Comic Book Introductions

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    My main forte is comics, so in the spirit of fostering some good conversations, and maybe increasing each other’s knowledge and tastes, fill out this brief questionnaire. Just copy and paste the questions with your own answers.

    1. Do you prefer Marvel, DC, Image, or another indie publisher?

    2. Favorite characters in some of these universes?

    3. Favorite story arc or reading recommendations of the above characters for someone wanting to jump in?

    4. What was your first comic book?

    5. Favorite comic book writer(s)?

    6. Favorite comic book artist(s)?

    Let’s do this!
    1. Do you prefer Marvel, DC, Image, or another indie publisher?
    – DC, but I don’t really discriminate.

    2. Favorite characters in some of these universes?
    – (MARVEL) Peter Parker Spider-Man and Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel
    – (DC) Classic Wally West Flash, Hal Jordan Green Lantern, and Kara Zor-El Supergirl
    – (IMAGE) Sara Pezzini Witchblade

    – 3. Favorite story arc or reading recommendations of the above characters for someone wanting to jump in?
    – For Spidey…The Amazing Spider-Man vol.1 “The Parker Luck” 2014
    – For Ms. Marvel…Ms. Marvel vol.1 “Best of the Best” by Brian Reed 2006
    – For Flash…The Flash “Born to Run” 1992
    – For Green Lantern…Green Lantern Rebirth 2004
    – For the Girl of Steel…Superman/Batman: The Return of Supergirl 2004, Supergirl Vol.1 “Power”, and Supergirl vol.2 “Candor”
    – For Witchblade…Witchblade Origins Vol.1&2

    4. What was your first comic book?
    – The Flash #0 Beginning of Tomorrow 1994

    5. Favorite comic book writer(s)?
    – Geoff Johns, Dan Abnett, Paul Dini, Dan Jurgens, Scott Lobdell, Peter J Tomasi, James Tynion IV, Tim Seely…

    6. Favorite comic book artist(s)?
    – Michael Turner, J Scott Campbell, Kenneth Rocafort, Brett Booth, Jim Lee, Ed Benes, Ivan Reis, Jason Fabok, Mike Wieringo, Marc Silvestri, Jorge Jimenez


    Prefer Marvel, love DC and never got into image comics

    2. My favourite characters are easily the X-Men, with DC the batfamily (Dick Grayson Bruce Wayne etc)

    3. For the X -men Chris Claremonts original run will always be the best comic book run of all time for me
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Batman- probably Frank miller’s dark Knight returns or Scott Snider’s new 52 run, Morrison was also good.</p>
    4. My first comic was avengers by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and spider man by Lee and romita. Also BMB’s ultimate spider man was one of my firsts

    5. Chris Claremont, Scott Snyder, Joss whedon, grant Morrison, Steve englehart, Alan Moore, Peter David etc.

    6. John romita jr., Mark Bagley , John Byrne , Jim Lee , Marc silvestry, Jack Kirby , Steve dikto , Neal Adams , Larry stroman


    I used to read Spiderman back in the 90’s along with the future one Spider Man 2040


    1. I’d say DC, but I still love Marvel

    2. For DC, Batman. For Marvel, Spider-Man. I don’t read Image so I’ll just say Spawn cause he looks cool.

    3. For Batman, Court of Owls, Black Mirror, Death in the Family, and obviously DKR. If you want something recent, Batman Universe is really good. For Spider-Man, JMS’s run, early Dikto-Lee, Ultimate Spider-Man, and, recently, Spider-Man: Life Story.

    4. Civil War

    5. Depends of the character, but Geoff Johns, Hickman, Scott Snyder, Chris Claremont, Denny O’Neil, etc.

    6. Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Jack Kirby, Alex Ross, Neal Adams, Steve Ditko, EVS


    Cliché comic book guy/writer here.

    1.- Do you prefer Marvel, DC, Image, or another indie publisher? I was mostly a Marvel/Image guy for almost 30 years, now I only care about quality. I mostly read Top Cow, Udon, European albums, and indie stuff nowadays.

    2. Favorite characters in some of these universes? Gambit is my favorite fictional character.

    3. Favorite story arc or reading recommendations of the above characters for someone wanting to jump in? Wolverine & Gambit: Victims.

    4. What was your first comic book? It was an ’80s promotional comic book from a local sausage company featuring Chabelo, a local Mexican celebrity.

