Cowboy Bebop

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Cowboy Bebop


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    Anyone in this forum who likes Cowboy Bebop?

    If you don’t know what this show is about, lemme tell you: it’s about 2 bounty hunters, Spike and Jet, who eventually meet a lot of other characters, like a poker master named Faye, and meet up with their pasts, to varying results.

    This was the first sci-fi anime series to entice viewers in NA, and a Netflix live-action version is on the way. Whoever wants to talk about the show, this is the forum to do so.


    I love Cowboy Bebop.


    Love Cowboy Bebop. Have the complete series in my collection.


      I love Cowboy Bebop, I’m rewatching now.  I’m a little concerned about the upcoming live-action movie though.


      Cowboy Bebop is an S-tier anime and one of the few cases where the Dub is actually better than the Sub.


      It’s not a movie, but a Netflix series. Although it’s interesting to see how the studio handling it convert the anime style into live-action.


      Fun fact: I only watched the dubbed version.


      I love Cowboy Bebop. It’s my favorite anime & the thing I love most about it is the music. Yoko Kanno, The Seatbelts, Mai Yamane, etc. all contributed to something that is just so good that words of praise don’t do it justice in my opinion. I mean, just to name a few of the tracks you got Waltz for ZIZI, Space Lion, Elm, Memory, The Real Folk Blues, etc. Even when a tune is reused it still fits in with what’s going on & just adds to the greatness. InuYasha may have been my overall introduction to anime music & helped me realize that anime can have fantastic songs but Bebop will always be #1 to me.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jaidabecca.

      A recently done version of The Real Folk Blues, and done very well, too.


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