Deaf U….seriously…what???

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Deaf U….seriously…what???

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    Deaf U is a coming-of-age reality series following a tight-knit group of Deaf students at Gallaudet University, a renowned private college for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, in Washington, D.C. As the group of friends navigate the high, lows, and hookups of college life together, their stories offer an unprecedented, unfiltered, and often unexpected look inside Deaf community.


    Seriously…who asked for this? What normal person who is not a virtue signaling SJW is actually interested in watching this? If I’m going to watch something with subtitles, I’ll watch Anime which is actually good and truly varied in diverse stories with plenty of subject matter to choose from.


    I’d watch this before anime.

    I think a show like this would actually be interesting to see how a group of people with this sort of disability interacted and lived in a world without sound. It’s a pretty unique premise, and in a landscape of shit reality shows it could be a compelling breath of fresh air that the genre needs.

    Not every show is geared to the masses (or you) and you certainly don’t have to watch them if you don’t like it, but if they don’t exclusively feature straight white folks, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s virtue signaling or woke.

    Getting bent out of shape over something like this is seriously dumb.


    I’m not bent out of shape, and I’m not being seriously dumb, thank you very much. I’m seriously questioning this stuff.

    I didn’t say it was going to be garbage. I want to know where the real audience is. Did the deaf community ask for this? Is there a major demand to target this area of interest? Where is the pure interest in this? I mean, not only is this something that looks pedestrian at best, but on top of that it’s reality TV. To say reality TV needs a breath of fresh air? Come on, dude. Reality TV is the most basic uncreative thing on television. People generally tune into these things to watch the train wrecks, not because it’s truly quality.


    Not every show is geared to the masses (or you) and you certainly don’t have to watch them if you don’t like it, but if they don’t exclusively feature straight white folks, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s virtue signaling or woke.


    Wow…really? Where did I even come close to talking about anything like that? Where did I even hint that it has to be white and straight to be of interest to people? Yeah, I said virtue signaling, because right away that is what this screams to me, but to label me for hating on this because of that is dumb. I’m calling it possibly woke because of what looks like pandering, not because it has anything to do with possibly lacking white straight people, which means if it doesn’t have white straight people I can’t possibly be interested in it…no…of course I only find white straight people interesting in entertainment…is my sarcasm coming on too thick?

    Give me a break, geez.


    I try not to generalize, but it’s way too easy to do with a lot of the G+G community when it comes to folks crying about things being SJW fueled or “woke” as they’re seemingly incapable of identifying actual examples of such due to an pathetic narrow minded misunderstanding of the issues some have in regards to actual pandering and think anything outside the strict view of their idea of normalcy is a indicator and with the way you targeted something so innocuous and then dismissed it with such hostility, yeah…I’d say my “bent out of shape” assessment fits. While it’s true you didn’t say the show would be garbage, you implied as much with the statement “I’ll watch Anime which is actually good.” Which not only checks the typical G+G clown checkbox, but the anime dingbat one as well trying to compare the two strictly based on the inclusion of subtitles as if it wasn’t already commonplace in most forms of entertainment regardless of it being animated.

    “Seriously…who asked for this? What normal person who is not a virtue signaling SJW is actually interested in watching this?”

    It doesn’t matter who asked for it, or if anyone did for that matter. You don’t know if there’s an audience for something, especially if it’s a new concept if you don’t give it a chance, and with how large the televised and streaming landscape is there’s plenty of room for such a chance to be given. There’s hundreds of thousands of shows available for us to watch, to single out something that could be a uplifting and insightful look into the lives of people living with disabilities such as this or others is yes, incredibly silly, and a real bad look for anime fans trying to push it in the same post all while being ignorant that not all reality television is garbage as lot of good stuff is unfortunately lumped in with the higher profile offerings of the genre. Sure you have shit like The Kardashians, but you also have The Last Alaskans. There’s Temptation Island, and then there’s Deadliest Catch. We don’t know the quality of the production and which way they’re gonna go with things or if it will be something that harmlessly walks the fine line between both like Alaskan Bush People or Swamp People. Which are mostly scripted affairs but showcase interesting folks and storyline elements without being exploitative. I imagine it’ll be something like Little People, Big World, myself.

    But who cares?

    Not in a “why does this shit exist?!” sort of way, but a live and let live mindset.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Shiftygism.

      @Roas, your debating skills are usually a 10/10, but you might wanna have a better choice of words next time, “thank you very much” 🤣🤣🤣

      I’m sorry, i can’t think of anything else when i hear/read those words 😂


      @DigiCat  yeah….I realized that twenty minutes later in the car. In my defense, my attention is divided atm over a possible personal problem that I can’t get settled until tomorrow, now, so my focus is not totally 100%. Sucks, but that phrase is radioactive, and I know I lost a point for using it.


