College Students Troll The Living Hell Out Of Woke Gender Survey

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    College Students Troll The Living Hell Out Of Woke Gender Survey

    Oregon State University students drew backlash from university researchers after posting mocking responses to a survey regarding LGBTQ students…

    OH, really?

    The university’s research team claims 50 of 349 responses to the survey were “slurs, hate speech, or direct targeting of the research team.” The researchers have used the responses to examine “engineering culture,”…

    Engineering deals with facts and scientific reality.

    So, when confronted with this woke “imaginary” ideology survey, how did they reply?

    Students reportedly mocked the survey’s request for demographic data. Roughly 24% of students identified their gender as a type of helicopter. The students filled out responses including “Apache Attack Helicopter” and “V22 osprey,”…

    How dare you to say their “identity” is not valid!  Bigots!

    When asked about disabilities, some respondents claimed to be illiterate. Others argued that transgenderism should be considered a disability due to its “inability to come to terms with biological reality,”…

    I whole heartedly agree with that second point about biological reality.

    Questions about ethnicity were reportedly dismissed altogether. Responses to this question reportedly included, “[m]y skin color is not important,” and “[c]ome on man, these questions are stupid. Everyone is a grab bag of genetics from all over the world.”

    Exactly.  As races and ethnicities mix, such questions are problematic.

    Researchers claim that the “malicious” responses had a negative impact on the mental health of some members of their cohort…

    Snowflakes!  Where is my safespace!  Help help, I am being confronted with reality!

    The research team concluded that fascism had become popular among engineering and computer science students.

    With no proof.  If you disagree with the agenda/narrative, then by their faulty logic, you have to be labeled something nasty.

    In response, the researchers suggested a “social justice STEM education” to educate students…

    You mean to indoctrinate to your repulsive extremely toxic far alt left cult.

    They claim their goal is to use this research to change the way institutions operate…

    Into more indoctrination and less into critical, open mindedness, well educated minds.

    The team’s research reportedly faced rejection from many academic journals, leading them to conclude that anti-fascist research in academia is considered “irrelevant to engineering education, if not alarmist.”

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but your survey into wokeness is NOT worthy on any academic level.  Wokeness by definition is the anti-education culture.

    A true survey would be about how to get rid of such indoctrination from the school systems so students can get the best education possible.



      I think it’s great to see people rebelling against this stuff but while it’s a sign of positive movement it still means 86% of those queried were either on board with woke or afraid to go against it.


      From what I’ve read over the last several years, most of this generation actually hates this woke nonsense. It’s something that the media and Hollywood clearly doesn’t want to acknowledge.


        The propaganda is so engrained now people who don’t agree with it repeat it and there is massive fear of backlash if they dissent in the least. When these things change culture will shift and I think that has started.


        This is funny as hell.


        Not surprised this was in Oregon. I live in the town the College is located, and it’s run by leftists. The people here are predominantly left. It’s probably one of the most boring cities I have ever been to, and I’ve lived in three states. For a college town, not much happens here, there isn’t much to do imo. Strip clubs are not allowed here either. There is a city ordinance against them. The homelessness is huge here too, but wasn’t 8 years ago. Crime is bad near the college too. It is common for people to get their cars broken into for example. The LGBTQ here is ridiculous. I went to see the new MI today and the theatre blatantly had two of them as cashiers at the food/drink area. Clearly they don’t want to make them take off their “identifying” make-up and attire. You know, like a business should be doing. Making them adhere to a dress code!!!!! I actually got out of line and just didn’t get a drink because of it. No, I am not “intolerant”, but I am not going to support that.

        So, no strip clubs allowed, but LGBTQ out and proud on display all over the place. Well, I’d rather have the strip clubs.


        If there are no strip clubs does that mean there are no “kid friendly” drag queen shows?

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