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With Digimon Adventure 2020 hitting the half way mark, i thought it’d be fun to start a thread about this incredible reboot and the great and very special original series which started it all 😸
Though the original will always hold a special place in my heart, i’m very impressed and plesantly surprised by how good this reboot’s been (and very greatfull my favorite anime hasn’t been wrecked 🥳). I will post an indepth review/comparison when the season finishes, and will try my best to keep it spoiler free, at least of major spoilers 😅 In the meantime, here’s a cute video of the digimon digivolving 1999 vs 2020, enjoy 😺
Did you watch Digimon Tri? I assume you did, did you enjoy it?
Yes i did, and yes i really enjoyed it 😸
I actually rewatched part 1 a couple days ago
Started re-watching the original Digimon Adventure for like the 100th time, just so that when the time comes to compare 1999 to 2020 they’ll both be fresh in my mind
I’ve re-watched the first few episodes of the original, and realized, i’m actually a lot like to Biyomon 🐱🐦
i’m very impressed and plesantly surprised by how good this reboot’s been
Hmm… ehh… … yeah i should’ve f***ing waited till the end of the season before saying that 😅
Ok, review time:
Credit where credit is due, the first 25 or so episodes were freaking awesome, but then… the best way i can describe the plot post episode 30 is like if you had a very well drawn map, flushed it down the toilet, and then fished it out of the toilet and tried to read it hoping it won’t get you lost! Well, at least it was pretty to watch and had it’s fun and cute moments, so it’s not like it ruined my childhood, i haven’t finished yet though
The mega-digivolutions make no sense! Cool flashy special effects is not gonna make up for good story telling, and timing, a mega-digivolution is suppost to be special, you’re last hope at defeating a bad guy that seems impossible to beat, none of the mega-digivolutions made the impact they should’ve, it felt like just another power-up and that’s it. I still remember the first time i watched Agumon and Gabumon mega-digivolve to Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon as a kid watching the original Digimon Adventure like it was yesterday, cheering them on while my eyes were glowing, Adventure 2020 had none of that, Angewomon looking like a Pretty Cure while she mega-digivolves looks cool, but without anything to build up that moment it falls flat
The biggest difference between Adventure 2020 and Adventure 1999 is the way the plot was layed out: While Adventure 1999 was made up of 3 seperate arcs put toghether like a puzzle to make one cohesive story, Adventure 2020 tried to go with one mega-long arc thruout the whole series, i’m not saying it’s something impossible to make work, i’ve seen plenty of series do so, but in this case the story wasn’t paced right and ended up getting lost and turned into a jumbled confused mess
Ah Digimon, even though I was in my 20’s when i first saw it, I actually liked this series. I thought it was really good. I can also say that I’ve met the dub voice of Myotismon, Richard Epcar, and I can say he’s a splendid fellow.