Did Terry Davis Temple OS predict Beer Bug & beyond?

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    Well now it seems they have made their first attempt to assassinate Trump.  Failed this attempt.

    They used ricen on a letter.  This really starts to tie in with the keyword smitted.  If Trump does win, this predicts Trump’s life is in danger.  I have already contacted the White House about this information.  I am sure they know full well these leftist scum are going to do everything in their power to make this happen.

    I pray for Trump, he just be protected at all costs!

    One way or the other one of these major players are going end up dead.  Either Trump by assassination.  Or Biden by old age or some excuse they will use to shoe horn in Harris as our sitting President if they are able to steal this election.

    I want this up and in full writing so we can come back and read this thread after everything is said and done.   If I am wrong here, so be it.  I would be glad being wrong here.  I don’t want anyone to die.  I don’t wish harm upon Biden even though I really dislike the guy.  I honestly feel bad for Joe.  It is elderly abuse IMO.

    At his age he is in no shape to put marched out like this and put on the front lines.  Let along be president.  It is almost like they want to lose.  Biden/Harris loss will escalate the riots into over drive.


    Well Trump getting Covid is a strange turn when considering this thread.   I pray to God he is okay.  However check out what the word Smitten means in definition terms.

    We are looking at Term B.  Smitted:  to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand. 2a : to kill or severely injure by smiting. b : to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously smitten by disease.


    Next word Hymn: A hymn is a type of song, usually religious, specifically written for the purpose of adoration or prayer.

    Right after the word smitted we have Hymn which everyone is doing right now.  Mostly everyone is praying for trump.  Who has been smitted with Covid19.

    Will he live?  Chances are very high that he should come out just fine.  Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.

    If anything does happen, then realize something darker is going on and IMO he was assassinated while in the hospital.  I sure hope he has trusted guards 24/7.  I personally would trust just any Secret Service agent.  These SS guys better be on his top 10 list and be around him the whole time.   I have a bad feeling about all this.

    All the same that makes this list move along faster than I thought it was going to.  And I was wrong on my assumptions on a few things in here.  At the very least I have it down in writing months ago as the prediction.  Everything seems to be falling right into place.

    Maybe the smitted word only meant he got sick as definition B does cover that factor.  And Hymn goes right into place after it.

    We all know the Elections are DUMB.  So that covers that sector of the list perfectly.


    You’re crazy


    Thanks for that enlightening input!  The thought it must have taken to write all that must have been an effort for you.



    brendon has a different take on the matters and is all planned towards the next step in technology and to become maybe to a skynet like world , again just another take from the possible ones that are happening the now

    when you mention the adam and eve thing, Michael tsarion did a book called Atlantis and genetic manipulation, that the idea the world was at peace then aliens/guards/gods came down and changed us to become their “slaves”,

    i agree that the past is not just primitive and basic, the pyramids are a basic example of that as by nowadays standards they still can’t understand how the perfect building of it by even nowadays technology, made by cavemen i think not

    i heard of terry davis a while ago from a friend, but i never read into his details only that he used the N word freely but not in the sense to try slander but just his way of talking about certain things, but i dont know the proper details of why he became a cult hero almost because he was “crazy”

    death stranding and kojima in general is a good take on the things going on as well as snakeyes said , the story had some interesting moments , but when the ending unravelled and 1 the characters was pretty boring , i dont want to ruin it for anyone, but the journey was better than the destination, visually a great game without a doubt though, alot of moments i enjoyed , apart from the mountain scenarios going up and through snow etc, but thats another topic now ha ha

    metal gear however, classic , didnt mind 5 even though it didnt play or feel like a proper mgs game , and kojima dipped out before it finished as well, but 1-4 were defo up there as my fav games ,

    1 the main bad guys called zero reminds me of these old men in charge of the world, frail and ancient but still get people to do their bidings through lies and money, sound familiar in the world today eh

    has anyone watched “raised by wolves”? , the ending is very confusing/interesting if you like alien/ Annunaki orientated stuff bare with it and soldier on, the ending is very “ancient” in terms of symbolism and possible changes to humanity in the first place, i don’t wanna say too much as i think i already have now


    You’re welcome. And it wasn’t that big of an effort, I just read your post and saw that you want any kind of feedback, even if it’s calling you crazy so that’s what I did. Not that tough tbh.


    Still seem crazy since how Biden is going to win.  This thread predicted a Biden/Harris win via election fraud.


    The last few days have pretty much confirmed this thread topic.  Covid 19 was used to push mail in ballots that are sketchy at best.   The whole thing is very DUMB.


    This thread predicted a Biden/Harris win via Mail in election fraud.


    I just love this mindless cattle like reply. You are definitely behaving like good livestock should as soon as any one someone says something that goes against what the news on TV tells you, you get upset and your brain melts down and you just reply with “you’re crazy” like you are some sort of programmed robot; its honestly quite sad. Try to think for yourself for once in your life and provide a proper argument to counter what hes saying instead of just getting mad he saying something you dont want to hear because it wasn’t told to you by the TV :)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by jewferson42.

    funny how the mods removed my post looks like some livestock had a mental break down lol brain could not compute must delete opposing opinion rifk. kill yourself soon mod no one will care anyway. Go join the 40% of trannies that blow their own brains out

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by jewferson42.

    Well there are lots of conspiracy theories out there which I simply don’t believe. It’s very possible that some weirdos in China released the virus, but I do not believe the crazy theories about Biden, Obama, Fauci etc being a part of a grand scheme to release a virus which effects the whole world for the sake of the elction.

    I feel like american conspiracy theorists only focus on their country, as some try to claim covid being a hoax pushed by the american democrats or some shit to scare americans to steal the election with fake numbers and so on, completely ignoring the fact that covid kills people all around the world.

    It’s not some doomsday apocalypse virus, I agree with that one, but it is much more dangerous than the swine flu mainly because of how easily it spreads (it’s r rate is about 3x of the swine flu, meaning that if one person with the swine flu infects 100 people covid infects 300) and you can see it by doing some basic research and look at cases around the world. Or you can choose to believe in conspiracy theorists, it’s up to you, I really don’t care too much.


    Looking back months later, gun control and how it could relate to the 4th amendment is shocking.


    And potentially much more to come.

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