Covid – Misleading numbers

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  • #209584

    4,857  active cases

    370 being treated in hospitals of which 60 are in intensive care

    122,960 Recovered cases

    1,798 deaths


    152,000 vaccines have been given with more than 56,500 having gotten the second shot.


    @SuperSoynic_Speed glad to see that we understand each other.

    I can believe that the numbers are somewhat exaggerated in some countries, but I do think the R rate is much higher than a normal seasonal flu, simply because every country in the world has more cases of covid than the seasonal flu.

    But don’t you think that given how high the R rate might be, there might be so many more cases than reported? Wouldn’t that also mean that the death rate is much closer to the Flu or potentially even lower

    I’m certain politicians in America use covid as a political weapon on both sides, not just the democrats.

    I could get on board with this, except for one thing, I can’t see what benefits the republicans (excluding rhinos) would have to locking down everything. It’s the same thing for Canada, it’s mostly the left wingers that are fear mongering and that are exaggerating the lethality of this virus.

    No one can say for sure (at this moment) where and how exactly covid came from.

    There’s pretty convincing evidence that it came from Wuhan. The fact that there’s a lab that was gathering Corona viruses really not far from the wet market is suspicious, the fact that the Chinese government refused to let anyone investigate that lab doesn’t look good at all either. I’ve also seen specialists talk about how it’s practically impossible for Covid-19 to have been created naturally. Personally I do think it comes from that lab but that the release was not intentional. I could easily be convinced though that it was transmitted via animals, this is mostly what happened in the past.

    Obama, Biden, other democrats and their pedo lizard friends

    But didn’t you see how Obama licks his upper lip when he gives speeches, he’s definitely a pedo lizard 😅

    How were the holidays in Finland? Were you allowed to hang out with family? Here in Canada, we weren’t allowed at all. Although to be fair, no families breaking this rule was arrested in my province.

    but it’s not for political propaganda like in America where two sides write articles with their own political biases

    The issues I have with this statement, is that I try to be impartial, but I just rarely get convinced by any left leaning person, their arguments are often much weaker than on the right. That being said, I try to have a wholesome amount of skepticism for both side of the isle. a bit more than 15 years ago I was a massive SJW/WOKE crazy person, attending feminist marches and all. I cringe at my level of ignorance back then.

    Regarding the WHO, this is what I dislike about them:

    – Their refusal to acknowledge Taiwan

    – Their website makes it hard to find any research papers

    – They are clearly in league with China (based on their handling of this situation)

    – The removal of their support for Hydroxychloroquine because they wanted to make Trump bad



    But don’t you think that given how high the R rate might be, there might be so many more cases than reported? Wouldn’t that also mean that the death rate is much closer to the Flu or potentially even lower

    I don’t know the how the exact ratio functions, but I think the cases are alligned with the R rate. The R rate is significantly higher than in ”normal” viruses and so is the infection rate and death rate. Also, it seems like it’s mostly dangerous to risk group people but even top athletes have been experiencing pretty heavy symptoms, leading to them having to take a much longer break than if they had a ”normal flu”. For example, Marco Rossi, Paulo Dybala and Rasmus Ristolainen all experiences really heavy symptoms.


    I could get on board with this, except for one thing, I can’t see what benefits the republicans (excluding rhinos) would have to locking down everything. It’s the same thing for Canada, it’s mostly the left wingers that are fear mongering and that are exaggerating the lethality of this virus.

    They don’t use it necessarily to lock down, but use it as ”ammo” for their own gain. For example, claiming it doesn’t exist or that is just as dangerous and behaves exactly like a regular flu and spreads conspiracy theories about it.

    Yes as I said, the belief that it came from an animal or that Chinese accidentally released it are most likely in my opinion. The thought that they released is on purpose is a far fetched idea but if there’s evidence, I can believe it.


    How were the holidays in Finland? Were you allowed to hang out with family? Here in Canada, we weren’t allowed at all. Although to be fair, no families breaking this rule was arrested in my province.

