Canadian Truck Convoy/Rebellion

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    Trudeau said authorities are prepared to hit protesters where it hurts the most by suspending commercial trucking licenses and pursuing charges that could result in jail time. He also warned that criminal sanctions could be levelled that would stop the protesters from ever travelling internationally again.

    Well, as it stands now, you CANNOT travel internationally if you don’t have the latest boosters shoot.

    So those who USED to WORK as ESSENTIAL WORKERS, as truckers brings goods into/from Canada, your jab mandate is already preventing such travel/continued jobs/earnings.

    Lemmings (NPCs), get in line, give away your freedoms for a sense of false “security”.


      I have been watching hours of live streams from the Freedom Convoy.  Mostly via Viva Frei.  I have never in my life seen so much love and comradery.  People are hugging, shaking hands and just oozing with mutual respect.

      All that BS that Trudeau is slinging is just that BS.

      Down with all authoritarians and long live Freedom.


      Trudeau is a coward.

      You can see when the topic of the Freedom Convoy is brought up in the House, he RUNS out, refusing to hear or answer any question.

      He never ONCE spoke with any of the leaders of the Freedom Convoy, nor has anyone from his ruling party meet with any of them.

      He is great at calling out for protests in OTHER nations, but is when it is at his doorsteps, he shows his LACK of LEADERSHIP.

      Please leave.  You are hurting my feelings and image.  Please leave.  Waa Waa WAA!



      This forum is still having some major issues, I tried posting like 4 times a response to @DigiCat so I’ll just write a very short summary:

      I think the ”law and order” and ”obey the law” that every right winger were yelling in 2020 should apply for them too. Otherwise it would be a case of rules for thee, not for me. Basically, if the protestors are willing to pay the price for breaking the law to protest, go ahead, but suffer the consequences like you’re supposed to. Here in Finland, people who were protesting about ”the corrupt government” in one of the least corrupt countries in the world, they had to pay the 600$ fine and payment for when the authority towed away their vehicles. Some of them were crying about how ”unfair” it is but if you break the law by blocking traffix you should get penalized.



        I think the ”law and order” and ”obey the law” that every right winger were yelling in 2020 should apply for them too. Otherwise it would be a case of rules for thee, not for me … in Finland, people who were protesting about ”the corrupt government” in one of the least corrupt countries in the world, they had to pay the 600$ fine and payment for when the authority towed away their vehicles. Some of them were crying about how ”unfair” it is

        Towing trucks away for blocking traffic is not unfair, as that is something that disrupts other people’s lives

        Mandating vaccines “by law” is unfair, it violates people’s bodily rights

        Mandateing restrictions on businesses “by law” is unfair, it not only disrupts people’s lives, it also causes them financial damage, the amount of small businesses that closed down in my town since all these crazy restrictions have been mandated infuriates me!

        Obay the law, yes, but don’t obay it blindly

        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by DigiCat.
        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by DigiCat.
        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by DigiCat.

        If everyone “obeyed the law” in history, there would be NO voting rights for females, NO abortions, NO LGBT####, NO US civil war, NO French Revolution, NO US independence from the British Empire, the world would be run by KINGS and EMPERORS, NO democracies, etc.

        You would all still be serfs and slaves.

        Unjust laws/mandates/policies/etc. should be peacefully protested.


        I can’t believe the government is trying to freeze the funds and try to steal it for themselves most likely to pocket it and fund there leftist b.s. group’s. 😡 Corruption at it’s worst for everyone to see.


        And just wait till they try to raise a defense funds.

        They will do the same.

        Freeze, confiscation, etc. so that they will NOT be able to defend themselves in court.



          “If everyone “obeyed the law” in history, there would be NO voting rights for females, NO abortions, NO LGBT####, NO US civil war, NO French Revolution, NO US independence from the British Empire, the world would be run by KINGS and EMPERORS, NO democracies, etc.”

