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they keep claiming this is a pandemic.
Yet the prefab hospitals that the Feds built in nearly every city were left unmanned. the Hospital ships sent to NYC & Hollyweird were never used at all.
This DEMPanic is over. They got what the4y wanted they murdered the greatest economy in 50 years and got the President who created it out of office.
Not that long ago, our government was closing hospital beds/wards because they were underused.
Then at the start of this, they told us they had TONS of capacity, and even at its worse it December, they were still below what they said they could handle yet…
…they forced lockdowns, destroyed industries and jobs and the economy.
The Big Reset indeed!
…. the pandemic is still going on. America’s economy is taking hits even under Biden. If this was his and the lizard people’s grand scheme to take Trump out of office, I guess he didn’t plan that it would continue after Trump, and that the pandemic is global and not just in America.
and alot of those hits are those Biden himself created.
10,000 well paying UNION jobs lost at the stoke of his pen. And then had the nerve to tell them to build solar panels….
…and are you gonna retrain them?
…and are you gonna build the factory and create the business that will make those panels?
…and are you gonna provide the markets/demand for those solar panels?
We all know the answer is NO! NO! NO!
All the wealth that industry was going to provide for the communities… gone!
All those tax dollars/income taxes… GONE!
Welcome to the Biden’s world.
Gropin Joe killed more than 60000 jobs with that Unconstitutional act. Thats just in the US. The 10000 number is north of the border.
EX-Os are not law. Only the Congress may make law; but they are too stuck up thier own asses pretending to Impeach a EX President which is not possible under the TEXT OF The CONSTITUTION.
But I’m not here to discuss Biden’s politics. I’m talking about the fact I can’t comprehend how people still think it’s just a hoax to kick Trump out when Trump already is out and it’s still going on, affecting the whole world.
If it ever comes out that everything was just a collaborated scheme by the pedo democrats, lizard people and satan to kick out Trump, then I’m pretty sure the whole world is going to hold them accountable. Affecting the whole world with a global scale pandemic for the sake of a political spectacle isn’t going to be ignored.
But yeah, first that thing has to be proven to not be a conspiracy theory. Because right now, America seems to have a lot of autistic weirdos who are obsessed with conspiracy theories. I’m eagerly waiting to see the jewish space lazer.
I still remember when the official narrative was that there was ALWAYS ONLY ONE SHOOTER from the JFK assassination.
Even thought it was well known there where TWO shooters.
How many decades later did they finally agree there WAS a second shooter?
In time, the truth will be admitted. Until then, the coverup media will say all those stories (theories) are false.
5,215 active cases
351 being treated in hospitals of which 60 are in ICU beds.
121,829 recoveries
1,780 deaths
*** *** ***
So even though cases and the number in hospitals have been going down, they are now calling out warnings for a third wave, and to be prepared for even great draconian lockdown measures.
I think those bastards want it that the only people allowed to work are those in the medical industry, delivery drivers, and those in the food/agriculture industries.
Well in pandemics, and especially in ones where the infection is as high as in covid, it will never die out if you start loosening the grip after it gets a bit better. In my country we have a pretty good covid situation, one of the best in the world, and the cases were going down during Christmas and we started opening things up again and boom, the numbers started rising again.
@SuperSoynic_Speed what makes me suspicious regarding how the ‘pandemic’ (I’m putting pandemic in quotes because even though I believe Covid-19 is bad especially for the elderly, it’s not a pandemic level virus):
– The week after the November US election, multiple pharma companies announced that they had successfully created a vaccine. (announcing this before the election could have influenced the results)
– The week after the inauguration the WHO announced that the PCR test settings were inaccurate and created a lot of false positives. (this makes the numbers under Biden decline)
– Hydroxychloroquine was know as a good treatment for Covid-19, but Trump promoted its efficacy, so it was removed in many places as a treatment. (this would have helped the death count)
– Cuomo refused to use the Aircraft carriers hospitals, which led to a huge amount of deaths in New York (This would have made Trump look good)
– The week after the US inauguration, Governor Newsom canceled the lockdowns (this will help Biden look like there’s a stronger economic recovery)
– Look at the numbers of infections/deaths in California and New York (which had lockdowns) vs. Florida (no lockdowns)
– There is no way to know the amount of people that were asymptomatic, so it’s not possible to know how deadly this virus really is, it might be much closer to the flu than we think
I’m not saying that Covid-19 was sent by reptilian trans-aliens from another dimension, but data seems to indicate that it was used as a political tool in the US.
I’m in Canada and even if plenty of people gathered during the holidays the number of infections are going down. But even the Canadian government is making decisions that goes against any science.
The numbers of false positives are astromimical.
There are documented reports of nurses taking a full 50 unit case of ‘tests’, writing fake names on them, exposing them to the air not a patient, and getting positive results.
There are documented cases of slip n fall deaths in every major city being labeled as WuFlu deaths to pad the numbers.
There are documented cases of fatal auto accidents called WuFlu deaths to pad the numbers.
The CDC itself said only 6% of all WuFlu deaths were FROM the virus. THEY HAVE LIED FROM THE START to make TRUMP look bad and to murder the greatest economy in 50 years. Cause having the fewest number of blacks on welfare in history was a problem for the communist left.
There is no virus. Its the common cold. Buy some “Airborn” or one of those nose pot things and GO TO WORK.