      I’m not gonna go point by point to what you said, so I’m going straight to some meat.

      First, I gotta say what is up with you taking shots at me? Typical G&G poster? What is that supposed to really mean? Yeah, you can go through my post history and clearly see I lean conservative and don’t like the woke, but so what? My history shows I also show respect to everyone I debate with or disagree with. I don’t throw out cheap shots and degrade my opponents. Everything I have to say comes with a purpose and meaning and even when I disagree I don’t demean.

      Anime dingbat? So, because I happen to enjoy anime/manga as a hobby, I’m a dingbat? You don’t know me, dude. You wanna discuss classic American Cinema from 1920’s all the way up until 2000? You wanna talk American television from the 1960’s all the way up until today? Maybe some American cartoons/animation .vs. Japanese animation? How about a few foreign films here and there? Wanna talk videogames? Classic Literature, mayhap? My point is, I have a wide and varied accumulation of entertainment knowledge, appreciation, and general love, so please do not call me a dingbat. I’ve got 40 years worth of experience as a consumer of entertainment, so I think I have enough of a personal resume to analyze and make assessments.


      You go on and on about reality TV and how it’s a perfectly reasonable medium for everyone to enjoy, and how things have to be given a chance. Firstly, once upon a time, people created content to feed to the masses, because the masses demanded it, wanted it. Yes, reality TV continues to exist because the masses want it, because frankly, people can totally turn off their brains to it and enjoy the stupidity. I’m guilty of that in the past myself. God damned Animal Planet and freaking Orangutan Island had me all those years ago late at night when I had nothing to watch and I was brain dead at the end of the day, but don’t serve it to me on a plate and tell me it’s fine cuisine. I always knew it was gas station chicken salad sandwich and I risked my brain/health watching it. As the old adage goes, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Just because you can make a show about something “new” and “fresh” doesn’t mean you need to, let alone waste money on it.

      Which leads to my next point. Let’s say for a moment that I’m right, and this show ends up being nothing but virtue signaling wokeness. We are in the middle of the height of a culture war to save entertainment. By your stance, we should allow the woke nonsense to be put out there to make people even dumber and feed the woke SJW agenda. What we should be doing is creating, supporting, and following entertainment that is just that…entertainment. No message. No woke. No agenda. A show like this has a better than average chance, if you ask me, to be mostly agenda driven, because it’s singling out a particular minority community and foisting it on the public as something they have to watch and appreciate.

      And even though I was a little addled this morning when I first posted, my subconscious knew to use Anime as an example, because know why? Anime as a whole has depth and variety without the woke. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of stories out there told and being told without agenda. There is a reason consumers are flocking to manga and anime, because at this moment it is the pure escapist entertainment. You can sit down, watch any kind of anime genre you like, and lose yourself. I just finished watching Uzaki Chan Wants to Hang Out Season 1, and good god damn, Uzaki and her bountiful “assets” were a joy to watch because it was a harmless silly show that just wanted to make you smile. I escaped. It didn’t try to make me think. It didn’t try to tell me something.

      Deaf U, until I’m proven otherwise, was likely made to make viewers “think” and “understand” and “get in touch with” what that world is like. Make you think and appreciate that someone different than you…blah blah blah. Agenda. Created to make a point, reality TV or not, to drive agenda and not to truly entertain.

      So maybe in the end I’ve answered my own initial question. Who wanted this? Who asked for it? Those who want to review it and say it’s so wokey great with its messaging. Those who want to say, “I watched this and I feel better about myself for doing it. I’m so great. Praise me.”

      Until I’m proven otherwise, I’m sticking to my stance. If I end up being wrong, I’ll take it aaaaaaaaall back, because my ego isn’t so over blown that I can’t admit I was wrong about things.


        Honestly, what’s making me think this show might be woke isn’t the fact that it features deaf college students, but the fact it features 2020 college students 😁


        This is an experiment because the new Oscars guidelines require deaf people to be represented in movies (but not blind people).


        I didn’t take shots at you, I criticized your comment under a blanket of generalizations based on the ridiculousness of it and how too many G+G followers overreact to anything when it comes to diversity, same goes with you comparing it to and trying to push anime in the same statement just because of “subtitles” which nearly had me rolling my eyes just as I do anytime I read one of REDACTED’s threads. (Not you, Niko.)

