Did you want to know why they called you a Nazi?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Memes Are Life Did you want to know why they called you a Nazi?

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    You don’t have to wonder anymore.


      To my understanding that symbol was around long before Hitler used it.  In fact it was a religious symbol if I recall correctly. Odd that it was given to Hitler solely.

      Although ironically (or maybe unironically), the rainbow is also a religious symbol and now look who “owns” it.



      PS – Someone needs to make a “Super Straight” flag.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Vknid.

      You’re correct, Hilter co oped the swastika.

      Just as the Nu Nazi 5th Reich have co oped the gay community.  Granted they/them stand strong in their brainwashing of younger children into this new age.  I say with confidence that 60% of gay people think what is going on today is just as stupid as the rest of us.  Larger powers at work here are repeating a history of co op groups that once stood for something other than authoritarian ideologies.

      The irony in all of this is staggering when you know the history and can read between the lines to what is truly at play here.



      The irony in all of this is staggering when you know the history and can read between the lines to what is truly at play here.

      That explains why history is not taught, but only select information about the past is used.

      Symbols and words have to be subjugated.

      Change the meaning to fit a new narrative, so if anyone used the old meaning, they are labeled bigots and hateful.

      Good is bad, up is down, male is female, free speech is hate speech, riots are mostly peaceful, etc.

      As for the religious aspect:

      In the Hebrew Book of Genesis, a rainbow appeared to Noah following the Great Flood. As the flood had almost wiped out the entire human race, the rainbow symbolised God’s promise that he would never send another flood large enough to destroy all life.

      After all the evil that happened in the world, God created the flood to get rid of that evil.

      Now, to rub it in to God’s face, they are using His promised symbol to spread evil/immoral behaviour.

      See, if you hate the current usage of rainbow symbol, you are hating God’s promise/symbol.

      That is how satan subverts God’s messages/symbols.

      That is NOT a mistake, but deliberate.


        Satan does not say God does not exist, but he takes God’s word and twists the message so you ally with him and separate yourself from the Lord intentionally.

        And this is essentially what we see today and why Atheists hate God instead of simply ignore his existence.


        How can we hate what does not exist?

        We hate irrationality and cruelty and anything that interfers with natural law, darwinism and human evolution. Therefore, REAL atheists like myself also hate the woke brigade. A lot more than we hate traditional religions. The way I see it, traditional religions (except Islam) are already dead or dying, but have been replaced by something much, much worse. The fight begins anew.
        Lest no one accuse history of lacking a sense of irony, it appears this time we shall be allies, at least temporarily. For unlike the wokeists, we don’t actually want to rule over you or submit you.
        For all I care, after we beat the wokeists, you shall go your merry way and found Jesusland somewhere, and we’ll found Nietzscheland or Darwinland, and hopefully our paths won’t cross all too often afterwards. We’ll send you a postcard from Alpha centauri some day. A postcard since I doubt you’ll still have electricity by then :P

        PS: I really don’t get why you’re all so worried about homosexuality. It’s not like they’re outbreeding you…

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

        PS: I really don’t get why you’re all so worried about homosexuality. It’s not like they’re outbreeding you…

        Insane far right talking points. Talks about how having pride month is trying to brain wash ppl to… become gay I guess? Dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while


        Looks like you do what you always do Sonic.  Didn’t read the thread and made a knee jerk reaction like the buffoon that I have come to expect you to be on here.

        Yeah, we hate gay people…. *Rolls eyes to the back of my head*   So much that I went out of my way to defend them.

        How do you know I am not gay too?  And get censored and silenced at every turn.  Almost like a bunch of true to life authoritrains have co oped the movement to push their Bullshit agenda while hiding under the rainbow.   Oh there are lots of delusional, fantasy land living scum bags in the community who are now pushing this shit on kids.

        I always said, adults can do what ever they want.  But once you involve the kids I will fight back.

        How about this sonic & wisdom.  Go fuck yourselves you scum bags.

        I am tired of playing nice with you people.  You’re the reason for many of my life choices.  What are those choices?  I prefer to keep that to myself thanks to idiots like you who have made my former lifestyle laughable and to be mocked at every damn turn.


          I have no doubt SuperSoynic_Speed is here mostly to just be a contrarian and to bust people’s chops.  And I do dislike his mocking tone and blatant condescension.  The same with Wisdom. BUT, this is the internet and it’s to be expected and just because we disagree does not mean we have to hate.

