Democrats to create select committee to probe Jan. 6 attack

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    Democrats to create select committee to probe Jan. 6 attack

    House Democrats will soon establish a special congressional committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Thursday.

    Does that mean the Republicans can also establish a special congressional committee to look at the riots of hate (I mean mostly summer of peaceful protests).

    “It is imperative that we seek the truth for what happened,” she told reporters in the Capitol.

    As is the responses and how so much violence and property damage was being allowed to happen, and the police were NOT allowed to do their jobs!



    What happened is that a bunch of stupid dumbasses who may or may not be either Trump supporters or Antifa disguised as Trump supporters ran into the capital, stole some stuff, caused a riot and were arrested. The confirmation process continued, Biden was confirmed president, and liberals continued to use this incident as a way to attack people who voted for Trump. I also find it interesting how the left continues to talk about this event as though they don’t have any thing else, whereas there are plenty of riots that occurred during the summer of 2020 that they just ignore.


    Like some commentators say, no good bad event can’t go un-politicalized to move the extreme toxic alt-left agenda.


    The GOP plans to use Republican spots on the January 6 select committee to blame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the Capitol riot, CNN reported, citing Republican sources familiar with discussions.

    Of course.

    According to CNN, once McCarthy picks his five lawmakers, the Republican plan is to have them make the case that Pelosi should have done more to protect the Capitol…

    After all, when reports came in before the day about possible disruptions, it was the speaker of the house who refused the call for additional security to the capital.

    The panel of lawmakers is to investigate the Capitol riot and speak to Capitol Police officers about what they witnessed on the day, CNN reported.

    And what of the days leading up to it?

    What of the failed communications between the FBI, CIA, and the Capital police?

    Will they get to call on everyone, or will they be restricted to whom they can call?

    See, this is why the senate refused.  The scope was so limited and specific, and so politicalized.


    McCarthy threatens to pull his choices from Jan. 6 panel after Pelosi rejects GOP Reps.

    WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected two of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks for the select committee charged with investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, prompting the Republican leader to threaten to pull all of his proposed appointees.

    No surprise there.

    Pelosi spoke with McCarthy, R-Calif., on Wednesday morning “about the objections raised” to his decision to appoint Republican Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio and “the impact their appointments may have on the integrity of the investigation,” the speaker said in a statement.

    Integrity! ? !  They want RINOs on the committee.

    “Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” (McCarthy) said in a statement Wednesday.

    The whole commission is a SHAM, just like their investigation with the DEBUNKED Russia Dossier!

    And an article from the commie-non-news had this to add:

    No matter Pelosi’s reasoning, her decision to reject Jordan and Banks, the two most high-profile Republicans put forward by McCarthy, dooms even the possibility of the committee being perceived as bipartisan or its eventual findings being seen as independent.

    It was never going to be bipartisan, as the number of dems on the committee rules that out.

    And it’s beyond debate that McCarthy’s choices — especially Banks and Jordan — were aimed at turning the committee into something of a circus. Both men would have, at every turn, sought to turn the tables on Democrats — using the platform provided by the committee to push debunked claims about Antifa’s involvement in the Capitol riot, questioning Democratic leadership’s readiness for just such an attack and trying to broaden the committee’s mandate to cover the Black Lives Matter protests of summer 2020.

    So to find out what lead to the Jan.6 is off the tables?

    You can be sure every Republican will use Pelosi’s rejection of their nominees as evidence that she doesn’t want the, uh, truth to come out.

    This isn’t true, of course. There’s zero evidence that suggests Pelosi or Democrats did anything wrong in advance of or during the January 6 riot, which was incited by former President Donald Trump.


    They (Pelosi/dems) refused requests for additional security before Jan.6.  Trump requested it, and the Capital Police asked for it.  Pelosi REJECTED it.  FACT!

    And Trump wanted people to have their voices heard, and had called on them to go home peacefully after the rally (which was called BEFORE any entered the capital and which was being ACTIVELY BLOCKED by all media platforms from getting out.)

    Any evidence that PROVES antifa was bussed in to impersonate Trump supporters will be BLOCKED by the dems majority.

