Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Television › Deaf U….seriously…what???
People make assumptions based on what’s around them, if SJWs keep on using minorities to push agenda’s, people are gonna connect minorities with agendas
We shouldn’t just assume it’s agenda driven, it might be, it might not, the only way to find out is to watch it
To win useless awards, they will make something no one wants nor will watch, but the “critics” will love.
On a side note, I think all “reality” shows are CRAP, IMO.
Wow. I go away for a day and @Shiftygism has an emo meltdown at me. Fine, dude, call me names in your wall of text. My eyes are still messy from my doctor today, so I can’t focus clearly on the screen without my focus tweaking. All I’m gonna say is this….go ahead and keep preaching, my friend. You wanna call me narrowminded, fucking dumb, whatever. Your entire spiel is pretty virtue signaling, if you haven’t realized it. If you have to get on a soap box and stuff me into a label and place to make your argument work, then fine. You clearly are not capable of having a civil conversation. You claim I am the one degraded things I don’t like, but you are the one ranting and f-bombing and calling other interests dumb and stupid.
By the way…you still haven’t answered the original question through out your virtue tirade. You make your point about people deserving to be watched and learned about, but who still wants or asked for this? I gave my answer.
Oh…what have I found here?
Look at that…they liked it enough for all its virtue signaling wokeness…then gave it a B- because it wasn’t woke enough! Didn’t go far enough to talk about race!
Oh, and this review does blow your little tirade about “deaf people being mocked and looked down upon” because this show actually has a focus on how deaf people themselves are, for lack of a better term, bigoted towards different levels of hard of hearing or whatever. Pure blood deaf people look down on other deaf people. I did find that hilarious, because you went off and me and Digicat about how deaf people need to be respected and whatnot…but this show actually shows that deaf people are assholes just like everybody else, apparently. It’s not really about people talking down to deaf people. So, still wokey, but not full woke according to this review.
So I guess I eat a little crow here. It’s woke but not the epic level of woke…see…this is what an adult does…I talk like a sane individual and not fly off the handle, and I’m capable of coming back around and seeing where I may have been wrong on points…but it seems I wasn’t totally wrong about this drek.
Here in Australia the government mandates that a certain percentage of TV shows be produced in Australia, so the whole prime time lineup every day of the week is amateur cooking shows and dating shows (which my mom – God bless her – loves), which are the cheapest to produce. I haven’t watched TV in a long time. Only boomers and stoners watch TV – the former because that’s all they know, and the latter because it makes no difference what they’re watching since their brains are fried.
It wasn’t an emo meltdown, it was a discussion about your absurd comparison and using something so innocuous to push your stupidly warped anti-social justice warrior agenda which takes things well past the reasonable limits of what brought a lot of us to Geeks+Gamers.
Here’s the thing though, any insult or negative comment I might’ve directed towards you was fueled by the things you said in the opening post and the defense that followed where you made some pretty ridiculous statements. Any form of civility goes out the window when you constantly double down on stupidity and continue to do so with shit like this…
“You claim I am the one degraded things I don’t like, but you are the one ranting and f-bombing and calling other interests dumb and stupid.”
First of all I didn’t call your interests dumb or stupid…you pretty much did that yourself. I actually questioned how you choose to digest information/art, and seemingly prefer it lack any substance outside an intent of being pure entertainment. That and pointed out how your assessment of the thing you supposedly love likely isn’t true and an insult to those responsible for its creation.
And in regards to the original question, that’s been adressed multiple times. It doesn’t fucking matter who asked for it, it has a right to exist just as much as your anime, just as much as any other of the countless televised/streaming offerings available to us. It doesn’t matter what you think really, whining about shit like this, something that doesn’t concern you, and doesn’t infringe on your interests in any way shape or form is dumb. If it’s not for you, then don’t watch it. Acting as if certain groups of people don’t deserve a spotlight in such a harmless fashion as this, is pretty fucking bigoted, and bastardizes Jeremy’s original message of forced diversity ruining established properties. You can toss “woke” “sjw” and “virtue signaling” around all you like, but those words mean nothing now because of instances like this and people like yourself.
Case in point…
“Look at that…they liked it enough for all its virtue signaling wokeness…then gave it a B- because it wasn’t woke enough! Didn’t go far enough to talk about race!”
Well, y’know given what this show is and how the disability isn’t exclusive to one particular group, it’s kinda important to showcase and discuss how people of different backgrounds have dealt with it just as much as the current discussion of race relations in 2020.
Also, case in point…
“Oh, and this review does blow your little tirade about “deaf people being mocked and looked down upon””
This is a “tirade?”…
“There’s nothing wrong with acceptance. Acceptance isn’t a bad thing, especially when it deals with a group of folks suffering a disability. Especially this one, as the deaf often times are targeted (by assholes of every other group) with mockery in school settings because of their…at least in my day, exclusion from being able to fit in and vocal tendencies. If this show opens even a few kids’ eyes…then it’s all for the better.”
Also, I never went off on Digicat. “Did you read the post you just responded to?” is not “going off” on someone. It was a response to the question posed to me, which I had already answered, and did so again.
Back to the mockery aspect though, see…this is why something like this is needed, I wasn’t aware that there was this rift in the deaf community much like bi-racial folks are looked down upon in the black community by certain indviduals. The show has already taught me something and I haven’t even watched it, but the key phrase is…CERTAIN INDVIDUALS, not all, and doesn’t “blow” my original point or that they deserve to be respected. The whole “respect isn’t given, it’s earned” phrase is why society is in a such a shitty state. Everyone deserves the common courtesy of being treated respectfully by their fellow man, it’s only when they do or say something stupid should it be yanked away.
No @Shiftygism, you didn’t go off at me, but try to get your facts straight when debating, @Roas didn’t drop any f-bombs, untill this last post where he was quoting you
Also, he never called your interest dumb, he called you dumb, you decide whether that’s better or worse 😁
There are far more important battles folks on the Right could be fighting.
This isn’t one of them.
” but try to get your facts straight when debating, @Roas didn’t drop any f-bombs, untill this last post where he was quoting you”
I never called him out over any f-bombs…
Your point…
will sadly…
fall on…
My bad, didn’t notice you were quoting him saying that about you 😅
What was that? I didn’t hear