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@SuperSoynic_Speed While I do think it’s a bit of stretch to claim that governments around the world were locking down populations just to unseat Trump, it is worth mentioning that Democrat governors announced they would be easing lockdown restrictions in their own states after Biden was inaugurated. So one would have to wonder if they were basically holding their own people hostage over the election.
a bit of stretch to claim that governments around the world were locking down populations just to unseat Trump
Is a bit of an understatement…. it’s simply not true. About the rest of your comment I don’t know too much about but I can believe that. But the again, it’s not about the topic of this thread anymore. My comment was mainly on the conspiracy theory that the whole world agreed to have a fake pandemic to kick Trump out.
In Canada though, most people ARE Marxists. They just don’t think they are. It would be like if the states had two democratic parties and no republican one, and a far lefty party too, and no Trump. There’s no patriotism here, just beaver memes, eh? Every person you know is a lefty, on facebook, at work, everywhere.. Practically every person here has TDS that would make Chris Cuomo look like he’s Gina Carano’s bff. The papers make CNN look like NTD news. Look up Globe & Mail or CBC, they’re STILL running anti-Trump prop smears every single second of every minute of every day. Pipeline jobs lost..? TRUMP’S FAULT! lol! USA gov must be so jellie because they only wish they could have blue signs on every lawn and 99% never-Trumpers like Canada does.
Before I ditched, I had 150 friends on facebook and only 5 of them weren’t lefty cry-babies. So I got the 5 people’s email addresses and closed it. I was starting to get hounded by SJW creeps, and this one larping loser, noodle-arm tiftwat who wears only masks and aviator glasses in all his pictures. Stalking every post I made. Profile said he worked for the army too, I don’t doubt it, US army: SCAT company, AT&T division.
Why all the coverup of HCQ and Zinc? Why all the coverup of Ivermectin? The amount of censorship in the media of real, true medical people is more than enough to show that there is some kind of conspiracy. One reason I would NOT say that it is against Trump is that he was for that “Operation Warp Speed” and told people to get vaccinated. Some say it’s a global excuse to lockdown the world and bring in “The Great Reset” and do what they would have done with their Climate Change panic psyop. Plans within plans at the top. No reason to respect authority anymore. Very clear lying by all of them. The mask itself is a hoax.
Do the older generation vote Dems or Reps?
Do the younger generation vote Dems or Reps?
Dementia, Alzheimer’s most common disease associated with COVID-19 deaths: StatCan
OH, did someone looking into facts!
A new report from Statistics Canada has found that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease were the most common medical conditions found in patients who died from COVID-19 last year.
And what did they find?
Among the findings were that 89 per cent of those deaths had at least one other health condition or complication, known as a “comorbidity,” also reported on their death certificate.
Any specifics?
The most common comorbidity was that of neurodegenerative diseases dementia or Alzheimer’s, which were reported in 36 per cent of all COVID-19 deaths in Canada in 2020.
And between the sexes?
The report also found that the frequency of Alzheimer’s or dementia had varied between women and men. For women, it was reported to be the most common comorbidity — appearing on 41 per cent of death records — while it was the second most common for men and found on 31 per cent.
And what of age?
“These results can be partly explained by the age and sex profile of Canadians who died of COVID-19 in 2020: 63 per cent of women who died of COVID-19 were older than 85, whereas 47 per cent of men who died of COVID-19 were older than 85,” read the report.
So most deaths were in the elderly.
What else can you tell us?
Other common diseases shared in other patients who have succumbed to COVID-19 include hypertensive diseases, which accounted for 15 per cent, and ischemic heart disease, which comprised 14 per cent of all deaths. Chronic lower respiratory diseases were also common in the deceased, accounting for 11 per cent.
so we have:
89% had at least one other health condition or complication
Of all deaths:
36% had Alzheimer’s
15% had hypertensive diseases
14% had ischemic heart disease
11% had chronic lower respiratory diseases
that means 26% died of other causes…
I wouldn’t put much stock in Canadian government stats, they’re more soviet than the Russian hockey team on steroids at the Munich Olympics. Too bad Trudon’t worried more about looking PC than getting any doses of the ‘vaccine’. Lot’s of people had their first prick and then couldn’t get any double-door action
PolitiFact retracts Wuhan lab theory ‘fact-check’
An awful lot of people in the press were eager last year, maybe a little too eager, to dismiss the theory suggesting the COVID-19 virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China.
