CNN says Biden is Out

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  • #183286

      The Democrats told the nation their plans yesterday on Twitter.



      The only truthful thing I’ve ever seen CNN publish.


      “CNN says Biden is Out”

      That’s not what it says.

      I know you’re not big on Google, but look up the definition of “if and when.”



      Yes, this is not what it sais. How could you read that out of this text?


        You need to learn something called context.  It is a simple concept.


          Easily.  That is what they want to do.  Get Biden out as quickly as possible because he has Dementia.  Insert Kamala as President and possibly Hillary as VP.  They are literally telegraphing their intent.

          I am not sure if you are replying to me though.  Seems like you are replying to Shifty.


          You need to learn the English fucking language, in no context does “if and when” mean what you stupidly think it does because the latter would make the former…and the phrase itself pointless.


          Even if that’s the plan, and most of us expect it is, that’s not what’s being said here.


          The question becomes, IF biden somehow wins and gets into the W.H. how soon afterwards will he be replaced with the VP?

          Will he even get to be sworn in before handing power over?

          So in true, the US is voting not for biden for president, but kamala as president.


          Considering how quickly kamala was forced out of the presidential nomination process, even the democrats delegations did not want her.


            Go away Shifty.

            Biden himself tweeted today that Kamala will take over on January 20201 if he wins.

            They arent even hiding it anymore.


              Good question.  My question is who would be her VP?  Could you imagine someone like Hillary or Warren or God forbid, Michelle Obama?


              Biden didn’t say that either.

              You have really awful reading comprehension skills.

              Maybe your tinfoil hat is too tight?


                He sure did say that.

                “I’ve decided that Kamala Harris is the best person to help me take this fight to Donald Trump and Mike Pence and then to lead this nation starting in January 2021.”


                Kumalongadingdong is not a natural born citizen. her Birth Cert is from jamacia. Hell there is no record of her parents ever becoming naturalized so she is an illegal alien.

                She cannot be the VP nor the President and anyone who thinks she can failed basic english and civics. \


                Secondly anyone who has been paying attention knows that Gropin Joe cannot be the President due to his dimentia. The DNC is throwing the race so they can claim that Trump stole it for another 4 years.


                Again, your reading comprehension sucks, but spin that tweet however you want.


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