Covid – Misleading numbers

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  • #226802

    New cases are now lower than our peak from the first wave

    2,781,430 vaccine doses have been administered

    62.8 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    10.3 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    7,646 active cases

    439 being treated in hospitals of which 133 are in intensive care

    217,636 Recovered cases

    2,227 deaths

    *** *** ***


    2,953 active cases

    249 being treated in hospitals of which 78 are in intensive care

    139,562 Recovered cases

    1,703 deaths

    3,250,161 Total Vaccine Doses Administered

    179,954 second doses


    Since January, 96 per cent of all COVID-19 cases in … were either unvaccinated or diagnosed within two weeks of getting their first shot while their immunity was still building.

    Over that same period, 93 per cent of the people who needed hospital care were either not vaccinated or were diagnosed with infection within two weeks of receiving their first dose.

    4% of people still got covid two-weeks after their first shot, and…

    7% of people that needed hospitalization had gotten covid even after two-weeks since the first shot!

    one dose of an mRNA vaccine has proven to be 73 per cent effective against infection of the B117 variant, the dominant strain in the province. Two doses are 91 per cent effective…

    One dose was 75 per cent effective against the P1 variant and two doses bump that up to 89 per cent…

    So even fully vaxed, you still have a 10% chance of getting a variant, RIGHT!

    *** *** ***

    64.0 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    11.3 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    5,831 active cases

    411 being treated in hospitals of which 120 are in intensive care

    220,357 Recovered cases

    2,236 deaths


    I work in healthcare. I have been on the “front line” of this.

    Right now, COVID is actually far worse for me then it has been since it all started. Where I live it never really got hit, until now. My hospital had max 2-6 patients. In fact, when the big hit happened and most states went in to shut down, I was setting doing pretty much nothing all night at work. There were a few shifts I was doing pretty much nothing but surfing the net and watching movies all night.

    Recently, we went to 13, and the other night one died. And the person who died just got the second round of vaccine a week before. Yep. You heard me right. I’ve recently had nights keeping me busy just taking care of COVID patients. I can tell you that the majority of them are older, have pre-exisiting health problems, and most of them are obese and have diabetes. Heart issues are also bigger on the list as well.

    I find it strange, and stupid, that they are promoting UNHEALTHY habits as incentive to get the vaccine. Such as french fries. If people were healthy, there wouldn’t be as much COVID. But hey, let’s promote fast food with COVID. Real freakin’ smart.

    I refuse to get the vaccine, for now. I have had to sign a waver form at work. The thing is, I am wanting to travel next year. So, I am going to have to make a decision about the vaccine if I want to do that. Hopefully a new one will come out that doesn’t involve tricking your body into doing things that we have no idea what the long term effects will be .


    4,707 active cases

    351 being treated in hospitals of which 94 are in intensive care

    222,364 Recovered cases

    2,248 deaths

    *** *** ***

    As of Monday, 66.7 per cent of people over 12 had their first dose, while 14.3 per cent were fully vaccinated with two doses.


    And now our unelected “experts/doctors” are call the mandatory MASK mandate to stay in place until 70% of the people over 12 are now fully vaccinated.

    A constant moving goal-post.  And as we get closer to any mark, it will move yet again, IMO.



    3,123,226 vaccine doses have been administered with 573,211 now fully immunized (two doses)

    67 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    12? per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    4,431 active cases

    336 being treated in hospitals of which 85 are in intensive care

    222,776 Recovered cases

    2,251 deaths


    So from a high of 25,162, we now have only 18% from that milestone.


    3,336,850 vaccine doses have been administered with 729,137 now fully immunized (two doses)

    68.5 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    19.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    3,247 active cases

    290 being treated in hospitals of which 74 are in intensive care

    224,782 Recovered cases

    2,269 deaths


    oh, the slow crawl to 70%

    3,384,026 vaccine doses have been administered with 767,586 now fully immunized (two doses)

    68.7 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    20.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    3,180 active cases

    272 being treated in hospitals of which 75 are in intensive care

    225,013 Recovered cases

    2,270 deaths


    oh, the slow crawl to 70%


    69.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    22 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    2,804 active cases

    271 being treated in hospitals of which 68 are in intensive care

    225,627 Recovered cases

    2,274 deaths


    3,583,406 vaccine doses have been administered

    oh, the slow crawl to 70% continues.