        That wasn’t a shot, but here’s one…you’re a fucking idiot IF you think all reality tv is garbage and actually believe I was defending the genre as a whole (I CLEARLY wasn’t). As I stated a lot of great programs get lumped in with the trash. Insightful, moving, generally entertainting, and often times breathtaking productions that are just as worthy as the best drama. You just gotta sift through the shit, like you would any other genre or medium as they’re all full of landmines.

        Speaking of landmines…jesus christ…the “woke” paragraph…

        Yeah, my decision to toss you under that blanket was a perfectly sound decision after reading that mess. The show’s existence has no bearing on you. If you don’t wanna watch it, don’t. Not every show or movie is targeted to the masses (or you) or has to be homogenized entertainment, without any form message, lesson learned, or eye opening elements meant to richen the story, characters, and world, allowing you to take something away from it afterwards. This is the stupidity that this “culture war” has bred and Jeremy has preached without actually diving in on the topic better explaining himself as there’s a HUGE fucking difference in the shit he’s pushing at and entertainment as a whole including the stuff we were raised on.

        Somewhere along the way, mid-sermon, folks lost their minds and started acting like all messaging is bad, and any form of diversity is “woke” breeding yes, a bunch of dingbats on the right spouting as much nonsense as those on the left. Furthermore, why the shit shouldn’t a school for deaf kids get a show? With all the options we have today offering something for everyone and more than enough for the majority, fucking why can’t some deaf kids have a show? There’s movies and shows focusing on every race, creed, and religion, why not them?

        So fucking what if it goes “SJW” and pushes acceptance. There’s nothing wrong with acceptance. Acceptance isn’t a bad thing, especially when it deals with a group of folks suffering a disability. Especially this one, as the deaf often times are targeted (by assholes of every other group) with mockery in school settings because of their…at least in my day, exclusion from being able to fit in and vocal tendencies. If this show opens even a few kids’ eyes…then it’s all for the better. Again, it’s clearly not for you. Not infringing on anything you like. And not pushing any of the agendas other folks on this side of the aisle cry about. Why worry about it?

        I really gotta start reading whole posts before beginning a response because god fucking damn, the anime paragraph was one thing but…

        “Deaf U, until I’m proven otherwise, was likely made to make viewers “think” and “understand” and “get in touch with” what that world is like. Make you think and appreciate that someone different than you…blah blah blah. Agenda. Created to make a point, reality TV or not, to drive agenda and not to truly entertain.”


        Do you even watch investigative, educational, documentaries, or historical shows?

        Holy shit.


          Ok, can i play moderator here? @Roas and @Shiftygism, lets agree that when chatting online it’s pretty easy to misunderstand what the other’s trying to say

          Although, Shifty, i don’t get how you still misunderstand why Roas chose anime as a comparison when he specificly said why in the post you answered to ???


          I’m not misunderstanding him.

          He compared the two simply because they share subtitles while using it as a platform to push a couple tiresome arguments for something that didn’t call for it.


            Did you even read what Roas wrote??

            “my subconscious knew to use Anime as an example, because know why? Anime as a whole has depth and variety without the woke. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of stories out there told and being told without agenda.”


            Absolutely I did.

            Did you read the post you just responded to?

            He whined about something that didn’t call for it and used it as an extremely forced opportunity to preach yet another tiresome virtues of anime sermon here on the forum.

            Thing is though I don’t buy the shit he’s selling on multiple levels. That giving the spotlight to a group of people with disabilities is a bad thing. That anime is some superior medium for the reasons listed as I refuse to believe the Japanese are as shallow as he claims with the absurd notion its entire landscape lacks any form of underlying themes or pushes views of its artists.

            His position is not only insulting to deaf folks, but the very group he’s doing a bad job of propping up.

            This is the last I have to say on the matter though, as I have no interest being drug into an debate over anime. Especially when it’s clear he has a seemingly narrowminded viewpoint of what film and television…and art for that matter should be.



              Did read your  responses

              I agree, Roas’s initial post came off as a bit whiny, but, although he didn’t use that specific word, he later explained why it came off like that

              Also agree that giving people with disabilities the spotlight is not a bad thing, but the fact that some people assume it’s gonna be agenda driven is not their fault or the fault of the people in the show, it’s the fault of SJWs, the way SJWs behave gives minorities a bad name, so i’m not surprised when projects that involve minorities can make people skeptical of the quality of them


              Why should we assume it’s agenda driven? What devilish agenda could these evil Social Justice Warriors be pushing? That we *gasp* shouldn’t mock them or the interpreters that lend their service? That they deserve all the rights and freedoms of any other American? That despite their disability they’re normal people? This stupid “culture war” has warped y’alls minds.

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