Canadian Truck Convoy/Rebellion

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      I appreciate you reaching for common ground.  That is what we should all do.

      I have never heard that number of 14k arrested.  If it’s correct what went on with BLM riots is not even close to the trucker convoy.  During the BLM riots people were killed, buildings burned and looted.  Entire swaths of cities were essentially destroyed.  And even if 14k were arrested how many were prosecuted?  Because as far as I know they almost all walked.  So you cannot equate one to the other in my mind.

      The capitol hill thing, I cannot comment on I stay away from that one.  It’s been so blown out of proportion and we know now the feds were involved and encouraged that stuff.  It’s such a wacky thing.

      It’s an easy thing to say, if you break the law you are bad and should be dealt with.  Sure, that’s how it works.  But what if the law is unjust?  What if someone makes a law today that says using Sonic the Hedgehog images is a felony.  Are you going to turn yourself in?

      But in the spirit of common ground I will agree that in general folks should not break laws.


      EDIT- Like you I dislike shielding yourself from criticism by criticizing someone else. Deflection in that manner is used often in politics but outside of intentionally pointing out hypocrisy it does not work in my summation.

      • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.

      BLM riots is not even close to the trucker convoy.  During the BLM riots people were killed, buildings burned and looted.

      I’m not saying the truckers should get as harsh punishment since their crime is obviously not as big. But everyone should get punished either way.

      And even if 14k were arrested how many were prosecuted?  Because as far as I know they almost all walked.

      14k+ is what I found from sources, about how many were prosecuted I’m not sure of, but if you claim almost all 14k walked away I would like to know where this came from. And it’s obvious not everyone who gets arrested gets prosecuted, if they can’t find proof. But at least they acted and arrested suspected people.

      were involved and encouraged that stuff.

      so was Trump. No, he never said directly to go riot and break inside doors but telling his fanbase ( and Trump damn well knows he has some mentally unstable people, to say it nicely, in his fanbase) to walk to the Capitol and fight like hell is definitely pouring some gas to the flames. And even after that he claimed nothing happened and that they were just hugging and chatting with the police when in reality 5 people died, some cops got severe damage to their heads and were fighting for their lives for 4-5 hours straight against people. That is irresponsible and straight up lying. We all know if it was the other way around, he would’ve called it a bloodbath and act of violence etc.

      What if someone makes a law today that says using Sonic the Hedgehog images is a felony.  Are you going to turn yourself in?

      well I created my profile here originally as a joke, but I get your point. But to answer it, if I see something worth protesting I will protest but I would not break any rules or laws to do it. That would not take me anywhere. It’s the same miconception with Trump when people said he was anti-immigrant and making fun of him being against immigrants when his wife is one, when in reality he is against illegal immigrants. In the same way, I have no problem with truckers, Trumpets at the capitol, BLM, furries, conspiracy theorists, feminists or anyone protesting, everyone has a right to protest. I have a problem when they do it illegally


        I appreciate what you have said and honestly I agree with most of it.

        Like most anyone Trump is imperfect and you have to take the good with the bad.  Trump’s outspoken manner is his strength but since he seems not to know how to temper it, it is also is weakness.  Did he want the capitol thing to happen?  No.  And he said nothing to spark that.  Saying to fight like hell is not at all the same thing as storm the capitol.  However, I have no doubt he was trying to whip up support for himself without thinking it through fully.

        Are there nuts within the Trump fanbase?  Sure, every tribe has it’s crazies.  The left I would argue has more because I think they attract those sorts of militant folks intentionally because they want them as “foot soldiers”.  That’s not to try to put the left in a box, I think it’s an actual political strategy they are utilizing.  And what that means is they are using people for their own purposes without any pause for what might happen to them.  Probably happens on the “right” as well but for the left that’s their stock in trade.

        And I get what you are saying about protesting peacefully.  But sometimes you are just going to have to break the law.  I know during the lockdown stuff in Australia a law was made saying you could not protest AT ALL for ANY reason.  At that point you HAVE to break the law or just be happy with a boot on your neck.

        “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”

        EDIT – here  are some articles about those arrested being let go.  One appears to be left leaning the other center and or maybe right.  They agree people were let go, they disagree on the reasons why.

        91% Violent Antifa, BLM Rioters Released in Portland…So Far

        Cities Drop Most Charges Against BLM Protesters as Cops Fail to Provide Evidence


        EDIT2- There is also this thought process.  Should citizens break the law to protest when government is breaking the law against them?  There is that situation as well.  As we know the Canadian police have stolen resources from the truckers including the government trying to freeze their funds and take the money.  Here is a heinous example.


        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.
        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by WeareChaoS.

          Well I just responded to you with what you asked for in a long post but either it was removed or there was some glitch and it screwed up when I edited it.  I figure it was a glitch there was no reason to remove it I can think of so.


          ‘God Made A Trucker’ the ad the Super Bowl doesn’t want you to see…

          God looked down on his planned paradise and said it needs a backbone, so God made a trucker…


          And of those blm/antifa arrests, how many were prosecuted?  How many were found GUILTY?  Almost ALL charges were DROPPED as the summer of peace was ALLOWED to riot, burn businesses, loot, etc.

          Yet truly PEACEFUL PROTESTERS are being charged.

          That is a HUGE difference.


          Trudeau plans on invoking the Emergencies Act: sources

          Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has told his caucus he will invoke the never-before-used Emergencies Act to give the federal government extra powers to handle the protests across the country, according to sources.

          What is this act?

          The Emergencies Act, which replaced the War Measures Act in the 1980s, defines a national emergency as a temporary “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it.”

          No lives, health or safety is being threatened.  SO this would be a SERIOUS OVER-REACH by this government.

