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@Josiah should have censored Cuties Image. Like seriously, Cuties make me want to die because my eyes hurt alot. Also quickly to the Anime Train.
Just because the age of consent in France is 15, doesn’t mean it’s okay. And even if no criminal activity took place on the set, forcing young girls to do those poses still isn’t okay.
To both, I agree it’s not okay. And maybe, just maybe, because of this film and the controversy around Netflix’s botched marketing some people will look into the prevailing issues surrounding underage dance competitions and digital media platforms like tiktok.
For the record on that, I’m with Az from HeelvsBabyface where it’s the parents responsibility not the governments to step in on what a child is allowed to post/view or do.
I felt the same sentiment there.
I feel like I need a bigger barf bag after this. This is so gross!
Simply appalling and disgusting. Not much else to say that has not already been said.
I’m not a fan of gotcha journalism….but I would love to see someone randomly ask Biden if he liked Cuties, and I’d bet dollars to donuts the brainless fool would say without missing a beat, “I loved it.” Get that on tape and run it, heh.
Thor: Ragnarok Actress Tessa Thompson Defends French Twerking Film “Cuties”
These Hollywood people are crazy. The poster is literally sexualizing children, but they defend it because the director is a black woman
I just read Tessa’s tweet on the movie, WTF?! 11 year olds aren’t women yet, they are still children, not even teens!!
That got me thinking – if a woman decided to have a sex change surgery on her unborn child (still in the womb) – would the left then consider that unborn child “a woman?”
The left don’t consider the unborn as human, so male/female, child, etc do not apply.
It is simply “Self body augmentation”.
That’s exactly it. The alphabet community doesn’t frown on this kind of thing because they’re against it. They frown on it being pushed into the public forum, because they know most people won’t accept it. And then the jig is up for the alphabet agenda. Once they’re able to force decent society to submit to it, then they can openly support it. The alphabet community doesn’t acknowledge or recognize sexual boundaries. This is the one boundary that normal people won’t tolerate being crossed.
It may be an unpopular thing to say, but it needs to be said.
Except that people like me don’t support twerking at all. Twerking is literally a pantomime of bouncing on a dick. It’s disgusting, even when a grown woman does it. There is zero attraction for me and I’m a full-blooded heterosexual. When a child or teen does it, it’s even worse. It takes a child doing it before the average person realizes how bad it really is.
You understand them better than I do.
You have to be blind and a closet pedo in order to make excuses for this movie. The problem has nothing to do with marketing. The excuses for this movie are exactly that, excuses. This is a pedo movie, rated TV-MA (for adults) that these kids can’t even watch, even though they starred in it. Anyone that defends this movie is better off keeping it to themselves, otherwise they’re revealing themselves as the closet pedo that they are.
Most people won’t believe how bad it is unless they see an example of it for themselves. Your reaction only proves that this movie is filth and every copy of it needs to be burned.
Genius idea. Anybody on the forums able to get close to the freak?