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It needs to be understood, just as is Hollywood, Disney is now nothing but a propaganda machine. The worst kind as it’s aimed at children.
Personally I will NEVER consume another Disney product.
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”–Matthew 18:6
Disney is only playing catch up to the Grooming and the sexual harassment of kids in the media. It’s already there. Trans Bruce Jenner was just hired by Fox News. Let’s face it, the media, your schools and your churches are already grooming the public to accept pedophilia. The newest meme out there is one called “OK, Groomer.” The GOP once gave it’s Evangelical base a pedophile as house speaker named Dennis Hastert. Madison Cawthorn blew the whistle recently and said that orgies and drugs fuel the political class.
This is why I can no longer support NATO. This system is pushing twinks like Desmond is Amazing. I have seen sexual content aimed at teens and younger in the public libraries. Nobody votes for this. Nobody supports this. In fact, even the feminists don’t want six foot men in their sports and swim meets. Even Billie Jean King and Martina Navratilova have spoken against this, as has JK Rowling. They only people I see supporting are Ron Perlman and maybe Sulu from Star Trek. Also, just notice that there were all these accusations leveled at the Catholic church long before any of this agenda took off, so you wonder if it was some kind of pre-emptive strike?
Speaking as a Catholic, the church was infiltrated at the same time was Hollywood and Schools etc with this. They did this to burn down the things we held up against them and to get to the kids to victimize them and for indoctrination. Now, the million dollar question is, who is “they”? Is it just some pedophile lobby? I think they ARE pedophiles but I believe it goes deeper than that. These are folks who are evil and what they attack is anything good.
At the end of the day, CLEARLY, there is a tsunami of activity trying everything possible to normalize pedophilia and to indoctrinate/sexualize kids. We have given all ground to the left because it was easier than fighting against them. So here we all are, with nothing left but the most precious of things left. Will we give that to? If we do, we absolutely deserve the horrible things that will happen to us as a result of this.
Nobody deserves what is happening now. Nobody deserves sexual harassment bombardment constantly at all times. Agree with you about “who is ‘they?'” Who are these groups specifically and what are their names and who are the faces of these groups? The people have stood against it. Voted against it. It’s media, corporations and judges and, in some cases, governments that push this stuff and there was no vote. There was no public involvement at all. Was just listening about what is going on with Disney and it was very interesting that Chapek wanted nothing to do with it and supposedly, he is being pressured, or at least that is the cover.
The changing and eliminating of terminology is gas-lighting and brainwashing at such a rate that it is impossible to keep up with the constant “change.” That’s why when the judge was asked to define a woman, one better question would’ve been, “How many genders are there today?” There is no longer a correct answer because of the mental illness of these perverts.
Have no answer, but was watching a clip of Larry Fink saying that he is in the business of “attitude formations.” This is a guy who is buying up and buying out the country, a CEO of a trillion dollar corporation BlackRock, who calls people with nothing, “entitled.” I believe The Slap is a big distraction from real things going on and my biggest disappointment is that thinkers cannot even identify the answer to your question: “Who is they?”
2 things.
1) Do I know who “they” for sure? No. What do I suspect? It is a cabal of elites and their minions. The minions are those who willingly give themselves over to service to the elite so they can “get theirs”. So I think what we have are the elites trying to enforce global social engineering with their minions also enforcing their will and trying to squeeze from the world what they want. And I personally believe they want the kids.
2) What to do we do now? The only thing we can do. Stop accepting the lies, stop accepting the gas lighting. Stop giving them ground. We must acknowledge right and wrong are not subjective. We must ,through action, hold to the morality we want to see so show our children and others that it matters. To show that this absolute BS of living your life to simply please yourself is not only a recipe for long term unhappiness but it rots society. Finally, we must open our arms to the lost. We must outstretch a hand to folks who are looking for a path but cannot find one. This is what the left does and how it attracts people and then burns them to the ground while it tells them if they don’t like fire they are an ‘ist or a ‘phobe.
The media can not be counted on for answers anymore. Isn’t the list something like: who, what, when, where and how when reporting? The “who” is not even reported. People do not deserve bad things happening to them if they don’t even have the answers to who is doing it and who is behind it. Stop internalizing blame and guilt as some oligarchs buy out all the countries.
The media has not been reliable for decades. In the 90’s the truth was “fudged”. Now we have evolved to outright lies.
“people do not deserve bad things happening to them if they don’t even have the answers to who is doing it and who is behind it”
I will respond to that with another quote.
“deserves got nuttin to do with it…”
Bad things will happen to us regardless. We must search for the truth and be bearers of it. It’s really all we can do.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages..” we fucking hate you!
We don’t want Princesses into our parks.
We are no longer the Wonderful World of Disney, where dreams come true.
We are no longer a for-profit enterprise, but a political/social activist corporation.
We no longer need to earn your trust and loyalty, but demand your money all the same.
We want deep pocketed cucks and simps to grovel before our anti-family friendly agenda.
Ever see the movie “The Crow”? The original with Brandon Lee (the others sucked). Yeah well I could see Walt Disney coming back like that to dole out vengeance.
Personally I think Walt would be furious over what’s currently going on. He wanted films to be made for EVERYONE but not like this.
Walt Disney passed away in 1966, long before any of us were even born. Not sure about his brother Roy. He was a very wholesome person and there was nothing overtly sexual or gender during his tenure. I am into conspiracy, but simply do not believe any gossip or rumor about Walt due to the actual visual product. Guess Mary Poppins came out just after he died. Disney did not release more animation until 20 years later.
You can see the old photos for yourself. Until the 60s, people were very proper and decent and formal. You can see it yourself. What is going on now is satanic, demonic and worse, communist. Walt was a staunch anti-communist and this makes a person wonder if the communists got control of his corporation.
Michael Eisner, Bob Iger and Bob Chapek are the ones responsible for anything negative or perverted out of the company in your lifetimes. The media makes it seem like Chapek is caving to the pressure. Do you think Walt would’ve cave to any pressure? Not likely, but we don’t know what tactics the alphabet intelligence agencies use against moral and decent media owners. I heard the last holdouts back then against total media control were Walt and the Hearst corporation. William Randolph Hearst was a powerful figure and Patty Hearst was kidnapped and it just makes you wonder if there was any involvement behind the scenes in that kidnapping by globalists, minions, communists or intelligence agencies.
You make many good points. One of them was of course how people used to have an actual standard for dress and behavior in the 60’s and prior. Since that time there was the sexual “revolution”, feminism and other such “movements”. The initial pushes for such things were calls for freedom. The only thing (in my opinion) that happened was people became slaves to their their whims and passions. Look at the world now, have those movements put is in a more free place? No. We have less freedom than ever and here we are talking about Disney essentially being a bunch of pedophiles pushing sexuality on children for God sakes.
Never have gone to DW or DL. Now, I never will. I will not give one cent to any corporation that does this kind of outrageous unacceptable nonsense.