    5. Favorite comic book writer(s)? Alan Moore, Tim Seeley, Chris Claremont, Joss Whedon, Matt Wagner, Terry Moore, Jeff Parker…

    6. Favorite comic book artist(s)? Joe Madureira, Alvin Lee, Jim Lee, Stjepan Šejić, Alex Ross…


    I got to meet Joe Madureira a few years back; super chill guy!


    That’s so rad, man! I missed meeting him the only time he has come here. Did you get a sketch or something?


    Hi! I’m new here, figured I’d introduce myself here. Nice to meet you all!

    1. Do you prefer Marvel, DC, Image, or another indie publisher? Used to buy Marvel, now I’m open to recommendations as Marvel has wrecked itself. I’ve grabbed several Indiegogo campaigns as well (mainly from Ya Boi Zack, particularly Jawbreakers).

    2. Favorite characters in some of these universes? Wolverine is my top one from Marvel, along with Susan Storm. Hellpriest is my favorite from Jawbreakers.

    3. Favorite story arc or reading recommendations of the above characters for someone wanting to jump in? I very much liked Frank Miller’s take on Wolverine. Elektra Lives Again is also a recommendation hands down. Claremont’s Days of Future Past  and Morrison’s New X-men are some of my favorite runs from X-men.

    4. What was your first comic book? New X-Men, that I brought because of the beautiful Jean Grey cover (ironically, it was drawn by EVS).

    5. Favorite comic book writer(s)? Chris Claremont, Frank Miller. And Ya Boi Zack.

    6. Favorite comic book artist(s)? Terry Dodson, Adam Huges, J. Scott Campbell, Alex Ross, Jim Lee, EVS,


    1. I once Marveled at an Image in a DC comic, it was CW’s Batgirl (joke!). Love each in different ways.

    2. Batman, Wolverine, Supergirl

    3. Dark Phoenix Saga

    4. Wonder Woman by Perez

    5. Chris Claremont

    6. Neal Adams


    That’s a bummer. No sketch just got to chat with him one on one for several minutes.


    I see Perez, Claremont, and Adams. You’re A-Class in my book.


    1. Do you prefer Marvel, DC, Image, or another indie publisher?


    2. Favorite characters in some of these universes?

    Batman, Superman, Flash, etc.

    3. Favorite story arc or reading recommendations of the above characters for someone wanting to jump in?

    Batman – The long Halloween (1996)

    Superman – Man of Steel (1986)

    Flash – Rebirth (2010)

    4. What was your first comic book?

    Star Wars ep IV A new Hope

    5. Favorite comic book writer(s)?

    Roy Thomas, for his work on The Savage Sword of Conan The Barbarian (1974-1995)

    6. Favorite comic book artist(s)?

    I luv the cover art by Boris Vallejo on the aforementioned Savage Sword of Conan The Barbarian.

    Interior art, I never thought of it

    I also luv the cover art my Frank Frazetta on the covers of the Conan novels.


    1. Mainly Indie/Foreign publishers, Humanoid, Delcourt, British publisher Rebellion 2000AD.

    2. Judge Dredd, Judge Anderson, Slaine, Strontium Dogs. Foreign Indie: Wake, The Metabarons.

    3. Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth.

    4. Commando (WW2) comic from the 60’s/70’s, Asterix!

    5. Pat Mills, Alan Grant, Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman, and many more.

    6. Brian Bolland, Steve Bisley, Carlos Ezquerra, Frank Thorne, and many more.

    These are just a few off the top of my head, I read some mainstream DC and Marvel but I prefer the more “quirky” stories and art.




    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JayC2020.

    1. Do you prefer Marvel, DC, Image, or another indie publisher? DC, I also like IDW’s Dick Tracy and Star Trek Year 5.

    2. Favorite characters in some of these universes? Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Firestorm, Superman, Shazam, JLA

    3. Favorite story arc or reading recommendations of the above characters for someone wanting to jump in? Crisis On Infinite Earths, Star Trek Year 5 is really good.

    4. What was your first comic book? Probably Detective Comics, unless you count the Archie Comics my grandparents got me.

    5. Favorite comic book writer(s)? Dan Jurgens, creator of Booster Gold. Respect!

    6. Favorite comic book artist(s)? I think the various artists working on Bombshells did a good job of catching the vibe of the series.


    Ky Kiske fan! Good man! EVS’ work in NEw X-Men was amazing. I enjoyed the linework more than the story, I think. Phil Jimenez was legendary as well in that run.

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