    Any evidence that PROVES demonstrators were ALLOWED into the capital by security personnel will be BLOCKED by the dems majority.

    Any evidence that PROVES antifa were the ones trying to take down barriers and confront security personnel will be BLOCKED by the dems majority.

    Any evidence that PROVES Trump’s claims will be BLOCKED by the dems majority.


    This commission IS A SHAM!

    Where is the commission on the summer of peace, and all the riots and property damage and looting and additional deaths caused by the rioters?

    What is that?  There is none?


    The dems do NOT want the truth.  They only want POWER and to stay in POWER by any means necessary.

    Fake dossiers, fake news, misinformation, lies, etc.

    The dems will use this SHAM commission to try and make sure no political “outsider” (aka Trump) can ever run for office again.

    That is the whole point of this SHAM commission.

    And that IS a FACT!


      What needs to be probed is Congress.


      Oh, I found three articles continuing on this.

      Pelosi confident in bipartisan committee, plans to add more Republicans

      House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she is confident in the bipartisan select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, despite House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pulling his recommendations for the panel.

      So you are looking at RINOs.

      “Maybe the Republicans can’t handle the truth, but we have a responsibility to seek it to find it and in a way that maintains the confidence of the American people,” ..

      Or maybe, the reason you refused the nominations from the Republicans is because…

      GOP lawmaker blocked from panel blames Pelosi for Jan. 6 ‘breakdown of security’

      Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), one of the two GOP lawmakers rejected by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from serving on the Jan. 6 committee, accused the Speaker on Sunday of being responsible for the “breakdown of security” that day that led to a mob storming the Capitol.

      Oh, tell us more.

      “Due to the rules of the United States Capitol, the power structure of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol Police than anyone else in the United States Capitol,” Banks said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

      “So she doesn’t want us to ask these questions because at the end of the day, she is ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the capitol that happened on January 6,” he said.

      There is the TRUTH!

      Due to pelosi’s neglect of duty, she is ultimately responsible for what happened Jan.6.

      Banks said he was rejected because Pelosi “doesn’t want to talk about what happened at the capitol that day,” and is “only interested in a narrative.”

      Facts don’t matter, only the agenda-narrative.

      “It’s clear that Pelosi only once members on this committee who will stick to her talking points and stick to her narrative,” Banks said of Kinzinger’s possible nomination. “That’s why she’s picked the group that she’s already picked and anyone that she asked to be on this committee from this point moving forward will be stuck to her, her narrative, to her point-of-view.”

      There will not be an impartial committee.  That we knew all along!

      So where do we go from here?

      House Freedom Caucus pushes McCarthy to force vote to oust Pelosi as speaker

      The House Freedom Caucus on Friday called on GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to force a floor vote to oust Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi from her position …

      …asked McCarthy to bring up a privileged motion by July 31 in order “to vacate the chair and end Nancy Pelosi’s authoritarian reign as Speaker of the House.”

      “Speaker Pelosi’s tenure is destroying the House of Representatives and our ability to faithfully represent the people we are here to serve,” they wrote. “Republicans, under your leadership, must show the American people that we will act to protect our ability to represent their interests.”

      I would have to agree with that.

      The House has never been unable to get so little done as while she has been speaker, as far as I can recall.

      So what is she hoping to do?

      Pelosi announced that she planned to add GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois to the Jan. 6 committee – he has sought to reorient the party away from Trump.

      GOP Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who was booted from her leadership role as House Republican Conference Chair over her criticism of Trump, will also be on the committee.

      By having only anti-Trump people on HER committee, following her narrative/point-of-view, anything that does not follow that will be ruled as inadmissible, inconsequential, false, mis-information, etc.

      Her “pre-determined” outcome, just like all the investigations into Trump, is a fore gone conclusion.

      Truth be damned!

      Trump’s call a month before Jan.6 about getting more security at the capital before the event… DENIED!

      The FBI/CIA’s lack of intelligence before the event/informing people in change… INCONSEQUENTIAL!

      Trump’s call for the faithful to go home peacefully BEFORE the people were let INTO the capital building… MISLEADING!

