Disney Investors Day Announcements – Star Wars

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  • #200919

    I agree that this will end in a stalemate, not unexpectedly, but I actually enjoy discussions with the opposing viewpoints. I would be interested to hear how you think this is the same discussion we have had before. I don’t get that at all. I see your point now though, you don’t want conversations anymore, you want yes men on the superiority of the EU. That’s why I said you should start a thread of that yourself. You won’t find many of them on a thread talking about the new Disney shows, you’ll actually find fans who are cautiously optimistic instead. But, message received, I will try my best not reply to your comments any more.

    After rereading the last paragraph of my previous post, it did come across as more aggressive than I wanted it to. I did not mean to say you have no place on these forums if you don’t like what Disney is doing with Star Wars. You of course have every right to come to these forums and vent your frustrations. As I said, I love when I can discuss with someone with a different opinion, especially when I can inform them of the truth (ie blaming Filoni for Lucas’ decisions as I said above). But you have yet to realize that there are Star Wars fans who can look past earlier shortcomings and are excited for the potential of Star Wars moving forward, like your friend that you talked about. Vent on TLJ all you want, probably everyone here would agree with you, that’s how we found G&G. But don’t expect everyone to just sit there and agree with you when you blanketly state everything Disney will ever put out will be horrible just because. I’m actually not sure how you thought you could get away with that one with no one disagreeing with you. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but there are some older Star Wars fans that enjoy parts of Disney Star Wars.

    As for your “how many times I have to be burned” comment, the Disney Trilogy is the only thing that burned me so far. Everything else that I have seen is ok to great, though I will admit I have read very little of the Disney canon books. So no, I have no reason to believe they will do it again until I actually see it happen. The picture you posted was from a group of authors, not the show directors, so I see no relevance of that in this topic. They are different people with different ideas. And if it ever does happen again, I’ll do the same thing I did last time, and the same thing I did whenever I read an EU story I thought was awful. I don’t cry that I just got slapped in the face as you say, I just move on with my life like any man does. I won’t lose sleep at night because the new Star Wars story was woke. As much as I enjoy Star Wars, I have way more important things in life. As I said, like what you like, ignore what you don’t like. We actually agree on this point, since you say there is real and fake Star Wars, so there is some common ground.

    About understanding my mindset, it is simple. Yes, the leaders at Lucasfilm are completely woke right now. So is 99% of Hollywood. However, it does not always move into the things they create, (see Mandalorian). I will make up my mind about everything after I have seen it.

    I will agree with you, I think I focused on the wrong thing during my previous posts. You have every right not to watch any of these shows. As much as I may think they could be good, you have no reason to believe that they will be, and will not watch any of them. Fine by me, I was wrong to focus on that part of your posts. However, I will say anyone would have to actually watch the show first before screaming that it’s good or bad because no one can possibly know at this point in time. Much less 10 different shows. At this point it’s screaming out of ignorance. Once again, I would point you to all the posts of the Mandalorian being woke before the show premiered for a prime example of this. You are just doing the same thing again. You seem old enough to understand how that makes you look to others who only know you from what you type.

    And believing there is real and fake Star Wars is just a second way of saying you have your own head canon. ;)


    Serves his bitch ass right.


    Rangers? Sounds retarded. Secondly as soon as Gina refuses to apologize for shit she didnt do they will remove her from the series.

    Bad batch? You mean the NULL ARCS? The Null ARCs were cool the BB knockopffs are a bunch of cunts.

    AssHoka? Always hated that canon violation and George demanded she die during O66. Cowgirl Dave told George to shove it then made her the main character of his next shit cartoon too. Frankly Im, not a fan of rosie either. Bitch cant act.

    Cassian??? Why would anyone watch a show about that mumbling fuck? I had to watch 3.75 with subtitles cause of that bitch.

    Visions? More SJW shorts. hard pass

    Pando? Naw fam the rat destroyed his character.

    Acolyte? Frankly the only one which sounds remotely interesting is being done by HWfPA….. hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahh FUCK OFF.

    Droids? Been there done that dont fucking care.

    Tito Woketitty trilogy? hahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahaha seriously get fucked. This SJW is perhaps even less talented than JarJar Abrims is and keeps failing upward.