    Pretty neat, there are some restrictions to avoid like hundreds of people gathering. I was skiing in Lapland (Northern Finland) with my family, and the ski center was open but you needed to have some distance in the lift line. Finland is pretty sparsely populated and the culture is pretty ”shy” like we don’t go around hugging, touching or kissing on cheeks like in certain southerm European countries with the covid situation out of control, which definitely helps.

    a bit more than 15 years ago I was a massive SJW/WOKE crazy person

    cringe 😂😂 but I do agree, I think that right leaning people have more sense and that’s obviously why I’m leaning right myself. But I had a bit of a similar experience like you, but the other way around. Like 5 years ago I used to think people on the right were always right (no pun intended) about pretty much everyting and everyone on the left are just crazy SJWs, and I watched lots of Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder etc, thinking they were right about everything while the left only lies.
    But with time I’ve noticed the ”hypocricy”, and that there are just as crazy people on both sides. I think Trump had good policies and if I lived in America, I would’ve voted for him in 2016 and 2020. Even tho I think he started slipping a bit in 2020, which was okay, but I think the die hard Trump or nothing conspiracy theorist supporters are just right wing version of BLM lunatics.

    In the same way as 5 years ago I would’ve never believed it’s controversial to say All Lives Matter or to not have pronouns in your Twitter bio, but 5 years ago I also would’ve never believed people actually believe in jewish space lazers or that Obama, Biden and their pedo lizards released covid and Trump is Jesus reborn to fight these devils. And I do think Trump is a partial reason for these mentally ill cultist to step out with their conspiracy theories. Like they take everything Trump says and turn it into maximum. When Trump questions the reliability of mainstream media (which is good), these cultists won’t believe anything unless it’s from Breitbart, Alex Jones or any other right biased (low key propaganda) source (which is not good)

    Like there are flaws on both sides. I still watch Crowder for example, because who doesn’t love to see him roast male feminists and SJW’s? 😂 He is charismatic, knows how to debate and has a broad knowledge. But I’ve actually noticed he lies a lot too. Especially when it comes to non American topics. He relies on the fact that his opponent and audience have no better knowledge than him, so I’ve caught him a couple times when speaking about European countries and more specifically when he mentions Finland, that he either takes things out of context and explains on purpose with a bias, or straight up lies about information. It’s the classic mive that you can lie however much you want as long as you sound convincing and the opposition doesn’t know more than you about it.





    4,675  active cases

    324 being treated in hospitals of which 53 are in intensive care

    124,818 Recovered cases

    1,843 deaths



    @Legatus_Legionis competition is on, we’re down to 4615 active cases here in BC and we won’t let you Canadian Texans win this one.


    According to: British Columbia COVID-19 Dashboard

    4,560  active cases

    223 being treated in hospitals of which 66 are in intensive care

    71,313 Recovered cases

    1,335 deaths


    Here in Portugal, we were the worst country in the world in cases per million! Now he are around 1000 new cases per day! Funny that in themedia, they don’t tell the population that the testing as decreased as well!!

    Just another day in the gold ol socialist country!


    4,484  active cases

    280 being treated in hospitals of which 56 are in intensive care

    126,074 Recovered cases

    1,874 deaths

    *** *** ***


    4,489  active cases

    228 being treated in hospitals of which 62 are in intensive care

    72,781 Recovered cases

    1,348 deaths



    Slight uptick in the numbers:

    4,649 active cases

    261 being treated in hospitals of which 51 are in intensive care

    127,903 Recovered cases

    1,902 deaths

    More than 245,000 vaccine doses have been administered, with 88,000 xxx receiving two doses for full immunization.

    So 5.53% of the pop has gotten at least the first dose with 1.987% having gotten both doses.  (in approx 3 months since they starting giving the shots)

    *** *** ***


    4,654 active cases

    264 being treated in hospitals of which 64 are in intensive care

    75,819 Recovered cases

    1,372 deaths


    The BC prime minister said that by summer 100,000 shots would be given per day.

    I’m still on the fence of getting it until it is no longer considered experimental…


    I’m still on the fence of getting it until it is no longer considered experimental…

    Or what the long term side effects are?


      My City has a Population of :84,821
      School District has (employee and student population) of; 24,000.
      Average number of people per household is: 3
      Households with children is: 12,000
      That means at minimum: 36,000 people per day come in to contact with each other. Actual  number is nearer 48,000.