And pander to the CCP.
It was foolish then to reject the theory outright without any conclusive evidence. It looks even more foolish now, as evidence continues to mount showing the theory may actually be correct.
But the commies and the lame legacy media said so?!?
That the media’s reckless rush to denounce the theory ultimately suited China, which maintains it definitely isn’t responsible for the pandemic that originated within its borders, is a detail that should not go ignored.
Because it did not fit their agenda, that’s why!
Later, in Sept. 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a virologist and former postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong, repeated the theory on Fox News, saying, “I can present solid scientific evidence to our audience that this virus, COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 virus, actually is not from nature. It is a man-made virus created in the lab.”
PolitiFact gave her a “pants on fire rating.”
Based on what? Not facts!
The Washington Post accused (everyone) of repeating an already “debunked” coronavirus “conspiracy theory.” The theory had not, in fact, been “debunked.”
It was only ignored and made fun of, because they did not want to report on TRUE stories… aka fake russian dossier/collusion.
Now, months later, major news organizations are backpedaling, publishing corrections and reports conceding that their initial assessments may have been premature. PolitiFact, which has as much egg on its face as anyone, has retracted its article awarding Dr. Yan a “pants on fire rating.”
They need to do more than just BACKPEDDLE.
Because of their RUSH to publish without investigating/verifying on their own (and not trusting bogus “fact checkers”), trust in the legacy media is gone forever.
They are more the propaganda machine of the toxic far-left (and the CCP) than a free, independent news organizations.
What hard evidence did PolitiFact’s sources provide that led them to believe Dr. Yan was indisputably wrong? Not even a little wrong — “pants on fire” wrong.
For that matter, what evidence did the Washington Post have when it accused Cotton of pushing a “conspiracy theory”?
These media outlets were so certain the lab theory was wrong.
Because it did not fit their AGENDA, that is why!
An ACTUALLY DEBUNKED story about russian collusion is still being talking about as REAL, as it fits their agenda.
The reason we haven’t heard anything from Dr Yan since that FOX interview on Tucker Carlson is because the state government arrested and detained her mother back home.
Threaten her family so she keeps quiet of the truth.
Typical authoritarian draconian means of control.
That, and the fact the CCP will not ALLOW an independent/full access investigation into that Lab (where Fuchi and Obama were photograghed in) only adds to the whole coverup argument.
It is like:
The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information.
So the whole “but we said it was debunked… STOP LOOKING!” only adds more fuel to the we want to get the truth, not misleading/lies from the media/CCP.
Scientists React to Claims COVID First Emerged in October 2019
The analysis led by David Roberts—from the University of Kent in the U.K.—and colleagues gives a range of early October to mid-November for China’s first case, with the most likely date of origin being November 17.
The authors also estimated that the first case outside of China occurred in Japan on January 3, 2020, while the estimated first case in Europe likely occurred in Spain on January 12, 2020. In addition, they estimated that the first case in North America occurred in the United States on January 16, 2020.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, questions regarding its origin still persist, although evidence has been mounting that the first cases occurred earlier than the record of confirmed cases suggests. Officially, the first confirmed cases of the disease were identified in December 2019, in China.
Officially reported by the CCP… Did they know of it before then? Most definitely likely!
The virus was released much earlier. Remember ‘suspicious vaping deaths’ with same symptoms from August 2019? How about that battleship where all the sailors got covid from the wargame exercises with China navy in the fall 2019. The captain of the ship went against orders to say how the ship was filled with ill sailors and they fired him, then the new captain said he was a bad, bad man, then the sailors all revolted so then the new captain had to release an apology. No one remembers this stuff? Oh yeah CNN probably ‘forgot’ to report on it because orange Cheeto man was saying how Wile E Coyote is smuggling babies, right?
I recall the story, but not the date.
So the concept the CCP was hoping was infecting the US military, the disease would spread to other us ships and bases, etc.