DC court’s ruling reveals the Left’s two-tiered justice system

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    DC court’s ruling reveals the Left’s two-tiered justice system: One for BLM and one for pro-life supporters

    The federal appeals court ruled that pro-life supporters may have been discriminated against, as evidenced by an inconsistent application of defacement laws. There was one set of rules for pro-life demonstrators and another for Black Lives Matter protesters. It confirmed what many have suspected regarding a left-wing weaponized justice system against its political opponents and an ideologically motivated two-tiered justice system.

    Not just against organizations, but people as well.  Two sets of rules/enforcement.

    …the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled there was sufficient evidence to suggest the district “selectively enforced” its ban on “defacement” when pro-life supporters were prohibited from writing messages in chalk on the sidewalks…

    Such as:

    The district prohibited pro-life supporters from the groups mentioned above from writing messages on the sidewalk in chalk. However, district officials approved BLM protesters to write in chalk on sidewalks. It was an egregiously inconsistent application of the law, albeit unsurprising given the lack of accountability many left-wing agitators face for their destruction and other criminal behavior.

    And we can also see how antifa terrorists are treated, the blm riotors/loiters are treated.

    The Left disregarded the chaos, vandalism, destruction, or defacement when left-wing rioters and agitators such as BLM did it. However, when it came to the people who wanted to protect the lives of the unborn, writing messages in chalk suddenly became a crime. It’s the same kind of legal inconsistencies and double standards that…

    Weaponizes the legal/justice system.  Rules for thee and not for them.

    “Viewpoint discrimination, whether by legislative enactment or executive action, violates the First Amendment,” the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals conclusion read. “‘Once a forum is opened up to assembly or speaking by some groups, government may not prohibit others from assembling or speaking.’”

    Yet they have been doing so.

    Left-wingers championed themselves as protectors of democracy. Yet that was never the case. It was a ruse to pull the wool over people’s eyes and distract people from their totalitarianlike political maneuvers, tactics taken from the pages of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. The only rights they cared to protect was their right to suppress dissenters. In reality, they only care about “protecting democracy” when activists support their political agendas and ideologies.

    They weaponized the legal/justice system to go after view points they disagree with, groups they disagree with, people they disagree with.

    These extremely toxic far alt left are ANTI-Liberals, ANTI-democratic, ANTI-freedoms, ANTI-American, ANTI-rule of law.

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