Changing the meaning of the three letters in SJW

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    I have noticed for a long that the SJWs don’t live up in anyway, shape or form to the 3 letters that represent the 3 words of their acronym group definition which is Social Justice Warrior.

    To me these SJWs aren’t Social what so ever….and in fact most if not all of them are very Anti-Social and behave like children throwing a temper tantrum on the playground when they don’t get their way or even understand something? The worst part about this is that these are adults that think like children acting this way ruining our liberties and freedoms of the West.

    And I can tell you that they are very, very Anti-Social and I know this because I have Aspergers Syndrome along with ADHD and I am Anti-Social myself as someone who has both Aspergers and ADHD only that when I throw a temper tantrum when I don’t get my way or understand something in life…….I am not fucking freedom over for other people in my country and the world while claiming I am peacefully protesting only to destroy things to try to get attention.

    I many ways most if not all SJWs are probably more Anti-Social and just plain socially awkward than I am even with my Aspergers, and ADHD along with other stuff in my life!!!!

    Most SJWs are so Ant-Social that they make me seem approachable to socialize with. SJWs make me look like Hugh Jackman in comparison in that he is a nice guy and is easy to have a conversation with which I am not in real life with all my social awkwardness but because of these SJWs….I seem like a normal nice guy to talk to most people in comparison.

    It is like how the Star Wars Prequels before the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy came around were said to be the worst Star Wars Trilogy ever made…..then Evil Aunt Kathy aka Kathleen Kennedy came around…made the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and made the Star Wars Prequels look even better regardless of their imperfections and flaws stood next to the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.

    …..I am the Star Wars Prequels and the SJWs are the Star Wars Sequels. Not to sound arrogant talking about myself this way but if you guys knew me in real life…you’d realize that despite me being kinda hard to get along with and my lack of social understanding that may accidentally offend many of you….I unlike an SJW won’t accuse you of being a racist, hating women, being homophobic, and I wouldn’t even try to hurt your reputation enough to take away your chances of getting a job in the future unlike the SJWs even if you disagreed with me.

    I may be childlike but SJWs with their childlike behaviour next to my own makes me look like a very well mannered and behaved childlike adult and that is how Anti-Social SJWs are which is why they don’t live up to the S part that stands for Social in SJW.

    Now for the J part of SJW which stands for Justice and SJWs don’t live up to the Justice part of their group designation. Most SJWs don’t make justice but instead commit alot of crime in terms of their protests usually turning violent, them beating up innocent people who don’t deserve to be beat up and just happened to standing near where they were protesting like say an old lady trying to cross the street to get to the other side but she had to walk past a SJW protest then the SJWs see her and beat her up then say she is a bad guy from World War 2.

    SJWs are Criminals more than champions of Justice from what I could see of their behaviour.

    So SJWs don’t deserve the J part of their group term to be Justice.

    Now for the W part of SJW which they claim stands for Warriors and all I have to say is….a Warrior wouldn’t go out then start a fight with a random person who has nothing to do with them nor poses or opposes their cause like a random old lady trying to cross the street then she gets beat up by these SJWs, gets called a bad guy from World War 2 then when the police show up these so called Warriors would get on the ground and say the old lady attack them first and they need the police to protect them from the random old lady they attacked first?

    Warriors don’t start fights….they end them and they only fight those that are their equals who actually oppose them in a violent way. Warriors will use diplomacy first as much as possible and the violence is the very, very last resort after all other non violent resorts were used up to try to deal with the situation peacefully.

    Also Warriors don’t feign being a victim and ask the cops to help them when it was clearly them who hurt the other person first.

    So the SJWs don’t live up to the W part which stands for Warrior in their group designation.

    So what I think we should do is that we take away the 3 words of Social Justice Warrior away from the SJWs but we still call the looney far left SJWs because the first three letters there will not be short for Social Justice Warrior anymore but be changed to 3 words more accurate to what these SJW, Keyboard warrior morons stand for which will be……

    …….Stupid Jackass Wankers or Stupid Jackass Weirdos!!!!! That is what the term SJW should mean for now on for these annoying brain dead keyboard far left weirdos instead of being short for Social Justice Warrior.

