DC Announces Black Superman…

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        Said it before saying it again WOKE AS FUCK… Not even worth pirating this shit… HC is Superman, only one other is More and that was Christopher Reeve. I hope they spend a Billion and loose it all.


        As Anna TSWG said in her vid, they also dissed HC by announcing this on his birthday.

        Happy b-day – you have been replaced!


        And as we said in another thread, there have been black supermen in the DC multiverse, but it was NOT Clark Kent.

        This announcement specifically race-swapped Clark Kent… and is being written by a horrible person.


        My dad wasn’t pleased about this either. As I’ve said, race and hender swapping wouldn’t have bothered me ten years ago but it’s clearly getting out of hand now. There are thousands of black or female superheroes that they can choose from. If they’re not very well known then give them a good script and film and they’ll become popular. Look at what happened with Iron Man and Thor as good examples.


        Next is the woman version of superman coming. Not wonder woman though, we have to wait for superwoman who will save us all from the patriarchy hahahaha


          Isn’t there already a Superwoman, and Supergirl, and Superboy, and Superdog, who all are NOT Clark Kent??!


            @Digicat, Yes
            Loved Krypto growing up. But as we all know, ALL DOGS are super.


            @DigiCat facts don’t matter to those weirdos, only their agenda.

            I have used in a different topic how with superheroes, the title is different from the character.

            Green Lantern, for example, has many different character of all races, genders, religions, etc.

            The most famous/popular is Hal Gordan (a white dude), but we also had John Stewart (Africa-American dude), Jessica Cruz (Mexican-American-Honduran female).

            Same goes with The Flash!  Many different characters using the title from Barry Allen to Wally West to Jay Garrick, but still very much different characters.

            Same goes with Batgirl.  Many different characters using the title from the original Barbara Gordon to Helena Bertinelli to Cassandra Cain to Stephanie Brown.


            Heck, during the Reign of Supermen, there were four very different characters claiming to be Superman (Cyborg-Superman, John “Henry” Jones/Steel, The Eradicator, Superboy (clone)).  But each had their own Name/background/etc.  None of them was CLARK KENT!


            This travesty wants to take the fam and popularity of the Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman and pervert it into a black version of Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman!  And claim it is THE superman, and not a Superman from the multiverse.


            I would consider this NOT DC Canon at all, but a nightmare of an Elsewhere story in the DCU.


            I see all this stuff as part of the demoralization PSYOP run by the government, pentagon and CIA. This is the very same thing as “Birthing Persons” or “Birthing People.” If someone out there was to counter these moves, they would do things to break the spirit of people in these deep state agencies.




            I bet there’d be an outcry if The Rock was recast as Wonder Woman🤣!


            An outcry that The Rock is not showing enough skin for the lady-fans no doubt!  @DragonLady

            < BWAH HA Ha ha >


            Hey I’d pay to see that hahaha


            I would consider this NOT DC Canon at all, but a nightmare of an Elsewhere story in the DCU.

            It doesn’t deserve to be an Elseworlds story at all. All this movie will be is a propagandist fan-fic with no respect to anything DC. The Lego movie is more canon than that garbage Superman should ever be,

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