Capitalism works. If you disagree, you’re wrong.

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming General Gaming Discussion Capitalism works. If you disagree, you’re wrong.

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    As has been said, the problem with capitalism is not that there are too many capitalists, but too few. Centralization is the real evil:

    • Centralized capitalism is giant corporations colluding with governments to strangle competition;
    • Decentralized capitalism is a host of local Mom-n-Pop shops successfully competing against giant corporations.

    Two methods corporations use to eliminate competition:

    • Regulations. Giant corporations are in the best position to handle regulations (assuming they even have to comply), whereas Mom-n-Pop shops can easily be choked by them. (Also consider the moves made to snuff out the gig economy.)
    • Income tax. This is not a tax on wealth (as popularly misunderstood), but a tax on those becoming wealthy. Naturally, those already wealthy love income taxes, because it means fewer people will become wealthy like them, thus increasing their relative power.

    I still believe decentralized opposition is the best chance we have to take down the centralists (like the damage Budweiser has sustained).

    I’m reminded of the animated, shape-shifting wizard battle between Morgana and Merlin. Morgana shifts to a dragon, thinking nothing can beat that, but Merlin shifts to a bacterial colony and infects the dragon with a disease. :)


      Capitalism, or the free market if you will, is the best system in my opinion.  Is it perfect?  No, but nothing created by humans ever will be.

      But with that said, what we have now in the USA is NOT pure capitalism or the free market.  The government controls so much of it where it has the power to pick winners and losers that I would not at all call it a free market.

      So when people in this country say, “capitalism sucks” I tend to assume they mean our current form of it and I agree with them, it does suck.  But it’s not that it should be more restrictive (that’s how we got here), it should be more free.  This is an interesting point as this should be an area where people unite for a common cause yet they are actually VERY divided.  I am quite confident that is intentional.

      It seems to me most everyone condemning capitalism makes the philosophical error believing government can fix the areas where “freedom” has failed.  The only areas where “freedom” has failed are the ones in which the government removed the freedom.

      Government is the problem, not the solution.


      I agree

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