          I can generally talk to anyone about anything without getting heated.  Abortion is the one thing I tend to avoid talking about because I find it most evil and it stings me to the core.  It does not belong in that list.  It is the antithesis to the other things in that list.  What other right should be higher than the right exist?  Abortion violates that right.  You either value all life or you don’t.  There is no in-between.

          A line from a song I am fond of, just as food for thought.

          “Let’s talk about abortion, sorry, tell me how this works?
          Bacteria is life on Mars but a heartbeat isn’t life on earth?”




          • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.

          @Vknid While I too consider abortion as a form of infanticide, the point I was making is that by protesting an existing law, people can cause change (be it for better or for worse).  In the case of baby killing, I say it was for the worse.  And that precedence can be overturned.  If you did not want to get pregnant, DONT HAVE SEX!  Problem solved.

          Back to the topic:

          TD has frozen two bank accounts to which $1.1 million dollars from raised funds for the Freedom Convey.

          I could not tell if those funds were already in the accounts BEFORE the injunction against allows fund raising for the protects, or if the funds came in AFTERWARDS into those two accounts.


            Understood sir.

            And yes what the corps and Canadian government are doing is absolute tyranny.  They are literally making up laws on the spot and openly stealing from these good people.  I mean if peaceful protest does not initiate change and only gets the boot of the government what peaceful options are left?


            @DigiCat I wasn’t comparing the unfairness between the mandates and towing trucks, I just mentioned as I found it hilarious how these people went full surprised pikachu face Bout having to pay the consequences for breaking the law when the police warned in advance about it.

            And I guess we disagree then, since I think anyone who breaks the law should get punished for it. Otherwise it will be a slippery slope with no clear boundary about when it is okay to break the law for the sake of protests. Some might find a protest really important while others find it stupid. Who is to judge when it is okay to break the law during a protest? It would just lead to more unfairness and conflicts when some get away with it and others don’t, and that could have some seriously damaging consequences for an equal and democratic country. As I said, rules for thee, not for me. And that’s my problem. If the truckers wanna break the law and see it as a worthy price for getting heard then fine, but prepare to be held accountable.



              I think anyone protesting something to that degree understands there could be consequences.  There have been such consequences throughout history for anyone that bucked the system so this is nothing new.

              And unfortunately that slippery slope you speak of is here.  It seems to be the general leftist consensus that BLM riots good, trucker protest bad.  So you already have western governments choosing who to bring to heel and who not too based on who is on their side or serves their purpose.  Yes I know BLM was mostly a USA thing and this is clearly mostly Canadian but I think you get what I am laying down.

              The whole thing is really frightening if you ask me.  It is clear now that most of the western governments exist only to serve themselves and anyone else be damned.


                I wasn’t comparing the unfairness between the mandates and towing trucks, I just mentioned as I found it hilarious how these people went full surprised pikachu face Bout having to pay the consequences for breaking the law when the police warned in advance about it.

                I know that, what i meant to say is there’s a difference between complaining about paying a fine you knew was the consequence as being unfair and complaining about the unfairness of these mandates, i’m sure there were both types of people at the protests

                And like @Vknid said, the “rules for thee, not for me” thing is already happening, with governments closing an eye with protest that benefit their narrative while enforcing law and order with those that go against them, we both agree that rules for thee, not for me is unfair


                @Vknid @DigiCat but over 14 000 people got arrested during the BLM protests. And with such a big crowd protesting it’s ofc impossible to catch everyone, but they should ofc arrest anyone they can prove being guilty.

                One thing I’ve always been baffled over in the polarization of politics in America is how fixated people are on pointing the flaws on the other side while doing the same thing. The mentality of ”oh he did wrong”  while themselves being guilty too.

                To find some common ground, can we agree that every single one breaking the law should get arrested no matter what political opinion they represent? Can we agree that 14 000+ people in BLM protests got rightfully arrested and everyone guilty of breaking he law but who got away should get arrested?

                Can we agree that 769 people in Capitol Hill protest got rightfully arrested and everyone guilty of breaking the law but who gog away should get arrested?

                Can we agree that anyone breaking the law in the truck party shoukd get penalized for breaking the law?

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