Cruze missile strikes

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  • #192366

    How those “career” politicians still get re-elected when they should time and time again how out of touch they are with reality I am always surprised with.


    Do they scare any true competition away, and have next to no threat to their power/re-election.


    Its a trick called Gerymandering.

    They redraw the voter lines of districts based on weither they are for or against the party. They then make the people who are unlikely to vote for the party irrelevant. AND better yet CONGRESS does this yearly. They do shit like this for fun.


    hell there is a Nazifornia State House swamp rat called DeLion. His district that he is supposed to be living in has a vacant lot with a 10×10 shack on it. That is the listed residence he represents. He really lives 40 miles away in a swanky neighborhood. (also the bitch is a illegal alien with ties to criminals and is the worst liar involved in the anti bill of rights bulshit in the state.)

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