DC Announces Black Superman…

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies DC Announces Black Superman…

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    …On Henry Cavill’s birthday. Talk about disrespect on someone’s birthday! I’m no Superman fan but even I liked Cavill’s take on the character and would’ve liked to have seen more of him.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by DragonLady.

      First off, Happy Birthday SUPERMAN Henry Cavill 🎂

      And secondly, I don’t usually wish this on anyone, but if this movie really ends up being a race swapped Clark Kent instead of introducing and giving a chance to a new already black Superman to shine in the DCEU, then I really hope this movie fails miserably

      Honestly, if this announcement happened any other time, I probably wouldn’t be as annoyed, but shitting on someone on their birthday is the most a-hole move I know… So fuck you ass holes 🖕

      Anyway, given that this movie’s still casting actors, I assume it hasn’t started production yet? So, they technically still have time to semi save their ass… Little advice, if I were the person in charge of this project, I’d listen to this very intelligent man:

      I would rather do something original

      – Michael B. Jordan


        THIS IS WOKE…. From conception to screen…. So obviously Woke I will not even raid it on the High Seas.


        Superman should’ve been black years ago.

        Dwayne Johnson is Superman in real life, he should’ve been Superman onscreen.

        Black Adam is beneath him, the man deserves better. It’s insane how the guy that’s the modern day Sly or Arnold doesn’t have a single iconic role to his name on the level of a Rocky, Rambo, Conan, or Terminator.


          @Shiftygism, dude, nothing against Dwayne Johnson’s acting, but he looks a lot more like Black Adam than Superman, and why would that role be beneath him? Didn’t you ever stop to think if maybe it’s a role Dwayne wants to play? If maybe he’s a fan of Black Adam in the comics?

          Also, you know why Superman wasn’t made black in 1938, and as the times changed, there was never, and there never will be, a need to make Clark Kent black, but there can always be more Supermen, or better, more new super heroes, who can be of any race


          While on OTHER Earths (Multiverse), there have been non-white Supermen (and Superwomen), on Earth One (Prime) has the classical Clark Kent/Kal-El Superman.

          While on Earth-D we had a black Superman and black Supergirl.

          So long as they clearly state this is Earth-D (and not Earth-One)….

          But if this is just a race swap for the sake of race swapping….  IMO it is dead on arrival.


          No one outside the hardcore DC fanboys cares about Shazam or Black Adam.

          And as far as looks go, hair is an easy fix.

          There’s no reason Superman can’t be Black, he’s an alien, and it’s already been established Krypton has various ethnicities.

          I don’t think this is the right time though. It’s clear what WB is trying to do coming on the heels of claims of racism against Geoff Johns, not to mention the WandaVision debacle over at Marvel. Years ago this would’ve been a natural organic move as they had the perfect guy to play the role, now it feels like damage control for a bunch of idiots who don’t understand the delicacy of public relations.

          I’d be all for this change in most cases, but just like everything they do it comes as such a kneejerk reaction and they won’t listen to what the fans want. I’m not much of a Snyderverse fan outside of JL (only saw his trilogy), and I think Cavill has been given awful material to work with which has left me with a generally negative opinion of him in the role, but I won’t deny that a lot of folks would like to see him come back instead of rebooting for third time…or even more if you count the character’s tv iterations.

          WB doesn’t care though.

          They clearly don’t as they brought in someone like JJ Abrams.

          I don’t hate the change, but I hate the politics of it and the petty ass fuck you’s they think they’re giving AT&T and the Snyder fans with this announcement.

          Shit’s dumb, and dumber than what’s been going on at Lucasfilm.


          The board ate this a couple time already…

          No one outside the hardcore DC fanboys cares about Shazam or Black Adam.

          And as far as looks go, hair is an easy fix.

          There’s no reason Superman can’t be Black, he’s an alien, and it’s already been established Krypton has various ethnicities.

          I don’t think this is the right time though. It’s clear what WB is trying to do coming on the heels of claims of racism against Geoff Johns, not to mention the WandaVision debacle over at Marvel. Years ago this would’ve been a natural organic move as they had the perfect guy to play the role, now it feels like damage control for a bunch of idiots who don’t understand the delicacy of public relations.

          I’d be all for this change in most cases, but just like everything they do it comes as such a kneejerk reaction and they won’t listen to what the fans want. I’m not much of a Snyderverse fan outside of JL (only saw his trilogy), and I think Cavill has been given awful material to work with which has left me with a generally negative opinion of him in the role, but I won’t deny that a lot of folks would like to see him come back instead of rebooting for third time…or even more if you count the character’s tv iterations.

          WB doesn’t care though.

          They clearly don’t as they brought in someone like JJ Abrams.

          I don’t hate the change, but I hate the politics of it and the petty ass fuck you’s they think they’re giving AT&T and the Snyder fans with this announcement.

          Shit’s dumb, and dumber than what’s been going on at Lucasfilm.



            Black Adam is beneath him, the man deserves better. It’s insane how the guy that’s the modern day Sly or Arnold doesn’t have a single iconic role to his name on the level of a Rocky, Rambo, Conan, or Terminator.

            Serious man, Jumanji, Fast and Furious….. And to be even more truthful, if you look at his works its stuff that is fun and family orientated, including some of his charity work he is humble about, it is exactly what he enjoys doing, especially seeing as he was the producer in many of them. I would say your wish for him and his desire are 2 different things. AND WELL  3.5Billion US and over 10Billion world wide in his movies, I would say he doesnt need Iconic singular role that limits him.


            basically we (real fans) all think like Michael… and sjws think like Oprah… “i dont know what youre talking about” , well, of course you don’t…

            I have hope that the movie they’ll do is really about Calvin Ellis and not Clark Kent… it would be ridiculous otherwise.


            About Henry, it’s funny, while they were already planning replacing him, his naïve ass was promoting corp millionaire friends (democrats ofc) on his social media… like this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/CObAu4WBD6y/
            it serves him well, maybe he can smart up and make better friends.



              Of course this would be done on Henry’s birthday because the guy behind that black Superman idea hates white people.

              No one outside the hardcore DC fanboys cares about Shazam or Black Adam.

              What a lame arguement. No one outside of DC fans care about anything besides Superman or Batman yet the first Wonder Woman and Aquaman movies did pretty well. Hell, before the MCU, no one outside of Marvel fans cared about the Avengers or the Guardians of the Galaxy yet look where those titles have been throughout the late 2000s – 2019.


              This sounds suspiciously like how Disney fired Gina but for a different reason…




                Screenshot_2021-05-07 Status Gab Social

                The writer is going to be Ta-Nehisi Coates, an A-Class race-baiter who compared Jordan Peterson to the Red Skull last month in a Captain America comic, so you know this film’s going to be as woke as they come.

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