      Video’s of antifa being escorted to the capital and given trump identifying items to wear… CO-INCIDENCE!

      And on and on and on.


      This IS yet another SHAM investigation by the demented dems.


      Get ready for the immaturity to grow!

      ‘Expect endless retaliation’: House riot committee provokes partisan war

      After years of the Dems attacking everything…

      More than six months later, House lawmakers will launch a riot investigation that has provoked a partisan battle that now threatens any future cooperation between the two parties.

      That cooperation ended a long time ago.  The reality of it is only now coming to the surface.

      “This is a sham committee that’s just politically driven by Speaker Pelosi,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, said Thursday.

      Everything now is politically driven.

      The move to ban Banks (who was chosen to serve as the top GOP lawmaker on the riot panel) and Jordan from participating infuriated Republicans, who historically control appointees to GOP-designated committee seats, and it amped up the already high tension between the two parties.

      Since they are not RINOs, whom pelosi can control…

      McCarthy, angered by Pelosi’s move to overrule him on Jordan and Banks, has talked of using his power as House speaker, if the GOP wins the majority next year, to “decide who sits on every committee,” a source familiar with McCarthy’s comments told the Washington Examiner. “Democrats would have no say.”


      Republicans believe Democrats will weaponize the riot panel to taint the GOP ahead of the election.

      Of course they will!

      Cheney’s appointment allows Democrats to promote the panel and its findings as bipartisan while also instigating discord within the GOP and aggravating their conflicted relationship with Trump.

      A RINO does not make this bipartisan, IMO.

      Pelosi has essentially ghosted McCarthy, refusing to acknowledge him by name when reporters asked about the GOP’s alternative investigation into the riot.

      “I’m not talking about him,” Pelosi said. “Let’s not waste each other’s time.”

      Boo hoo hoo!  Baby pelosi won’t mention his name.  Boo hoo hoo!  Grow up!  All you politicians, GROW UP!



      I found this, and it SHOULD apply also to the summer of riots:

      Officer Hodges labeled those demonstrators – the rioters – “terrorists.” He explained that, in so doing, he was relying on a congressional law (Section 2331 of the penal code), which defines “domestic terrorism” as illegal activities that are “dangerous to human life” and intended, among other things, “to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.”

      That is BLM, Antifa, CHAZ to a T!

      So where are all THOSE national committee investigations?

      This is a PURELY PARTISAN effort to attack their opponents.

      They have no interest in the truth.

      They only want to make sure they remain in power by any means necessary, which is why…

      Majority vote ‘No’ on Democratic plan to federalize elections

      Federalize the elections under the dem’s biased approached, is NOT for the good of democracy.

      In one finding that rejects Democratic voting reform efforts in Washington, a whopping 67% rejected any proposal to let the president use the Justice Department to sue states over registration efforts the White House disagrees with.

      If one state could not sue another state because of “standing”, then for sure those at the top wanting to stay on top would have a serious conflict of interest if THEY sue individual states.

      Overall, 58% want Uncle Sam’s hands off state registration procedures, according to the survey provided by the Center for Excellence in Polling, a project of the Foundation for Government Accountability.

      Since when does the dems care what the majority think?  When the dems “know” better.

      The survey highlights the national division over election reform efforts in Washington and states and the general feeling that Congress and President Joe Biden should back off trying to federalize the elections.

      Nonetheless, Vice President Kamala Harris continues to lead with liberal congressional Democrats in the bid to pass election “reforms” that would put states, especially those that are Republican-run, in the spotlight.

      Because they know they have to EARN every voter in Republican-run states, whereas in dems occupied territories the system is so rigged there has to be such an overwhelming lose they could not do anything put to accept the fact they LOST.


      Has the FBI demolished Democrats’ insurrection narrative about Jan. 6?

      … an Aug. 20 report by Reuters, already generating fierce political controversy, that a long-running FBI investigation has concluded the events in the Capitol were not “the result of an organized plot to overthrow the presidential election result.” Quoting current and former law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation, Reuters said the FBI “at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated” and has found “no evidence that [President Trump] or people directly around him were involved.”