@MrBidwell Can you explain how it’s not a pandemic level virus, when it literally fills the definition of a pandemic. It has spread across the globe in pretty much every country in the world, except for maybe self isolated countries like North Korea. Idk if there’s a more clear example of the defintion of a pandemic. Or do you believe every single country in the world pretended to have cases of covid to affect the elections? That Biden made a deal with every country in the world and over 100 million people to fake a pandemic? If yes, then that’s just delusional.
Anyway, I do for sure believe that the media in America (and all over the world tbh, but especially America) have used covid as a political chess piece. On one side you have people exaggerating the numbers and trying to scare people to use it as a political weapon, on the other side you have people claiming it
a) doesn’t exist and is all just a hoax
b) is a bioweapon made by the evil democrats trying to take over the world (some delusional people have clearly been affected by these lies, as you can see from the previous comment)
When the truth is somewhere in the middle. It doesn’t guarantee your death and it won’t end the world, but it does exist. What makes covid more than a flu isn’t that it’s super deadly or anything, it’s the exceptionally high R rate. It spreads way easier than a regular flu, and when more people get infected, more people also die. (Mostly people in the risk group). It’s a bit like AIDS. Not too dangerous on its own, but mixed with another factor, it can be deadly.
@SuperSoynic_Speed let me attempt to clarify my points:
– By pandemic, I didn’t mean the dictionary definition, but the way the term pandemic was used to lock down so many countries. What I meant is, it’s more likely a pandemic on a similar level as the flu is. We have seen plenty of evidence that in the US and Canada the number of deaths have been exaggerated. It’s still very sad that people died, but the numbers seem to be much closer to the flu. I’m really not convinced about Covid-19 high R rate, there’s been too much miscommunication and misinformation to be sure (in my opinion)
– I don’t believe that Biden did a deal with every country, only that the US is one of the countries that used the pandemic for political gains.
– There is quite a bit of evidence that this virus was manufactured in China, I not 100% on this, but I’m not dismissing it either.
– This ‘pandemic’ seems to have been used a lot by globalist to control many countries. Here in Canada for example the government is refusing to be straight up with the population and is not following scientific guidelines. It is using this ‘pandemic’ to assert a significant amount of power over its population, that is a dictionary definition of tyrannical.
– I’m not sure the comparison with AIDS is accurate, as AIDS will eventually kill you if nothing is done. But I understand what you meant.
I hope I don’t come off as trying to blast you @SuperSoynic_Speed as this is not my intention, I’m opened to having my position debated and changed.
So on your end, do you believe that a lot of governments used the ‘pandemic’ to gain power over their respective populations?
Do you believe that something is off with the WHO?
WHO backed the ChiCom lie that nothing happened for a full year. They were more interested in their fat payday than doing their jobs.
@MrBidwell -I can believe that the numbers are somewhat exaggerated in some countries, but I do think the R rate is much higher than a normal seasonal flu, simply because every country in the world has more cases of covid than the seasonal flu. I refuse to believe that every country in the world has started to push a narrative about a flu for no reason, and I live in Finland with somewhat tight covid regulations and I had a friend who was on exchange from France which has super slack regulations, and she was here for half a year with ni problems and when she went back to France, she caught covid in 3 weeks.
-For sure, I’m certain politicians in America use covid as a political weapon on both sides, not just the democrats. This I can 100% agree with.
My concern is that the propaganda, conspiracy theories and stupidity from certain people in America is leaking to other countries. During the summer here, some thugs were throwing stones at Finnish police cars screaming Black Lives Matter when the events of last summer obviously had nothing to do with our cops. And in November, there were a handful of mentally unstable idiots who had been watching too many Alex Jones conspiracy theory videos protesting because they were certain covid is a government hoax and believed every country, Finland included, were in on a grand scheme to fake a pandemic to kick out Trump, thus rioting on the streets.
-No one can say for sure (at this moment) where and how exactly covid came from. I believe it’s from an animal because it wouldn’t be the first time. I can believe that it was indeed manufactured in a lab. I can even go as far as to believe it was also released on purpose, because China is a questionable country to say the least, although I do doubt it. But I draw the line at the point when people claim Obama, Biden, other democrats and their pedo lizard friends had a grand scheme with the Chinese to release covid, affecting the whole world, in order to manipulate the elections.
If this was true, then there are two options: either every country in the world were on the scheme which is just bullshit, or then other countries had no knowledge, and if this scenario would ever come out as the truth, then the whole world would hold American politicians accountable for releasing a pandemic level virus for the sake of their political circus. But again, this scenario is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
-Lastly, I’m not sure as I don’t have enough knowledge about different countries, their covid policies and what their politicians are doing. I doubt that too many countries do it though. But I can only speak about my country with certainty though, and I see no attempts to control the people in any way. I mean it’s common knowledge to have some extra space while standing in line during any kind of flu season and to avoid touching everything you see. We do have mask recommendation and about 90% use masks, but you don’t get shot or arrested for not wearing a mask. If this is seen as controlling the people by anyone then congrats, that’s an opinion.
The closest I would say to ”manipulating” is the media trying to portray it as dangerously as possible, but it’s not for political propaganda like in America where two sides write articles with their own political biases, it’s due to the reason that negative and ”scary” scoops get more clicks than positive ones so it’s basically clickbaiting.
I can’t say too much about WHO as I’m not sure what they have done to be suspicious of them, feel free to enlighten me.
Also you didn’t come off as hostile or anything, it’s actually the opposite. I believe you’re the first one here who has been able to take my words into consideration and actually have reasonable motivations instead of calling me a gay communist SJW, so it’s kinda refreshing.