Crash Bandicoot 4!!!!

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    Anyone else hyped about Crash Bandicoot 4? The game is NOT being made by Naughty Dog (good thing too… I don’t trust them anymore) and is instead being handled by Toys for Bob, who previously made the Spyro Reignited Trilogy versions of Insomniac’s Spyro 1,2, and 3! Hopefully Spyro will also return with his own new game, but it’s good to see that Crash is not only back… but is also going to have all new adventures!


    Yeah….I am going to be skeptical AF about this since it is being developed by Activision. I was right on the money when I said in my reaction video about the cart game going to implement Micro transactions.

    Also I don’t know about where you guys live but for me, according to PSN even though it is a PRE-ORDER, I still have to pay the full price NOW, “IMMEDIATELY!” ….yeah something stinks right here.

    CRASH 4


    Nope, I can’t support anything from Activision let alone Blizzard after the Blitzchung fiasco.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by BimboBaggins.

    Can’t say I blame you. As much as I trust Toys for Bob on their work on the Spyro remakes… Activision isn’t as trustworthy. I’m hyped and excited… and while that hasn’t changed… I’m also just hoping and praying Activision doesn’t find a way to somehow f it all up.


    I can respect that logic. I have stayed away from Blizzard games too since then.

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