Democrats to create select committee to probe Jan. 6 attack

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    Now which should they actually be investigating?


    It seems the “Give me a man and I will find the crime” has finally announce their predetermine conclusion;

    Jan. 6 committee recommends criminal charges against Trump

    The U.S. House Jan. 6 committee has wrapped up its investigation of the violent 2021 U.S. Capitol insurrection, with lawmakers on Monday declaring that they have assembled a “roadmap to justice” to bring criminal charges against former president Donald Trump and his allies.

    Firstly, these people need a dictionary, as it is obvious they don’t know what “insurrection” and “justice” means.

    The committee alleged violations of four criminal statutes by Trump, in both the run-up to the riot and during the insurrection itself, as it recommended the former president for prosecution to the U.S. Justice Department. The charges recommended by the committee are conspiracy to defraud the United States, obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, conspiracy to make a false statement and insurrection.

    Let see, the dems were obstructing POTUS Trump for years.  Where are the criminal charges against the dems?

    Making false statements?  Then all politicians are criminals.

    Defraud the US?  How many dem spending bills defrauds the US taxpayers?

    This has be self projection if I ever heard of one!

    While a criminal referral is mostly symbolic, with the Justice Department ultimately deciding whether to prosecute Trump or others, it is a decisive end to a probe that had an almost singular focus from the start.

    It had ONE and only ONE purpose even before it was begun…. stop Donald Trump from ever becoming POTUS ever again.

    Their fake and debunked stories did not work.

    Their fake news reports did not work.

    The panel, which will dissolve on Jan. 3 with the new Republican-led House, has conducted more than 1,000 interviews, held 10 well-watched public hearings and collected more than one million documents since it launched in July 2021.

    While at the same time they had ZERO with regards to domestic terrorists antifa/blm rioters/loiters.  Whom destroyed billions in property and whom many people died as a direct result of their illegal activities.

    Nothing.  Nada.  Zip!

    …the members (of the committee) have become emboldened in declaring that Trump, a Republican, is to blame for the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol by his supporters almost two years ago.

    They and all the dems and their propaganda media were declaring that since Jan.6, to try to prevent Trump was ever becoming POTUS ever again.

    Yet with all its “very selective” evidence, they refused any and all evidence that proved Trump IS innocent.  Like his calls for his supporters to go home, and peacefully, before the people were invited into the capital building by security forced.


    This shame of a committee will go down as one of the biggest moments witch hunts in US history.


    Firstly, these people need a dictionary, as it is obvious they don’t know what “insurrection” and “justice” means

    I actually think it’s a textbook example of an insurrection


      And coming January 2023:

      January 6th probe in to the January 6th Probe and political retribution for political retribution.


      Had this been an actual insurrection those involved would have  been armed and actually taken prisoners or worse. This was a mostly peaceful protest, more peaceful in fact than all the summer of love protest.


        I think the entire show of this was probably to try to get Trump on charges either to damage his campaign or stop him from running.  Now that the whole thing has concluded, as insane as it is, I think they will charge Trump.  Which again, is insane.

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