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She’s part of the alphabet community. It’s not surprising one bit. Think about why they’re really going after Ellen after she’s been on the air since 2003.
It would be very difficult, since he rarely leaves his basement. But I’ll see what I can do
It’s not a documentary. It’s a fictional movie with madeup characters. The children are 100% acting at the direction of adults. Wearing completely immodest outfits while gyrating like a cheap stripper or street corner whore. They auditioned 650 CHILDREN for the role. To suggest it’s a documentary is pure lunacy. I watched the entire trailer. There is no excuse for what they had these children doing on film. Don’t even want to think about what they were doing off camera. This movie is pedo material and anyone supporting it is either a pedo or a pedo supporter.
Someone could always camp out right outside his cellar door. Just wait for him to stick his head out to see if it’s election day yet.
Exactly although I have not seen the movie but I have seen Josiah’s Videos, Gary’s Videos, G+G Videos, AZ’s Videos, and Tim Pool’s Video about this crap and I agree with them. What the Fuck Netflix? Who died and made the entertainment industry the educators of our youth?
I haven’t even watched the trailer of cuties, because I’m not interested in it, why would I subject myself to something I don’t want to see?
That’s why I don’t understand how is Jeremy, AZ, Gary, etc watching it and getting outraged about it is different than SJWs getting fake outraged about things we like? I smell a pinch of irony here as they do the exact same thing as them without realizing.
Okay pedo.
I just cancelled my Netflix membership, refuse to give a single penny more to a company that supports paedophilia.
Everyone involved needs investigating.
Does he even know he’s running?
Anyone know who greenlit this piece of ****?
Anyone in Ebstein’s circle – which could be anyone in hell-eh-woodie.
I am waiting for the day I hear the ratings guidelines are thrown out by those perverts.
There is no more any rated-R, Rated-X (as if any has been given that in ages).
G ? R ? Heck we want you money regardless of your age or what was filmed.
If you watched the video! You’d know that a Sundance Film Festival pedo greenlit the actual movie.
Texas House Representative Matt Schaefer calls for an investigation into Cuties
I was willing to give the film itself the benefit of the doubt, that maybe it was just a bad advertisement campaign by Netflix, but the clips I am seeing now are vulgar trash that cannot be excused by any amount of “Your judging it out of context”. There is no context that makes this acceptable. There is no context where seeing 11 year old girls in spandex shorts, twerking and dry humping the floor while slapping each others asses is acceptable. It’s not just the content but the manner in which it’s filmed is highly sexualized and presented with all the glitz and cheer of a Coors Light commercial.
It’s really exposing just how much of a bubble the media and entertainment industry live in. You see them defending this shit while trying to paint it as nothing but a bunch of angry Trumpers, yet in the real world it’s pretty much everyone that hates this. Baffling to me that the left wing media thinks painting opposition to child exploitation as an inherently right wing value, is a good look for the left.