          The War Measures Act was most famously used by Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau during the October Crisis.

          Like father, like son.

          They both have CONTEMTP for the citizens there are supposed to represent in Parliament.



            I had pulled/read a number of articles on the BLM arrests.  From left and right and center sources.  They all agreed that almost no one was prosecuted.  The left articles claimed this was because the police did not do their job properly.  The right and center pointed the finger to DA’s who refused to prosecute.

            And the thing about protesting without breaking laws.  Well at some point that is impossible, like in Australia when they made a law saying no protests are allowed. And what about when the government breaks it’s own laws to attack protestors?  Like the Canadian police stealing supplies and fuel from protestors, the government freezing money in bank accounts and even the police destroying or “disabling” machinery so the protestors cannot use it (yes they even admitted it)?

            At some point you either break the law or accept the boot on your neck.


            “when tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”


              Just ran across this. It’s very profound.



              Is Trudeau a Castro?

              All the left-wingers say nothing about gun control when it’s one of their dictators calling out the guns on people.

              The Red Army don’t play. Will Justin murder more than daddy Fidel?

              HAPPENING NOW: If you are Canadian and you support the truckers and the government finds out about it they can shut down your bank accounts without a court order EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.



              Federal government invokes Emergencies Act for first time ever in response to protests, blockades Social Sharing

              Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s invoking the Emergencies Act for the first time in Canada’s history to give the federal government temporary powers to handle ongoing blockades and protests against pandemic restrictions.

              Temporary powers?

              Like the two-weeks to flatten the curve?

              Mandates being temporary?

              Trudeau said the measures will be geographically targeted and “reasonable and proportionate to the threats they are meant to address.”

              I can’t believe one word this fool says.

              “This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people’s jobs and restoring confidence in our institutions,” he said.

              Except for the jobs of the people who don’t want to get the jab.

              To those free-thinkers, Trudeau is giving the double bird salute to, just like dear old dad did.

              The Emergencies Act, which replaced the War Measures Act in the 1980s, defines a national emergency as a temporary “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it.”

              Which currently is not happening.  No lives are in danger, unless the police start to over reach and over react.

              Once cabinet declares an emergency, it takes effect right away — but the government still needs to go to Parliament within seven days to get approval. If either the Commons or the Senate votes against the motion, the emergency declaration is revoked.

              So it can still be revoked.  Sadly, in those seven days, irreconcilable harm and damage will be caused to the peaceful protesters, their lives and health and financial situations.

              NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said Monday that while he sees the prime minister’s decision to turn to the Emergencies Act as “proof of a failure of leadership,” he will support the declaration — which should secure its passage through a minority Parliament.

              Correct!  It is a proof of failed leadership.  But by supporting it, Singh is not thinking of the people protesting the mandates, but for a political opportunity to get Trudeau removed and getting replaced by him.

              “The reason why we got to this point is because the prime minister let the siege in Ottawa go on for weeks and weeks without actually doing anything about it, allowed the convoy to shut down borders without responding appropriately,” he said.

              Exactly.  No dialogue.  All name calling.  Trudeau is an idiot.

              Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre — the only person so far running to lead his party — said the way to end the protest and illegal blockades is to remove the mandates.

              “Real simple. Listen to the science, do what other provinces and countries are doing, that is to end the mandates and restrictions so protesters can get back to their lives and their jobs,” he said heading into question period Monday.

              “The only emergency is the one that Justin Trudeau has deliberately created to divide the country and gain politically.”

              Putting peoples lives and livelyhood second to your personal political gains shows Justin is NOT representative of the people.

              This is not a leader, this is a tyrant, a dictator, a spoiled child who cries when he does not get HIS way.


                I suspect they are setting the stage where they will rush into the convoys with massive overwhelming police force.  In true authoritarian fashion I expect them to pick a few spots to hit with maximum force to scare everyone else into going home and as an example for future protests.  They will claim they went into the areas where all the law breaking white supremist nazis are.

                It will get ugly from here as the left will punish everyone as much as possible.  Hence the hacking of GiveSendGo and the promise to dox everyone who donated.

                It is no longer ironic that actual fascists squash their self admitted enemies for being fascists. It is equal parts concerning and maddening.

                The only way this all stops is when people force it to stop and I am not at all sure peaceful protests will do it.


                  so was Trump. No, he never said directly to go riot and break inside doors but telling his fanbase ( and Trump damn well knows he has some mentally unstable people, to say it nicely, in his fanbase) to walk to the Capitol and fight like hell is definitely pouring some gas to the flames

                  I’ll bring up a story which has nothing todo with this thread as an example: i remember a story from a while back about parents complaining that one of Cardi B’s performances on an award show was too sexualized for their kids to watch and claiming she should take responsibility for that, her responce was that it’s the parents responsibility if they let/not let their kids watch or listen to her content which she herself says is not for kids, she is not responsible for other people’s children, she’s only responsible for her own

                  The same way Cardi is not responsible for other people’s kids, neither Trump nor anyone on the left is responsible for the actions of their supporters, if an adult goes out and does something wrong, claiming you were infuenced by someones words does not exempt you from personal responsibility, and if that person is a minor or someone mentally unstable them responsibility goes to their caretakers


                  @DigiCat are you suggesting people must take responsibility for their OWN actions?  And not blame society, the patriarchy/matriarchy, the ex-, the phase of the moon, some dead person from several centuries ago, a dead bird/animal at the side of the road, etc.

                  Sadly, too many people WANT to be known as a “VICTIM” when they are not a true “victim” of anything other than their own stupidity/laziness.


                    I believe people are built for struggle, part of God’s plan if you will.  So when we lead lives of little to no struggle we tend to look for things to struggle against even if it has to be conjured.

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