          So telling them to F Off is just as bad as it’s more or less what they are doing just not in so many words.  This is not to say I disagree with all of what you are stating @Oldie_Wan_Kenobi, it’s the approach that I think is incorrect.

          And no I have no idea what you have been through so I guess all that is easy for me to say but it’s my take on vitriol like that.

          I just want everyone to place nice even if we don’t see eye to eye.  That used to be the norm and not the exception.  I miss those days.


          Vknid, I tend not to mince words or beat around the bush with these types.   They are the same kind of people who got me booted from every single platform on the web.  They wonder why I hate homosexuals and blah blah blah.  They have no clue who I am or what I have done in my life.   I am not the kind of guy to use my past as a shield or for some nonsense virtue signaling.  It is what it is and I am no longer going to play nice with them.  I have zero respect for them.

          What is going on today is insane.  These people claim one thing but do the complete opposite and silence so many voices that I can say with a smile on my face, FUCK them.  They can go fuck themselves sideways!   They walked away from the table years ago and no longer want to have a discussion in good faith.

          Always bad faith actors, calling me right wing.  A Nazi and other choice words.  I am done.   Thus I have choice words for them.   As right now that is all it is at this point words.  We are never going to see eye to eye and sooner or later it will spill over into the real world.

          These people are hateful and stand for everything that disgusts me.  What these people are promoting and pushing on kids is something that needs to be stood up against and maybe people need to stop being so polite to people who hate your guts.

          I spoke my peace here.  I don’t put up with nonsense.  I fight back.




            I hear you man.  I understand what you are saying.  I feel some of the same frustrations you do.  I just tend to believe you catch more flies with sugar vs. vinegar.

            HOWEVER, I won’t begrudge you your way just because I have my own.


            How do you know I am not gay too?

            I don’t know that. And it doesn’t really matter.

            who are now pushing this shit on kids.

            I always said, adults can do what ever they want.  But once you involve the kids I will fight back.

            but quotes like this makes me pretty certain you aren’t. What exactly is being pushed to kids? That it’s okay to be gay and that there are failies with one mommy and one daddy and families with two mommies or two daddies? Ooooh such a vile agenda being pushed in them.

            I have no doubt SuperSoynic_Speed is here mostly to just be a contrarian and to bust people’s chops.  And I do dislike his mocking tone and blatant condescension.

            this site is a bit of an echo chamber in my opinion so I usually don’t comment on threads were I agree with people and join the circlejerk so I usually give my two cents when I disagree.


            Sonic, I am never against another side of the argument.  Always willing to have a discussion with someone in good faith.  Every Single Time you come into one of my threads calling me an idiot or making some douche bag comment.   That is hardly what I consider a good faith argument.   You call everyone you disagree with Right wing, alt right.  You use the same talking points in each thread you go into.

            I have something against the homosexuals taking their nonsense into the light of day.   Keep that shit where it belongs.   In the night life where adult entertainment can thrive.  Not bring that shit into pre schoools and around the kids.   The shit is already confusing enough for grown adults.

            I promise you, every single gay friend I have think you’re all bonkers and they are ashamed of the so called LGBTQ+LMNOP bullshit being pushed like they all agree with it.  The moment one of them speak out, whamo they are called alt right bigots.   It’s fucking tiresome and it is just what REAL true to life Nazis would do.

            I didn’t make that piece of shit Pride flag 2022.  They made that shit.  I just took their own flag and pointed it North, East, South, West.  Guess what?  It made a fucking Swastika.   That was by design, because these people are pushing authoritarian bullshit across the world.

            I won’t respect these people or their pronouns.  I spit on them and will spit on anyone else defending them while real gay people are side lined and silenced at every turn.   Then you have the whole MAP bullshit being placed on top of everything else.  What we are suppose to respect people who are attracted to little kids now?   I am tolerant to a point.   They are kids, go fuck yourself buddy.  It’s beyond weird, it’s criminal.

            It’s criminal to take little kids into drag bars known for adult entertainment.   These kids are going to have plenty of time to experience adult entertainment when they get old enough to process that shit.

            Might as well start Stripper Story hour and take the kids into strip clubs.   It is the same damn thing.   Your lot is pushing people back into the closet, as they are ashamed to even be seen with the kinds of people who are out here flopping dildos around and saying it’s okay for kids.  Get fucked.

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