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      Antarctica Timeline

      * 1908 – Ernest Shackleton boarded a ship called The Nimrod and headed down to Antarctica on The Nimrod Expedition.
      * 1931 – August Piccard shoots into the Stratosphere (getting to nearly 52,000 feet) describing (for Popular Science magazine) the Earth as “a flat disk with upturned edges.”
      * 1935 – Nazi Ahnenerbe founded until 1945 tasked with finding occult relics
      * 1940 – Admiral Byrd claims he found an entrance to the Hollow Earth
      * 1946 – Operation Highjump (am armada sent for a scientific experiment)
      * 1946 – Babylon Working (Satanic) L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley
      * 1947 – Dead Sea Scrolls found
      * 1947 – Crash at Roswell
      * 1948 – The nation of Israel is established
      * 1950 – MK Ultra begins, officially runs from 1953 to 1973
      * 1955 – Operation Deep Freeze ends in 1956
      * 1957 – Sputnik 1 launched in late
      * 1958 – NASA and DARPA are formed
      * 1961 – Antarctic Treaty drawn up and goes into effect
      * 1962 – Operation Dominic and Project Fishbowl — 31 nukes shot into the atmosphere
      * 1962 – Dominic translates in latin to “of our Lord” (Fishbowl of our Lord)
      * 1962 – Kennedy’s speech kicks off the space race leading to Apollo
      * 1966 – Star Trek debuts and goes to 1969 (this is designed to condition the masses)
      * 1969 – Apollo 11 “lands on the moon”
      * 1969 – Star Trek ends
      * 1969 – Apollo 11 press conference video where it looks like they are being told what to say
      * 1972 – Appollo ends — coincidentally just before M.K. Ultra “officially” terminated
      * 1973 – MK Ultra ends
      * Sep 11, 2001 – 9/11 kicks off another biblical stage
      * 2002 – US Troops first military move was to secure Afghan and Iraqi museums
      * 2002 – Kandahar giant found
      * Sep 11, 2015 – In Mecca, at the Grand Mosque, an “object” needed removing (I speculate the Ark of Gabriel)
      * Sep 11, 2015 – a powerful burst of energy kills 15 causing a crane to topple which killed an additional 107 people
      * Sep 23, 2015 – 12 days later a second attempt was made to remove this object resulting in more death
      * Sep 23, 2015 – Grand Mosque emissaries contact Kirill concerning an Islamic manuscript that had been in the possession of the Russian Church
      * Nov 11, 2016 – John Kerry goes to Antarctica for the environment during election day this is the earliest day due to weather
      * Nov 11, 2016 – Rumors appear on the internet that 3 pyramids have been found
      * Nov 11, 2016 – Some suggest Kerry was meeting with an ancient race called the guardians. I believe they were Nephilim.
      * Nov 14, 2016 – A series of earthquakes hit ChristChurch New Zealand because Kerry violated the rules of the guardians.
      * Dec 1, 2016 – news broke out that astronaut Buzz Aldrin had been medically evacuated from Antarctica
      * Dec 1, 2016 – Putin orders a mission to Jeddah Saudi Arabia to pick up an artifact (Ark of Gabriel)
      * Dec 1, 2016 – The transport goes from Saudi Arabia to Antarctica
      * Dec 7, 2016 – Buzz Aldrin tweets that we unleashed something evil
      * Dec 7, 2016 – Buzz takes it down immediately but people captured it
      * Feb 12, 2016 – The Pope sits down with Kiril for six days in Havana Cuba
      * Feb 12, 2016 – Kirill is dispatched to Antarctica
      * Feb 12, 2016 – Rumored that the Pope gave Kirill an ancient manuscript
      * Feb 12, 2016 – Manuscript was written by the fallen angels and given to Enoch
      * Feb 12, 2016 – MSM reports there is only 1 church in Antarctica when in fact there are 8 (4 catholic, 3 orthodox, 1 nondenominational)
      * Feb 12, 2016 – Speculation begins that Russian commandos delivered the Ark somewhere in Antarctica
      * Mar 23, 2018 – Second meeting between Pope and Kirill

      Observations and Possibilities:

      * Remember, the bible says the Nephilim are imprisoned for 70 generations
      * When did technology advance rapidly? Early 1900s — I believe after the Nephilim were released
      * With that information, God has started to reveal to the world the truth.
      * In 1948, that truth started when Bryd encountered whatever it was down there.
      * In 1958, NASA is formed to test the truth (that the earth is not round but flat like in the bible).
      * Truth is found out and the Antarctic Treaty is established to prevent that truth from coming out
      * Check out the information I gave you on how you cant visit Antarctica
      * Kennedy calls for the space race as a cover
      * Disinformation campaign kicks in using faked moon footage and star trek
      * Evidence abounds that MK Ultra program was not terminated
      * 9/11 happens, official story is nonsense, and evidence suggest a DEW was used
      * 9/11 America moves into the Middle East
      * American troops secure museums. To protect or to find information?

      Source Information:
      General Video:
      US State Department:
      Press Conference Video:
      Kerry Visit:
      Kerry Visit:
      MK Ultra:
      Buzz Aldrin:
      Buzz Aldrin tweet:
      New Zealand Earthquakes:
      Mecca Crane Collapse:
      Results of Nuclear Tests to Test if Earth is in a firmament:
      Kandahar Giant:

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