Canadian Truck Convoy/Rebellion

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    Two Canadian premiers urge Trudeau and Biden to end vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers

    Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, joined by 16 American governors, have written to President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanding the end of vaccination mandates for cross-border truckers.

    Our heroes during the pandemic should not be made to suffer for the sacrifices they made.

    “We are deeply concerned that terminating these exemptions has had demonstrably negative impacts on the north American supply chain, the cost of living and access to essential products for the people of both our countries,” the letter says.


    The letter to Biden and Trudeau asks both governments to “immediately reinstate” exemptions for cross-border truck traffic, citing the strain already on supply chains because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It claims that “thousands of drivers” will leave the trucking industry, which is “already facing a significant workforce shortage.”

    A disruption and shortage BOTH Biden and Trudeau seems to want to make worse.

    “The removal of these exemptions is ultimately unnecessary and we cannot afford to lose any more truck drivers who transport food and other vital supplies across the border,” the letter says.

    An industry that has a need for THOUSANDS of new truck drivers.


    Banks are moving to freeze accounts linked to convoy protests. Here’s what you need to know

    Using powers granted under the Emergencies Act, the federal government has directed banks and other financial institutions to stop doing business with people associated with the anti-vaccine mandate convoy occupying the nation’s capital.

    According to the regulations published late Tuesday, financial institutions are required to monitor and halt all transactions that funnel money to demonstrators — a measure designed to cut off funding to a well-financed protest…

    Attacking people who are feed up with the mandates, and want to return to a normal world, this is Trudeau.

    The government’s new directive, called the “emergency economic measures order,” goes beyond asking banks to simply stop transferring funds to protest organizers. The government wants banks to stop doing business with some people altogether.

    The order says that banks and other financial entities (like credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts and cryptocurrency platforms) must stop “providing any financial or related services” to people associated with the protests — a move that will result in frozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards.

    You will be un-personed.

    The government is also ordering insurance companies to suspend policies on vehicles that are part of an unlawful “public assembly.”

    These financial institutions can’t handle cash, issue a loan, extend a mortgage or more generally facilitate “any transaction” of a “designated person” while the Emergencies Act is in place.

    Any transaction?  So the government will be forcing people to miss payments, be it your gas/electricity, be it you car/home loan.

    You have a retirement plan?  A pension?  Not any more!

    They want the banks to declare a default, and they can then foreclose on your property.

    All because the freedom convoy is not obeying the left’s agenda.

    The regulations define a “designated person” who can be cut off from financial services as someone who is “directly or indirectly” participating in a “public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace,” or a person engaging in “serious interference with trade” or “critical infrastructure.”

    So if you contributed in any way, from money to food to holding flags as the convoy went past, etc, you are an ENEMY of the left, and as such they want to PUNISH you for wrong-think.

    The Emergencies Act and its associated regulations are in effect for only 30 days; that period could be shorter if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet revoke it or if Parliament scuttles it after a vote. But a senior government official said there could be long-term implications.

    “For the most part, financial institutions can decide who they do business with and they may decide to cease offering financial services,” the official said.

    In english that means if you are for freedom, and decided to be part of the freedom movement, the totalitarian left will show how oppressive they can be.

    Over the longer term, (Jessica Davis, president of Insight Threat Intelligence and a former CSIS strategic analyst) said, it may be hard for some of the truckers participating to ever find work again because they could lack the necessary insurance to operate a big rig.

    “Paying bills, paying rent and any kind of day-to-day financial transaction can be stopped for people who are part of the protest movement,” she said.

    There may also be some “unintended consequences” from frozen accounts, such as suspended alimony and child support payments, Davis said. “It’s going to be very difficult for them.”

    So they can go after them for failure to pay, and throw them into JAIL for it too.  How nice.

    Are there any legal implications for the banks?
    Banks have been granted immunity against legal action in the event of disputes over whether someone should have been denied financial services.

    “No proceedings under the Emergencies Act and no civil proceedings lie against an entity for complying with this Order,” the regulations read.

    So if they made a mistake, to bad, so said, FUCK OFF the money/property is now legally OURS.

    While these measures might help to bust up a protest that has severely disrupted the nation’s capital, Davis said they could also further “radicalize” a group that is already concerned about government overreach.

    “This will further entrench their ideas and their mindset,” she said.

    It will only prove of government over reach, and its dictatorship regime in the minds of those righting for our rights and freedoms in a democratic nation.


    All Trudeau had to do was to announce the stages of a removal of these federal mandates, with milestones needed to reach each on.

    But NO!  The egomaniac PM does not want to remove these mandates.

    And ambiguity still remains on why the government took the bold step of invoking the Emergencies Act, considering most of the blockades were cleared by police before any national public emergency was declared.

    Vindictive bastard who want to get revenge on those whom have shown the complete lack of leadership skills this blackfaced/failed drama teacher is.

    Leaked donor records from Sunday’s cyberattack on crowdfunding website GiveSendGo showed most of the $8 million raised at that point had come from Canadians.

    This libtard is going after Canadians, their jobs/livelyhoods, savings and homes.


