Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › Current Events › “Che Flores becomes NBA’s first nonbinary and transgender referee”
You read that right. Non-binary and transgender. I am not sure she (pretty sure it’s an actual she) is aware of what those words are supposed to indicate. Although I guess when you are using made-up words like non-binary it really does not matter how you use them.
This nonsense needs to stop. Why does society entertain these illogical assertions and treat them as if they are real. People can identify as whatever they want they can use whatever pronouns they want, that’s always been the case. But you don’t get to force others to treat you a certain way or use the language you prefer. And keep in mind pronouns are only something others use to refer to you, you don’t use those to refer to you. So saying “I choose these pronouns” has the baked in assumption of forcing the speech of others.
“‘One piece I was missing for myself was that no one knew how I identified,’ Flores told GQ. ‘Being misgendered as she/her always just felt like a little jab in the gut.'”
Here is her quote from the article. If others peoples words which are not even meant to cause bad feelings harm you, that is a YOU problem. It does not matter how it makes you feel. No one has the “freedom” to remove freedom from others by forcing their action or speech.
If you want to live as the opposite sex. You go right ahead. No one will stop you or even care. That is until you try to force them to act as you wish. That is insanity as everyone knows you are the opposite sex and pretending otherwise is not tethered to reality.
I was watching Blair White yesterday. She (and yes I said she because I choose to not because I am forced to) and while referring to the unrealistic expectations of some other trans folks declared (which she has done many times), “I am a man”. Blair chooses to live as a woman. I disagree with that as I think mental health treatment is best but that’s not my call. And if she wants to do that, fine. But she does not demand anyone pretend she is not a man or that she does not have a twig and berries.
I agree. This is getting WAY out of control. If they want to compete in sports that’s wonderful BUT they should also have their own category. I’ve said this many times over the last few years to the point where I’m now tired of saying it.
” If they want to compete in sports that’s wonderful BUT they should also have their own category.”
I disagree. Regardless of what gets lopped off or stuck on, you are still either a man or a woman. People should simply play in the league to which they belong. No different league is needed because their is not a 3rd sex regardless of what they choose to think of themselves as.
Besides, they would never play in another league for just “trans”. The whole point for them to live in the delusion they they have changed their sex and they would not agree to do anything else. And the hard push for this is an agenda driven one for a number of reasons and having a trans league would defuse that.
And it continues.
Some might ask. What’s wrong with this? If you have to ask that you are void of common sense and any level of useable critical thinking.
Men are not women. Period. And an older man wishing to be among younger girls (beyond leading them or teaching them) is suspiciously creepy because even if you were not creepy you should have enough sense to know it would be perceived as creepy regardless and you make everyone feel weird and uncomfortable.
The reason this nonsense goes on is because we have allowed it. That’s to say there are now no consequences for such behavior. We have allowed every requested piece of nonsense for decades. So now that we finally say no, they lose their minds and act as if we are the mentally ill ones.
What is now something almost normal and people stay quiet about is something that previously would have been considered so egregious and outlandish the reaction would have been very different.
30+ years ago a full grown man showing up to a teenage girls event to compete would have been summarily snapped up by angry fathers and escorted out.
50+ years ago a full grown man showing up to a teenage girls event to compete would have been summarily snapped up by angry fathers, escorted out and received a beating.
75+ years ago a full grown man showing up to a teenage girls event to compete would have been summarily snapped up by angry fathers, beaten and escorted out of town with a threat of death if he returns.
You can look at any of those versions of reaction and call it whatever you want. But in those prior decades, there was not an issue with people trying to sexualize our children publicly, openly and with the support of government. And I am not saying violence is the answer I am just demonstrating how far things have slid down the slippery slope.
And again, no I am not saying to assault trans (or any) people. Trans (another propaganda word at this point) folks can do as they wish. They can be whatever they want and almost anyone will leave them be and all that is fine. The point at what we shift from “live and let live” is the point when you try to mess with someone’s kids and that goes for anyone of any gender, race or whatever class you can conceive of.
We have to stop allowing this.
“50-year-old trans professor takes last place in Toronto teen girls’ swim race”