      Oh look!  The insurrection talk has been DEBUNKED!  Why is the media not reporting on it?

      This report … deals a devastating blow to the dominant Democratic Party and liberal media narrative that Jan. 6 was an “insurrection” – the worst assault on the U.S. government since the War of 1812, or at least the Civil War. Somewhat belying these hyperbolic historical comparisons is the fact that most of the protesters who breached the Capitol were unarmed and the only incidence of gunfire was when a Capitol police officer shot and killed a woman, Ashli Babbitt, a shooting for which he will not face disciplinary action.

      Because the TRUTH does not fit their narrative and agenda, so it is ignored!

      Also telling is that of the more than 500 individuals arrested, only a few cases reportedly have been adjudicated and most of these involved individuals who accepted plea bargains for relatively minor offenses such as trespassing or obstruction of justice…

      Because that is all it ever was.  The summer of riots lead by the domestic terrorists of antifa/blm… those SHOULD BE charged and incararated.

      Obviously, both the Democratic Party and many in the liberal media are powerfully invested in portraying Jan. 6 as one of the most dangerous, sinister threats to democracy in the history of the republic.

      Because they dont’ report the truth, and live in a world of lies.

      This FARCE of a committee must be shut down, as it is not trying to find the TRUTH, but wants to weaponize and make it a political point they can use to spread their own hatred and racism and agenda.


      Fence going up around US Capitol, as law enforcement braces for Sept. 18 protest

      Fencing outside U.S. Capitol is expected to return ahead of the “Justice for J6” rally, a source familiar with the plans confirmed to ABC News.

      What protest?

      “Justice for J6” is being billed by organizers as a protest for defendants who are being detained by the government in connection to the January insurrection at the Capitol.

      The fencing is just the latest security measure for a rally that has some in law enforcement on high alert.

      What else are they doing?

      Every available Capitol Police officer will be working and the Washington Metropolitan Police Department said they are also “fully prepared” for the protest.

      “As with all First Amendment demonstrations, MPD will be monitoring and assessing the activities and planning accordingly with our federal law enforcement partners,” an MPD spokesperson said in a statement to ABC News. “MPD will have an increased presence around the city where demonstrations will be taking place and will be prepared to make street closures for public safety.”

      So it will be a peaceful protest, until the anarchists (antifa) arrives to make in “un”-peaceful, so the Capital Police can arrest more “protestors” while letting the anarchists/riot causer, to go free.

      That is my prediction.


      DHS restricted flow of intel related to ‘election-related threats’ before Jan. 6: report

      The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) restricted the flow of intelligence related to “election-related threats” before the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, CNN reports.

      OK, not the most trusted source for news, but what else are they claiming?

      In an October 2020 memo provided to the news outlet by watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), former DHS intelligence official Joseph Maher informed agency officials that open-source intelligence reports on election-related threats had to be approved by DHS leadership and legal counsel before release.

      Is that normal?

      Maher, who at the time led DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis, appeared to acknowledge increasingly violent language around the 2020 election, but tried to balance free speech with such rhetoric.

      Just cause some people are angry, does not mean they will do anything more than just let off steam.

      “Civil unrest and election- or voter-related issues often invoke U.S. Persons and First Amendment-protected activity,” he continued.

      But from the summer of “mostly” peaceful “riots”, you would think they would have moved faster on this, just in case.

      In a statement to The Hill, CREW President Noah Bookbinder said the memo “created additional levels of review before intelligence reports about election-related civil unrest could be sent out to other parts of the government.”

      As if their was not already enough “red-tape” in such government agencies.

      Intelligence gathering has been under particular scrutiny as the role of law enforcement agencies gets closely examined following security failures tied to Jan. 6.

      A report from the Senate Rules Committee and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs panel released in early August found that neither DHS nor the FBI issued threat assessments or intelligence bulletins warning of potential violence in the Capitol.

      If they did not get the intel in time to go over and react.

      When did they get this intel, and when did they finally share it?

      Still more questions than answers.


