Covid – Misleading numbers

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events Covid – Misleading numbers

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 290 total)
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  • #282459

    90.8 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.7 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    46.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    980 being treated in hospitals of which 39 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (607,289 Total cases)

    4,905 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    90.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    46.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    1,014 being treated in hospitals of which 31 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (610,027 Total cases)

    4,951 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    90.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    46.5 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    1,070 being treated in hospitals of which 33 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (611,389 Total cases)

    4,983 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    90.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    46.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    1,118 being treated in hospitals of which 28 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (612,693 Total cases)

    5,011 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    90.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    46.8 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    1,095 being treated in hospitals of which 24 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (614,234 Total cases)

    5,047 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    90.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.5 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    47.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    1,141 being treated in hospitals of which 40 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (616,682 Total cases)

    5,137 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet…we never seem to believe them. In this Stew Peters Network EXCLUSIVE, the award winning filmmakers behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES present the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.


    90.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.5 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    47.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    1,077 being treated in hospitals of which 46 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (619,345 Total cases)

    5,216 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)

    *-* *-* *-*

    Now the flu is back, after several years of next to no cases.

    The sky is falling!  Get the jab/drugs!

    Yadda yadda yadda.


    91.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    47.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    992 being treated in hospitals of which 32 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (621,512Total cases)

    5,308 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    91.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    47.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    912 being treated in hospitals of which 40 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (624,474 Total cases)

    5,415 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    91.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    47.8 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    778 being treated in hospitals of which 29 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (626,594 Total cases)

    5,465 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    91.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    47.8 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    702 being treated in hospitals of which 25 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (627,184 Total cases)

    5,486 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    91.1 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    48.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    486 being treated in hospitals of which 11 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (629,648 Total cases)

    5,619 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    91.1 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    48.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    465 being treated in hospitals of which 25 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (630,444 Total cases)

    5,643 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)


    91.1 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    87.6 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses).

    48.1 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now boosted (three doses).

    *-* *-* *-*

    (Not updated) active cases

    482 being treated in hospitals of which 22 are in intensive care

    ? Recovered cases (631,858 Total cases)

    5,699 deaths (with people who had the virus in their system at time of death)

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 290 total)
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