    And lastly Kenobi… where they stated as soon as they announced that Hayden was involved includes a rematch?
    When I left you I was but the learner now I am the Master… They had not encountered eachother in 20 years. Kenobi cant leave Tattooine cause doing so puts his charge in danger of being found. Vader refused to set foot on the planet so yea they sure as fuck aint having a rematch w/o changing history.


    Fuck the rat long live the EU. If I wasnt reading WoT right now Id start reading this again.


    Edit: Wait there is a Rogur Squadron film too? That SJW bitch will fuck that over hard.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by MrDragonbane.

      Actually, Star Wars Visions is gonna be anime


      Anamie? I give even less of a shit now.


      No point in going on in the other stuff, just gonna go in circles, but I am going to respond to this, because you are way off base and frankly, just insulted me.


      I see your point now though, you don’t want conversations anymore, you want yes men on the superiority of the EU. That’s why I said you should start a thread of that yourself. You won’t find many of them on a thread talking about the new Disney shows, you’ll actually find fans who are cautiously optimistic instead. But, message received, I will try my best not reply to your comments any more.


      Okay. You basically just called me an SJW that doesn’t want to hear opposite opinions and only wants to hear my echo chamber.

      F that.

      I never said I won’t have conversations and that I only want “yes men.” I believe in free thought and freedom of expression. That includes my right to bitch, moan, and argue when I see something I disagree with. You also have the right to then argue with my perspective. It’s called being normal people, because that’s what we are.

      But to say I want to only hear yes men….dude…check yourself. Is it right to say I’m going to agree with a pro EU person over anything else, and that I want to hear more of what they have to say rather than someone ringing your perspective? Yes, but that doesn’t mean I won’t read or listen to stuff I don’t agree with. If I was against freedom of expression, I wouldn’t be talking to you anymore. I would have said “FUCK YOU YOU SIMPING BASTARD!!!” and walked away, but no, I’ve continued to engage you, as tiring as it is.

      And I say tiring, because whenever you and I do this dance, so far it is the same thing basically. I say, “fuck disney, long live the EU.” You then basically respond, “Stop being closed minded, it could be good, you don’t have to live in your head cannon, you might feel better.” Then the circle responses begin. So you see why I said what I said, because we are having the same basic argument over and over again, and it’s boring.

      You are free to respond to me all you want, but if we are going to spar, then it would be better for us and those watching to spar over different issues. We bore and annoy ourselves and bore the spectators.

      Do you get me?

      What I’m talking about is freedom, not absolutes, as you have portrayed. Only Sith deal in absolutes, and I ain’t no Sith.


      > jesus this thread


      I love that show.

      Fantastic soundtrack.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Roas.

      You’ve had a condescending tone through this entire discussion, you’ve said this is boring several times, and called me a Disney simp and other names. I don’t bring it up. I don’t take it personally, I just move on. But me saying “yes men” was so over the line to you that you needed to write a whole post on it? Ok.

      Interesting perspective on forums you have there. To me, I don’t think of others when I am having a discussion with someone. I’m having a conversation with you, so I don’t care if anyone else thinks this is boring or not. This isn’t a reality show or a YouTube channel, we don’t have to keep their attention. They can respond if they want or completely ignore us. For me, I’m not bored at all, but if you ever think this is getting boring, you can choose not to respond at any time: the beauty of online discussions.

      Not getting into the argument again, I think I clarified my point well in the last paragraph of my last post, but just to set the record straight on two of your points.

      1. As far as I’m aware, we’ve only talked on these forums three times. The first issue we discussed, if you remember, was Lucas’ involvement in the EU v. his involvement in TCW series. There was nothing about Disney because they weren’t involved with either. So your description of “all” of our discussions is really just a description of this last one.

      2. “you don’t have to live in your head canon, you might feel better.” Come on man, read my posts before telling me what I said. I think you feel like we’re going in circles because you not listening to my points, or completely flipping my points like this one, makes me think I have to say them again. If you had listened to what I’m actually saying, I think we would have moved on from this by now.

      I said the exact opposite of what you quoted. You don’t have to blindly accept what anyone is giving you. You have the choice in what you consider to be Star Wars. And we both should have picked up on this earlier, but we are saying the same thing here in different ways. You call it real Star Wars, I call it head canon. As I said before, we agree. I think that finding this commonality is a great place to leave this since it is boring you.


