect?  The elites and media thinks everyone is STUPID and must BLINDLY accept what they say as fact/truth.  Who do you believe more, us or your own eyes?  Us of course!


        Leftist say “Let’s have a real conversation about A and B”

        Centrists and Conservatives say “Ok” they all set down and start having a real conversation with each other about A and B”

        Leftist – “I don’t like what you are saying because it doesn’t fit into my singular minded bubble, it is disinformation, you are a threat and a ist or phobe.” Publicly calls to shut them down and cancel them and or silence them”

        No conversation is had, then they play the victim when called out on their shit. Meanwhile, the Centrists and Conservatives try to have conversations and GET SOMETHING DONE!








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