Disney Games

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    Wasn’t sure where to put this but I thought I’d put it here as I’m also going to be mentioning retro games too😊.

    Thought I’d create a thread for Disney games, whether they be the old school ones on the MegaDrive such as ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Aladdin’ of some of the more recent ones like ‘Kingdom of Hearts’. What games do you have? Which ones are your favourites? Which ones do you not like? The usual gaming questions😊.

    As one who grew up on what was basically the golden age of Disney games in the 90’s, I’ve got some of the MegaDrive ones such as ‘The Lion King’, ‘Aladdin’ (although I wasn’t into those two films at the time), ‘World of Illusion’, ‘Castle of Illusion’. Probably my favourite is ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Castle of Illusion’. I’ve also got ‘Fantasia’ but absolutely HATE the damn game despite the amazing soundtrack being in 16-bit and I love the film😫.

    Do I have anything more recent Disney game wise? The last one I got was ‘Disney Magical World 2’ on the 3DS which was quite good and probably the better of the more modern Disney games. Oh and ‘Disney Art Academy’ for the 3DS too.


      Most of the Disney games I’ve played were when I was a kid, and were releSed in the late 90s to the early 00s.

      Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue was my favorite Disney game as a kid, and one of my first PC games. It was a pretty fun 3D platformer, where you got to navigate through some of the locations from the movie, albeit laid out differently to support fun gameplay.

      The Lion King on SNES is one I played as a kid, but didn’t get too far into it. At first, it was the Ostrich segment where it took me a while to find out double jumping existed, so I just kept dying. Even when I figured that out, I think it was sold before I ever finished it.

      There was also a Toy Story PC game based on the first movie that involved puzzles. Can’t remember what the subtitle for it was, but it was alright.

      I had Monsters Inc. on PC briefly, but didn’t get far in it. There was some stealth mission where I had to sneak into Waternoose’s office without being seen, and couldn’t do it.



      I’ve got the first ‘Toy Story’ game on the MegaDrive. Was never able to get past Nightmare Buzz🙄. Back when kids games were actually challenging and not something to complete within five minutes like so many of them are now sadly.


        Not sure if the Disney games I didn’t finish were really hard. Looking back, I think it was more so just me not knowing what I was doing.

        Oh, I forgot another Disney game that my parents rented for me as a kid. It was a Lilo and Stitch game where you play as Stitch. I think it was called Stitch: Experiment 626. Wasn’t too bad, but I didn’t have enough time to finish it.


        A long time ago, I rented from blockbuster; the Disney skate boarding game (I’d wish they’d remaster it.)


        I forgot to mention also that one of my more recent Disney games was the ‘Disney Tsum Tsums’ game for the Switch…which has the cutest opening I’ve ever seen on a game😍😂!

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