      You’ve had a condescending tone through this entire discussion, you’ve said this is boring several times, and called me a Disney simp and other names. I don’t bring it up. I don’t take it personally, I just move on. But me saying “yes men” was so over the line to you that you needed to write a whole post on it? Ok.


      Potato Potatto, dude. You sound the same way to me from the start, except I still call it soap boxing, self righteous, and overall mocking because I feel you consider me obstinate to not accept your perspective.

      We are both talking at each other and not to each other, not getting what the other is trying to say. You are saying I’m not reading your posts, well, I think the same thing with how you acting as well.

      I will just say in closing before I depart this conversation, that I find our discussion boring, not these forums, because of all the previously mentioned reasons. These  forums are great, and nothing will ever get me to leave, because for the first time in years I’ve found other like minded people to talk about my hobbies with and I don’t have to worry about some SJW taking offense with my blunt manner of speaking. I don’t have to censor myself, and that is perfect.

      I don’t dislike you, but it’s frustrating to talk to you about this topic, because I don’t really feel you get me or the position I represent truly at all. You probably feel the same way.

      And you know what? This is a show, man. We are duking it out for the entertainment, or not so much in many cases at this point I suspect, for the rest of the forums. People are coming to this thread to see what bullshit one of us will say next and who will tap out first.

      Well, I tap out, because this topic truly stopped being entertaining for me to fight about as of this morning. If something stops being fun, then I don’t do it.

      is right.

      This is pointless and we should both just shut the fuck up about this crap. Time will truly tell who was right, and I trust my instincts.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Roas.

        As self-elected modaretor, i declare this debate between @Roas and @DarthGregious a draw 👏👏


        a few of the shows if based in the timeline that isn’t in the skywalker timeline might be an interest

        i am sure people would like to see a fresh approach away from episode 1-9 timescale

        i do think either the past or into the future beyond the Disney timeline “much more than 100 years” could be intriguing if done right

        if they do try and involve characters from the EU or computer games, i think they should respect the lore as fans do remember and hold it close to what is left in the aftermath of the Disney trilogy, which has divided people and rightfully so, as it was a complete mess

        even if 1 or 2 of them are safe options that isn’t in the 1-9 timescale its defo the right thing to try as there is only so many times u can see and hear stories from different views and aspects to which we already know the outcome of

        all this sjw and woke pandering isnt going to help the hope to resurrect star wars, if they do its just gonna push more away than it already has this far, i am the same with the mando with alot of folk, i dont mind it , but small retcons here and there is something that should be left alone as its just gonna make everything meaningless, like the rise of skywalker for a fine example, Anakin and luke what they did wasn’t enough, we needed mary sue to save the day, you cant keep pushing fans of old and new away from it with sloppy writing and lack of care to help the damage that has been done

        fresh time line/s or stick to George’s vision as its what makes the most sense, the likes of Kathleen Kennedy need to hush or leave, done enough to damage the franchise, likes of filoni i am on the fence with, i would like to think he wouldn’t  answer to Kennedy or try do his own agenda to make the timelines and characters become something they never were intended to be if doing material in the 1-6 timeline


        Cowgirl Felony never gave a fuck about continuity. That fuck violated it every chance he got.

        Him & Pablo the Hutt are the origionaters of the EU must go bullshit. Then lets face it every one of his retcons were cheap ripoffs with bad explinations as compared to actual authors who came before.


        Filoni made sure Grievous and Anakin never met each other during TCW due to their interaction at the beginning of ROTS. Why would he do that if he didn’t care about canon?


        – Rangers of the New Republic – As long as it has Gina Corano, I’m in.

        – Ahsoka – Looking forward to it

        – Andor – Not interested. I don’t know who ever wanted this. I am yet to see anyone caring about this show.

        – Visions – SW Anime with actual anime artist, yes, I’m in.

        – Lando – NOT interested. No one really wanted Solo, but somehow they think this will matter.

        – The Acolyte – Not interested due to the person running the show being a lunatic

        – A Droid Story – Not interested

        – Taika Watiti’s trilogy – Not a fan of him, I can’t stand his Thor movie, so I guess we’ll see….not really holding out hope.

        – Hayden Christensen in the Obi-Wan show – Cool News, but any “rematch” would ruin A New Hope.

        The OP forgot the Rogue Squadron movie…which I am actually interested in this as long as it’s not all female pilots and SJ nonsense.

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