    Remember WWF once stood for both World Wildlife Foundation and World Wrestling Federation at the same time for a long time until the World Wrestling Federation decided to change their name to WWE which now stands for World Wrestling Entertainment.

    So we can change the meaning of SJW without altering the acronym which many of us who hate SJWs are so used to saying to describe them but instead change the meaning of the three letters of their group designation of the acronym of SJW to Stupid Jackass Wankers which people in the UK can call them from now on but here in North America the term SJW will now stand for Stupid Jackass Weirdos.

    And the term Social Justice Warrior that no longer applies to SJWs as it doesn’t fit them at all and to keep calling SJWs the Social Justice Warrior in my opinion is extremely disrespectful and demeaning to the actual brave people who fought against real social injustice and other bad things since 1960s to early 2000s.

    Martin Luther King Jr. was a true Social Justice Warrior but he is no SJW nor should we ever, ever for whatever reason refer to him as an SJW but instead only describe him as a Social Justice Warrior and say all three words instead of just the first letters of each word because he was very very Social and he was generally good with people in his community and other communities that weren’t even his own….something SJW keyboard warriors aren’t good at with how Anti-Social they are.

    Martin Luther King Jr. was also someone who truly stood for Justice because they guy had no criminal record to speak of at all in his life and only protested peacefully never getting violent once with anyone during his protests against racism unlike the SJW keyboard warriors who would go and attack an old lady for just being near their protests.

    And most important of all Martin Luther King Jr. was true Warrior in that he never went out to start fights with anyone even those who wanted to get violent with him first like KKK and bad guys from World War 2. Martin Luther King Jr. stood his ground using only his words to end fights and said all he wanted to say without even using swear words or curses to those who stood in opposition to him…..those are the actions of a Warrior and a badass unlike the SJW keyboard warriors who would just start a fight with an innocent bystander then when the cops come would feign victim and tell the cops that the bystander they attacked…started it first.

    So I say in honour of Martin Luther King Jr. and the other brave men and women like him who actually fought against true racism, gender inequality, homophobia and all kinds of Social Injustices throughout our Western Liberal Democracies over the many decades since the 1960s, I say we start an online petition to get enough signatures to take away the term Social Justice Warrior from the current looney far left weirdos who don’t even live up to the 3 words of Social Justice Warrior.

    And we give the looney far left the new designation of:

    Stupid Jack Wanker (which the UK will call them from now on)
    Stupid Jackass Weirdo (which North Americans will call them from now on)

    And we give the term Social Justice Warrior back to Martin Luther King Jr. and others like him who actually live up to those 3 words that brought real positive change to our society throughout the decades but we can never say Martin Luther King Jr. and other Civil Rights heroes like him are SJWs as that term SJW as in just the 3 letters that don’t have to stand for Social Justice Warrior should stay with the looney far left.

    The looney far left can still be called SJWs but they should never ever, ever, ever be referred to as Social Justice Warriors from now on. I refuse to say that Kathleen Kennedy, Tessa Thompson, Brie Larson, Amber Heard, Jussie Smollet and other horrible people like that should share the term Social Justice Warrior with a great man like Martin Luther King Jr. who unlike them actual is Social, he did believe in Justice and he was a true Warrior.

    Kathleen Kennedy is still gonna be an SJW but she won’t be a  Social Justice Warrior anymore as she doesn’t live up to those 3 words in my opinion. But Kathleen Kennedy is still an SJW in that she is a Stupid Jackass Wanker or Stupid Jackass Weirdo as she and others cut from the same cloth as her are totally living up to the 3 words of Stupid Jackass Wanker or Stupid Jackass Weirdo.

    So I say someone somewhere starts this petition to take Social Justice Warrior away from SJWs on the far left and replace it with Stupid Jackass Wankers or Stupid Jackass Weirdos…..who is with me on this?

    Tell me your thoughts.

















    As intelligent as you may be, I’m not reading all of that but I’ll give you a thumbs up and just say yes, I agree..


      Stupid Jackass Wankers

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 That’s better than anything I could come up with


      Senseless Judgemental Wazzocks.

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