      FBI had informant in crowd during Capitol riot

      The FBI had an informant in the crowd during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol…

      The informant’s name was not revealed in the records, though he was affiliated with a Midwest chapter of the far-right group the Proud Boys, according to the newspaper.

      And what did he have to say?

      The informant has since denied that the Proud Boys intended to use violence on Jan. 6 but rather were consumed by a herd mentality. He has also denied that the group planned to attack the Capitol in interviews, the Times reported.

      So an FBI informant as DEBUNKED the narrative the demented dems and the lying media have been promoting!

      Reuters reported in early August that the FBI has found little evidence to suggest that the attack was largely coordinated.

      While groups such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were intent on entering the Capitol, officials told Reuters that there appeared to be no coordinated plans regarding what they would do once they broke into the building.

      Jan.6 propaganda has been DEBUNBKED!

      No PLAN!

      No violent INTENT!

      They just wanted their voices heard.


      Oh look!  They are pulling out the Fake Russian Collusion playbook!

      Jan. 6 panel plans contempt vote as Trump sues over probe

      A House committee tasked with investigating … is moving swiftly Tuesday to hold at least one of Donald Trump’s allies in contempt as the former president is pushing back on the probe in a new lawsuit.

      This continued harassment to push an agenda over “TRUTH”.

      …lawmakers on the House committee say they will not back down as they gather facts and testimony about the attack involving Trump’s supporters that left dozens of police officers injured, sent lawmakers running for their lives and interrupted the certification of President Joe Biden’s victory.

      They don’t like their day to bask in their getting control of power to be tarnished.

      They want it to go back where there was only dems and rinos (no true Republicans).

      “The former president’s clear objective is to stop the Select Committee from getting to the facts about January 6th and his lawsuit is nothing more than an attempt to delay and obstruct our probe,”

      Well, we saw how for four years you and your propaganda media was going after people with your debunked and fake dossier, this is more of the same.

      “It’s hard to imagine a more compelling public interest than trying to get answers about an attack on our democracy …”

      And we see the attack… lack of transparency on the elections… ignoring state laws… banning of observers… sworn affidavit… courts refusing to look at the facts… etc.

      There IS an attack on freedoms and democracy… and it is the LEFT doing it!

      So this whole thing has turned into, after looking at all the videos (and finding nothing) and having so few real convictions (I think trespassing was about it, IRC).

      No, all those in the committee are doing now is fishing for anything, and hoping they can catch something on a legal maneuver than an actual crime realted to the actual event, just like they did with their debunked and fake dossier.


      House holds Trump ally Steve Bannon in criminal contempt of Congress

      The House voted on Thursday to hold Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon in criminal contempt of Congress, over his refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by the House select committee investigating the 6 January…

      TDS continues ever after the former POTUS is currently not in office!

      The approval of the contempt citation, by 229 votes to 202 against, escalates the select committee’s efforts to punish…

      Anyone related to the Trump administration.

      The House select committee chair, Bennie Thompson, the Democratic congressman from Mississippi, said the authorization of the criminal referral against Bannon signalled their determination to deploy their most aggressive measures to take action…

      Against any non-dem who does not bend the knee to their demented agenda.

      “We need to make it clear that no person is above the law…”

      Unless you are tied to the clinton criminal mafia, the deep state, etc.

      Servers and laptops, they and those around them are above the law as no one is allowed to investigate and prosecute those criminals.

      The select committee views Bannon’s testimony as crucial to their investigation, since he was in constant contact with Trump in the days and weeks leading up to the Capitol attack.

      Just like they did for the debunked and fake dossier.

      AS they know they have no evidence, they have to try and force someone to slip up so they can claim “See!  Here it is!”  And conviction them on legal maneuver rather than on actual facts related to the “event”.

      But despite the high stakes, Bannon informed the select committee he would not cooperate with his 23 September subpoena, and claimed the materials and testimony requested by the panel were protected by executive privilege and could not be turned over to Congress.

      The select committee rejected that argument on Tuesday.

      Of course they did.

      They are not after the truth, but want BLOOD for people defying the dem’s regime and lust for power at ALL costs/methods.


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