      Anyone with a half functioning brain in Canada should be scared sh!tless right about now.

      They must also understand they stand at a fork in the road.

      One path is to let Trudeau have his way and Canada becomes a land ruled not by individual freedom but by the boot of their government.

      The other path is to band together and fight back now and cause Trudeau to recoil and backtrack.

      However, at the end of the day.  They voted for this.


        This does not bode well.  I assume there was a run on the banks to some degree and this might have been done to slow it.

        So I guess in Canada, your money is not yours.  You only have it because the bank and government allows you too.


        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.

          Leaders of the Convoy protest have been arrested.



            I am watching a livestream by “ZOT” in Ottawa and he happened to catch literal busloads and cars full of police show up.  I assume they are about to move in on the convoy.



            UPDATE EDIT – ZOT was arrested at the end of that livestream.  It looked like the police did not want him getting near what appeared like a fleet of tow trucks.

            • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.



              All signs are the cops are either moving in now or about too.  Looks like the protest ends today.


              Canada is playing fast and loose with the rule of law to suppress the Freedom Convoy. Where’s the outrage?

              Canada’s legislature has been canceled, at least for the day. In a statement Friday morning, the speaker of the House of Commons announced the body would not sit due to operations to clear now-famous “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests in downtown Ottawa.

              So the members of parliament does not have to hear the crying of children as the police separate families and make arrest of PEACEFUL protestors.

              The decision not to hold go into session during heavy police action is not so shocking. And prime ministers have been accused of delaying legislative activity for political reasons in the past.

              Anything to avoid responsibility and having to answer question.

              Because it’s such a drastic revision of standard procedures, however, invoking the act also requires approval by both houses of Parliament within seven sitting days of the emergency declaration. With the House of Commons closed, the government is effectively extending the clock on its use of special powers without democratic authorization.

              Typical dictatorship of the trudeau regime.

              Still, it’s striking how different the political and media response to a domestically popular government cracking down on dissent can be.

              Because it goes against the agenda, it is BAD, regardless how true the protest is.

              And why are not the media being attacking/sued/etc. for using/publishing STOLEN/HACKED data/information?  How many people who donated to the freedom convoy of even as low as $20 are being DOXXED, threatened, etc.?

              Where is the outrage of this abuse/illegal activity?

              Why is the police not investigating and making arrests of the hackers and publishers?


                @Legatus_Legionis, watching that video about Stella Luna Gelato and hearing about all the support, the many sticky notes and baloons that were covering her shop vs the few insults and a bedsheet (and no bricks thrown at windows) just proves that sane and compassionate people are actually the majority, while those few lunatics are nothing but cowards

                And now i can’t wait for my local gelato shop to open back up for the summer 😋🍦 Buon Appetito!


                  Ottawa has erupted into chaos.  The police are pushing and provoking the protestors whom are declaring they are peaceful.


                  God in heaven, please protect these good people whom are only putting forth the very freedom you have bestowed on all humanity.   Please keep them safe from the authoritarians.  Amen.

                  The police are pushing on and arresting folks while they proclaim their love for them as Canadians.  I have never witnessed such terrible actions.

                  Freedom comes to existence with a roar, yet it dies quietly and alone through the inaction of the masses with a boot on the neck of the people.



                  • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.
                  • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.
                  • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.

                    I have been watching live streams of the convoy for several days now.  I am floored by how loving these people are for one another and even for freedom itself.  For goodness sakes they were singing O’Canada and telling the cops they loved them while the “cops” (hired thugs) were all in riot gear wielding batons pushing and antagonizing them over and over.

                    It breaks my heart to see these good folks abused and terrorized by their government.  I lower my head as well because I fear it comes here next (USA).

                    Clearly the freedom in the west is under direct assault by wanna be authoritarians who have their puppet strings being pulled by the financial elite.

                    We must all fight back, or as the truckers have been screaming HOLD THE LINE!





                      @Legatus_Legionis, those aren’t cops, those are criminals


                      those aren’t cops, those are criminals

                      And yet if you read the bias media, it is the protestors who are causing ALL the issues.

                      And the mayor of Ottawa is:

                      Ottawa’s mayor says any vehicles seized during the police crackdown on the occupation of the downtown should be sold to cover costs incurred by the city.

                      “We actually have the ability to confiscate those vehicles and sell them,” Mayor Jim Watson said Saturday.

                      “And I want to see them sold. I don’t want the return to these people who’ve been causing such frustration and angst in our community.”

                      Making peaceful protest illegal, punishing those whom are protesting for a return for our freedoms, etc.

                      Not only does the Prime Minister want to get all the funds and bank accounts of these freedom loving CANADIANS, the mayor of Ottawa wants to make sure they can’t work, by stealing their vehicles.

                      The suffering that Ottawa residents have endured has been “absolutely unacceptable,”…

                      And so too has been the suffering of ALL Canadians (and those across the world) suffering under these draconian lockdown mandates, the loss of jobs and income, loss of family and friends, etc.


                      And if parliament does not pass the Emergence Act, then the actions of the banks, the police, and the PM are illegal and SHOULD be prosecuted, for attack our legal right for peaceful protests/demonstrations.

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