    69.9 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    24.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    2,471 active cases

    242 being treated in hospitals of which 58 are in intensive care

    226,257 Recovered cases

    2,280 deaths


    So we have had 228,537 non-active cases (recovered & deaths), of which only 0.99765% died.  So less than 1%.  if we added “active” cases to that total, it definitely falls below 1%.

    Of the total population here, that then falls to 0.51437%.  For the entire country, we get 0.06837% have died.


    in other news:

    … was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) — a rare neurological disorder that results in the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking part of its peripheral nervous system. GBS can range from a very mild case with brief weakness to nearly devastating paralysis.

    According to Health Canada, there have been 13 reports of GBS after a COVD-19 vaccine in the country — nine after an AstraZeneca vaccine and four after a Pfizer vaccine.

    A doctor filed an adverse reaction report related to his AstraZeneca shot…

    As for what they can do:

    … Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP). Health Canada said the program provides fair and timely financial support to those who have experienced a serious and permanent injury as a result of receiving a Health Canada-authorized vaccine, administered in Canada, on Dec. 8, 2020 or later.



    70.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine!



    3,654,750 vaccine doses have been administered

    They also reported 5.3% of the population had been confirm as having had covid.  How many had it twice was not mentioned.


    70.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine.

    24.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    2,336 active cases

    237 being treated in hospitals of which 58 are in intensive care

    226,513 Recovered cases

    2,283 deaths


    So while the province is moving forward, city hall is not.

    The city’s mask and distance by-laws are still in effect.

    Beyond repealing the bylaw on July 31, other options considered by administration include:

    Repealing the bylaw on July 1, in conjunction with the Open for Summer plan.
    Repealing the bylaw when 75 per cent of eligible (people living in the city) have been fully vaccinated.
    Repealing the bylaw in December 2021, as originally planned.



    Is it going to be only when ALL four of the above conditions have been meet?

    This is silly hall at its best… ah oh worst!

    Guess I can expect 2021 to not reopen in my city if the admin and mayor have there way and ignore the advice of our chief medical officer.


    70.7 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine. {I’ll be surprised if we hit 75% and shocked if we get 80%}

    29.2 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    2,003 active cases

    214 being treated in hospitals of which 56 are in intensive care

    227,124 Recovered cases

    2,292 deaths


    70.8 per cent of those ages 12 and up have now received at least one dose of vaccine. {I’ll be surprised if we hit 75% and shocked if we get 80%}

    30.4 per cent of those ages 12 and up are now fully immunized (two doses)

    *-* *-* *-*

    1,773 active cases

    200 being treated in hospitals of which 54 are in intensive care

    227,413 Recovered cases

    2,292 deaths * for some reason, they are reporting only 2,290 deaths today!  what happened?  Did they recover from being live-impaired? ! ?


    Oh, and the city I live in, there are only 850 active cases from a population of over 1.3 Million people, they did lift the “state of emergency” yet silly hall has put off for now the mask by-law/mandate till at least July 5th.

    As our mayor stated:

    The mask doesn’t protect you, it protects other people from you.

    How can it protect others from breathing your air, yet does not protect you from at the same time breathing their breath?

    The illogic of that!

    Just like that famous saying, if underwear (and pants, etc) can’t stop others from smelling someone’s fart, what good is a mask, even a two-layered mask?

    (Ok, they say a fart particle is only 0.4 nanometers big, while covid particle is between 40-500 nanometers), I think the saying is ironic even with the science facts.

    Also, for the stats: only 669 people in my region (city) were officially reported as covid deaths.  In other words, only 0.05% dies as a result of covid.

    For comparion, back in 1918-19, the Spanish Flu killed 4,380 people in my province of an estimated population of 500,000, or 0.88%

    To compare that into today’s population, an estimate 39,000 people should be dead from the pandemic in my province as a direct result of covid.

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