D&D’s Clerics Create A Dragonlance Timeline Problem

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    D&D’s Clerics Create A Dragonlance Timeline Problem

    No it does not.

    Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen campaign brings the classic setting into D&D 5e, with players facing an evil army during the early days of the War of the Lance. This gives players the chance to take part in one of the biggest conflicts in the history of D&D, as the world of Krynn is threatened by chromatic dragons.


    The world of Krynn differs from other D&D campaign settings in a number of ways.

    Because it is a setting/world all its own, as was the fact when such settings came out.

    The three D&D magic types exist in Krynn, but they are also different. The practitioners of magic are also different, with arcane spellcasting being far more regulated and controlled in this setting than it is in other worlds, thanks to one powerful arcane order. Divine magic is also different in Krynn, due to how the gods stopped providing it for years. The gods are coming back in Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, which causes issues when it comes to the timeline of the setting, as clerics of the gods of Krynn don’t exist in the period when the story is set.

    Well, it is meant as a stand alone setting.  characters and classes from other settings are not meant to journey in Krynn.

    The other clerics/deities do NOT exist in Krynn.  It is when you are trying to force those characters into Krynn (a setting they do NOT belong in) what caused issues only to those whom refuse to enjoy the setting for what it is.

    The intention is for the cleric situation to be addressed in several prequel adventures that will be included in Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, which will introduce different aspects of the world of Krynn to those who are new to the setting. It’s unclear how this will be accomplished, but Krynn is a big place, and it’s possible to hand wave the situation by saying that other Dungeons & Dragons clerics appeared at the same time as Goldmoon and Elistan, who had similar adventures and roles in different parts of the world, and spread the word of the true gods return in secret, and their accomplishments during the War of the Lance went unnoticed, compared to those of the Heroes of the Lance.

    Which is all Bull SH!T.

    It is clear the people doing this do not understand Krynn, and why it is so unique.

    You can’t say the dieties of Krynn were absent from Krynn after the cataclysim ONLY in the section of Krynn most of the stories takes place it.  That is LORE breaking, CANON breaking.

    Once again, those morons don’t know anything about KRYNN.


    If you want to play Krynn, the way it was meant to be played, go grab the AD&D books/tomes.  It is a world/setting all to itself.  Trying to apply rules of other settings onto it is a disrespectful and ruins the setting.


    Clerics in D&D introduce Dragonlance timeline problems. Clarification on the lore impact is required. The game’s coherence is at stake. Seeking insights for a more seamless connection.


    I have the DnD 2nd edition campaign: Time of the Dragons and Dragonlance book for 2E.

    :) happy to be a proud owner of both of them.


      So i cut my teeth on Dragon lance. It was the first time i ever played DND back in 2000. Playing second Edition Dragon lance and reading the books as a kid the war o the lance is the best, hardest, most fun roller coaster of a DND game you will ever play. That being said, it is a rail road from hell. You will follow the story or you die. As someone who has Dm’d the game it literally says. “if the party says no, kill them”  multiple times through out the books. As someone who has finished the game 2 times successfully, and played it 6 times. It is not an easy game or world to play in. Magic has its own rules. Clerics have their own rules even the way the races interact is different because. wait for it. Krynn is Not Faerun.  If you watched some dnd games online, or played dnd video games, Neverwinter, Baldurs gate. those take place in Faerun. a world very very different. If i sit at a table with someone and we are playing in the World of Krynn, we are playing Krynn Period. the rule set even states the gods do not allow people from other realms to travel there. Hell in the second edition books it states if you reach level 18 the gods will kick you off the planet. they dont allow anyone that can rise up against them. Where in Faerun the gods have a more mortal approach. People interact with them on a daily basis.

      In short, if you are going to play dragon lance. Play Dragonlance. If you like forgotten realms play forgotten realms.



      That actually sounds like a well written world. I wish games had that cultural significance


      Alot of the modules back in those days tended to be very much railroading (with DragonLance very much so), but a good DM can work around those.

      Heck, my final high school group, our PC’s being 2/3 evil, our DM was ready to have them join the Armies of the Dragon Queen and fight the Solanmic Knights.

      Sadly final exams and STAT exams came sooner than we could finish that campaign.

      OH how I miss those days.

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