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Tagged: MechaRandom, YouTube
I can’t, i can’t anymore, this world’s gone mad
I need to leave this planet
Could it be that once I hit my head really hard at some point in my life, I went nuts and am imagining unbelievable scenarios that aren’t real?
I’ve seen shit like this go on and off for years, now. It’s a hilarious self-own.
In their mind, anything that comes out of white, western civilization is racist. And in this case it’s… racist for non-whites to learn how to read and write, I guess? Do they know what such terrible standards they’re holding them, too? (Also, I’m pretty damn sure we weren’t the first civilization to construct written forms of communication).
But let’s be real, these kids are probably just being lazy and using outrage as an excuse not to learn. This is why you don’t acquiesce to spoiled children: They’ll keep pushing the boundaries further and further to see how much they can get away with.
There is a tremendous amount of poverty, rape, domestic violence, substance abuse and murder happening in the black community as has always been the case, and they desperately look for things to bring them together – such as their hatred of whites. The Democrats push that narrative instead of more constructive ways to bring people together, because the Democrats don’t care about black people.
Does your space-ship have an extra seat?
I’m not entirely sure, but I heard that now teachers cannot/should not correct black students if they use a different grammar like “we was chillin”. If they do, they’re racist.