      We have been in school session since August with only weather days as the only time the schools have been closed that were NOT scheduled to be. 8 month in 10 days to be exact.

      Our County Population is: 293,000
      With the school district(s) having a population of: 97,000 (employee and students)
      County Household is
      Households with children 57,000
      That means at minimum: 154,000 people per day come in to contact with each other. Actual  number is nearer: 214 ,000.

      We have 40,000 seniors over 65. 13.6% of the population. That is 254,000 people
      We have 21,000 children under 5 years of age 6.9% of the population. That is 275,000 people
      College population faculty and staff approximately 8,000 (that number is a 2018 number)

      Covid-19 for the county stands at: Confirmed 33,950….Deaths 477….Recovered 26,542….. PER The state admission earlier this year 5.4% of deaths are attributed to Covid-19 only and nothing else which means the death number is 25.

      So in a county of  293,000 people that has been in close contact for 8 months 5 days a week we have seen 34,000 cases 12% of the population with 477 death with covid-19. 1.4% of people who get it, but using the states admission of 5.4% being only covid-19, that is 0.0735294118% mortality rate with no comorbidity.

      Now without getting even longer… THE CDC says you do not need to quarantine if you are within 3 months of receiving the vaccine, so to me this says its good for 90 days. There are some reports its good for 9 months some for 3 years truth is no one knows at this point. But going off  the CDC guidelines 3 months.

      I feel sorry for anyone who lost friends or family with covid-19 present, I have known 27 people with it and lost my PCP as one of the first victims in my state and 2 other people whom I loved, both over 75 and both with multiple other health issues, I had 1 friend put in the hospital but that was early on when everyone who tested with it pretty much was. Most the people I have known and stories of people they have know say its is from a VERY BAD FLU to seasonal allergies in severeness.

      Now I have known no one who got it twice, including teachers, and first responders. Could it happen? sure but all reports Ive read (and i could be wrong or missed something) getting it twice is extremely rare, and the few i did find said the people tested positive but had no symptoms. If getting it, then gives you an immunity (so-to-speak) vs a vaccine for 90 days. Well food for thought on if you want a vaccine or not.

      As for me as someone might ask: I have not worn a mask at all, not one day. I am married to someone in a HIGH risk profession but do to medical reasons, I cannot wear a mask. I have gone out and except for 1 employee who the manager quickly had a chat with about ADA Regulation and Law and a few comments from people under their breath, I have not had any problems.  Would I wear a mask if I could? Early on in this YES! But as more time and information has come out, NO!  I am not in the Age Group that is Highest at Risk, Nor am I in close confined areas with people for prolonged exposure times and finally I have no comorbidity. Some might say that is selfish, again read the above “I cannot wear a mask” that I would not if I could. But as time has gone on I am really starting to believe the best way to defeat or decrease the spread of covid-19 truly is heard immunity by contraction of it.

      Again I go back to the numbers of the schools system as they are easy to find online for your area. Looking at them verse the number of people who have had it lends to it not being near as infectious as we once thought and nor is it near as deadly as we thought. Yes it is still deadly, so is the Flu, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other communicable Diseases. Any of them combined with a comorbidity can be fatal. This is another in a long list of things we must learn to live with.


      The CEO of the company I work for has sent out an email saying to retain employment we are required to get this experimental vaccine unless we have a doctors note stating we have a condition that might be exasperated by the vaccine. So with the jobs disappearing I am afraid to get this, and afraid to not.


      @emeraldknight1977  I think that might be against the law, human rights, etc. to force someone to get this or be fired.

      Being fired for a non-performance is one thing.

      Getting fired for not wanting something in your body goes over the line, IMO.

      You might want to talk to your union rep, local labour board, etc. to see if they can legally do this, and what your options are.


        You tell them No based on religious grounds. If they want to pursue beyond that then you have the choice to go to court or find other employment. As someone who employed people I never challenged it. The reasoning was simple “only the lawyers win”…. Then again I would never require an employee to do anything to their body or medically with the exclusion of “being of clean groomed and clean clothed”.  As they like to say, Your Body, Your Choice :)

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