Canadian Truck Convoy/Rebellion

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      Ottawa’s mayor says any vehicles seized during the police crackdown on the occupation of the downtown should be sold to cover costs incurred by the city.

      “We actually have the ability to confiscate those vehicles and sell them,” Mayor Jim Watson said Saturday.

      “And I want to see them sold. I don’t want the return to these people who’ve been causing such frustration and angst in our community.”



        Truly, the events that unfolded in Canada are beyond awful and traumatic.  See below for an example.  Warning, it’s tough to watch.


        But what should scare the sh!t out of everyone is that I fear this is an advanced chapter in the playbook to tear down democracy in the west.  I am concerned this would playout the same way in the UK, parts of Europe and even the US.  I fear it would be the EXACT same plays.  Everything against government would be racist and phobic and whatever else and they would claim they have the right to bring down the thunder on the protestors because of it.

        EDIT – of course it’s age restricted it shows what the government did to their own people

        • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Vknid.



        And the anti-freedom agenda has passed.

        Emergencies Act passes crucial House of Commons vote with NDP support

        Motion affirming Emergencies Act passes House by vote of 185 to 151

        Oh, let’s see.

        In the last election, the liberals won 160 seats, and the ndp won 25 seat s= 185 votes against peaceful protests.

        Trudeau was asked if the deployment of the act is still necessary, now that police have cleared the area in front of Parliament Hill. He said his government wouldn’t keep the enhanced powers provided for under the act in place “a single day longer than necessary.”

        Didn’t they say the same thing about all these mandates for the last three+ years?

        “Even though things seem to be resolving very well in Ottawa, this state of emergency is not over,” he said.

        They want to first make sure their revenge against peaceful protestors (frozen bank accounts, fired from jobs, assets confiscated, etc) has not yet finished.

        The at-times tense and personal debate over the Emergencies Act has pitted the Liberal government against the Conservatives and Bloc Québécois, a combination Liberal MP Kevin Lamoureux referred to as an “unholy alliance.”

        Because both parties believe in free speech, and the the right to peacefully protest.

        Something the Libtards and their socialist allies are against, in their demonic alliance against Canadian citizens.



        I’m beyond impressed with the restraint of the protestors, and appalled at the tyranny of the Canadian government.

        While I know there are still protests, I’m wondering what the people of Canada as a whole think of all this. Just business as usual? It didn’t affect them, so they don’t care?


        lets not forget we’re talking, mainly, about the working class, working men and women without big bank accounts, they’re not elite, they cant go to Switzerland and open a new account, and they’re not a protected social class… That’s why the (evil) government immediately attacked their finances and blocked any kind of donations. The complete opposite of the “peaceful” protesters in the “summer of love” (aka rioters and looters and murderers).
        It’s a messed-up situation.


        Somehow related:


        Someone sent me a video and went on kind of long, but one thing that stood out was that, after passing the Emergency Powers Act, they are going after donors RETROACTIVELY! So, if a person donated before any drama, they still get punished. Think I also read that they are going after FAMILY of anyone who donated? Final point not addressed in video, but a person was saying that there are a lot of Chinese in Canada who went there because they could not trust communist banks, so now that this has happened, Chinese are going to have to find somewhere else to put their capital, but where would that be?


          Ottawa convoy protest organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

          Tamara Lich, a major organizer of the so-called Freedom Convoy, was denied bail Tuesday morning in Ottawa.

          You got to be kinding?

          On Tuesday, the judge said she was not convinced Lich would go home, stay there…

          Yet those involved with the summer of riots/looting were back out on the streets like overnight.  But a peaceful protester is TOO much for the tyrannical governments.

          “In Canada, every citizen can certainly disagree with and protest against government decisions but it needs to be done in a democratic fashion in abidance with the laws that have been established democratically.”

          Like the right to peacefully protests!

          But is seems now the courts are saying only CERTAIN protests are allowed.  Those for rights and freedoms are NOT a legal protest.

          (Ontario Superior Court Justice Julie) Bourgeois said she found Lich to be guarded and “almost obstructive” at times during the initial court appearance on Saturday and the judge stated it was disturbing Lich didn’t have a plan to get home…

          With her bank account frozen?  How the hell was she to go home?  Walk? ! ?

          Tamara Lich, who Bourgeois says could face a “lengthy” stay in prison if convicted, is scheduled to return to court on March 2.

          Go against the extremely toxic far alt-left agenda, you will ROT in jail and prison.

          But if you are FOR their agenda, you get out of jail free!

          No prosecutions, No trials, No prison, No accounts frozen, No accountability for the BILLIONS of loses their riots/looting/arson caused.

          The law/courts are BLIND only when they want to be, and BIASED when they want to be.


            Her only “crime” is not cowering in fear before the state and they will make sure she pays dearly for it so that others will pause before doing the same.

            Everyone needs to understand there is NO coincidence that the radical left junk presents itself all over the west in the same exact way.  The playbook they use at one country they use with all of them.

            This IS coming to a country near you unless we turn things around VERY soon.



            I wonder whether this crackdown will either inspire more people to rise up against the government, or to cower in fear. I think at a certain point, people will have to stand up. Maybe I’m a little naive, but there has to be some more people to stand up against Trudeau


              I place my bets on more people rising up


              That fact we have to wait three more years to get another chance to vote this LIBTARD out of office and kick all their any Canadian agenda trash out, unless the NDP finally takes the heads out of their asses and get a no-confidence motion to passed, freedom in Canada will continue to suffer.


                They are already ready to pull something similar in the US.  I read an article stating they were already calling in the nation guard to DC for the convoy planned there.

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