Complaints & Grievances Section

Geeks + Gamers Forums Support & Feedback Forum Suggestions Complaints & Grievances Section

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  • #121753

    Having an entire forum category dedicated to “Complaints & Grievances” would not only be fun for menial BS & trolling (which I’m sure there won’t be any whatsoever because we never troll here), but you could also have a section where we can seriously discuss any technical bugs or issues while the site is still in development, as well as a section for critiques on how to improve the site.


    You could call it the “Feedback” section.





    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by JustinProper.

    Your blatant sarcasm makes me smile.


    Jeremy has not been canceled yet #CancelJeremy




    This is supposed to be a safe place. I’ve already been accosted by a MASSIVE closeup pic of Rey.


    And don’t get me started on the Reylo face suck image!!! It’s going to take a lot of whiskey to burn that from my memory…


      Why not just call this the Festivus section???


      I tried to add a background photo from my computer. The make it happen screen was clearly set up for a phone as the mouse wouldnt drag the image onto the frame.

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