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@emeraldknight1977 Find a way to get a fake doctors note, then make the decision to take or not take the vaccine based on what you want. You are being blackmailed.
I’m an bricklayer apprentice doing my finale exam to get my journeyman letters. Today we were told that to even enter the school on Monday, we will have to show a negative test and for the future 2 negative tests a week. I am not sick nor have i been in contact with any sick people. It feels like i have finally had enough with this BS, enough is enough. This have to stop somewhere, otherwise what will be the next thing we will have to do, to “generously” be allowed in the society we helped build.
And how much time/advanced notice did they give you @SeanConneryVSApplesause to not only get tested but for the results to come back (you getting the documentation)?
It seems they want people to NOT be able to get the “clear” so then can do the finale exam… (ie: failure! plea$e redo the last year of $tudy and pay u$ more fee$).
They told us at Friday, we can get a “quick test”. I live in Scandinavia, so i dont think its a money thing. It is more like a power/fear thing and everybody just goes along with it.
I don’t see the problem. If you’re gonna be regularly in contact woth people, isn’t it obvious you should be sure to be tested negative? If you only work on distance them there’s obviously no need to get tested
I never believe the number of death I see from any of the socalled news service…Every time some one die they just say that the beerbug cause it…
I see an obvious problem.
Personal freedom/liberties.
If you have seen the movie Gattaca, then you know what I mean.
Only if you pass a “test” you have no control over do you get to live life, get the benefits of society.
Those that fail become no-bodies.
Under normal circumstances, I would not care about a test or a vaccine, but these are not normal times. Given the choice between famine or tyranny, I choose famine.
Forcing someone to get an experimental vaccine; to retain a job, is unethical at best and potentially illegal.
@SuperSoynic_Speed I’m curious to know your perspective. When would it become a problem? For example, I wouldn’t be comfortable having people shove something up my nose to do a test. I would find this quite invasive and wouldn’t give an employer that much power over me.
4,633 active cases
254 being treated in hospitals of which 36 are in intensive care
129,566 Recovered cases
1,920 deaths
More than 297,600 vaccine doses have been administered, with 91,000 receiving two doses for full immunization.
*** *** ***
4,854 active cases
240 being treated in hospitals of which 66 are in intensive care
78,237 Recovered cases
1,391 deaths
*** *** ***
As for where I am:
Retail stores and malls will be allowed to increase their capacity to 25 per cent of fire-code, and youth sports teams and activities will be allowed to resume with up to 10 participants…
10… Thats not a full team in anything worth playing.
3-3 basketball
some soccer and hockey drills
There was a case in Missouri where a man died of Lougaric’s Desiese. His death certificate said Covid-19. He was dying of Lougaric’s Desiese, and had tested positive after death. The family actually has a lawsuit trying to get the death certificate corrected to state Lougaric’s Desiese.
While looking for the story I was talking about I stumbled upon this.