Dissent will not be Tolerated, Russel Brand attacked by media

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      I am certain to anyone paying attention this is not surprising and is to be expected. Anyone openly dissenting, especially if effective, will find themselves running from the machine as it lashes out at them.

      Brand is being accused very publicly (but without criminal charges) of sexual crimes against 4 women some 15 or so years ago.  Does this sound familiar as if it’s happened to others who openly challenged the machine?

      I also saw recently in the news where Tim Ballard (the hero who was portrayed in The Sound of Freedom) is under attack as well.  Which shows you how deep this goes because they will even stoop to trying to discredit someone who was not even in a movie about child trafficking but was just the inspiration for it just so they can try to chip away at the popularity of the movie.

      If you think it’s organic that 4 women from over a decade ago would at the same time come out with a story of allegations then I have a bridge to sell you.  This is how the machine comes after a man.  You find people “willing” to lob some sexual allegations that ultimately have little or no  proof and happened long ago such that almost nothing can be proven either way.  This is a political weapon designed to harm someone’s public reputation and drive people away from them.




      Was never a fan of Brand (always found him a bit of an idiot) but I do agree that there’s something odd going on if they’re saying it now. Same feelings that I had towards Depp. Was never a fan of Depp despite him being in some films that I like such as Tim Burton’s excellent take on ‘Sleepy Hollow’ but I’ve NEVER heard of him doing anything bad or dodgy until the Turd opened her gob. Was immediately sceptical. Same went with Cliff Richard (who I’ve never been a fan of) and Aled Jones (who I liked mainly because he released the single version of ‘Walking In The Air’, not the version that’s on the ‘The Snowman’ film) here in the UK. Never heard anything bad about them and suddenly the BBC were pointing fingers in their direction. I’m going to assume that it’s probably because they’re both Christians and go to church which was why the BBC pointed fingers at them for no reason.


        “Was never a fan of Brand (always found him a bit of an idiot)”

        Brand was indeed a total goof in his acting days, in fact that pretty much the parts he played.  But as a podcast dude he is pretty smart.  I have watched many of his interviews that he conducts with people on his show and he does a great job.  I think they are coming after him now because he is gaining a large following as he points out the political machine.  Just like Alex Jones, just like Jordan Peterson, just like Donald Trump and you can keep going.


        I think they are coming after him now because he is gaining a large following as he points out the political machine.


        You would think if a crime did happen, they would have come out when Brand was at his high.  Not years after his film making career is practically dead.

        And some YT’ers have looked at some of the “so-called” evidence.

        An audio recorded from back then (as if they had that type of tech/quality) has ZERO background noise, and the voice is without emotions/inflictions.  As if it was computer generated.

        A text message that was screen captured from around the same time looks… altered.  Fonts and clarity vary even within the same reply (as if it was cut-paste) and the reply to the reply is missing its time stamp while the previous two (in the same screen capture) has theirs.

        No police report made that there was a crime.  No medical record that show a crime happened.  It was be just a she said/he said with what looks like fabricated “evidence”.

        To me, it seems they are faking an event, creating fake evidence, in order to take away a voice that does not fit their agenda/narrative.

        When the court’s rejects the fake, I do hope they are charged with perjury.

        Perjury occurs when a witness gives false evidence with an intent to mislead the court. This is a serious criminal offence punishable by up to 14 years in prison.




          They don’t need any real evidence as the goal is not to jail him but just to smear his reputation so that people are driven away from him.  This is about the 5th or 6th time this has happened in the last few years to people who call it like it is and get popular.


          Yeah, it’s all about trying to discredit him because he’s punching them in the face.

          I think what’s eating them is that he was once one of their talking heads; now he’s more balanced and open minded.

          RB is probably uncancellable at this point; still a good idea to stay ahead of it.


            If anyone wonders why “the machine” would attack Brand.  Here is but one example.


            Some of the bigger names like Megyn Kelly have come out against RB claiming that the “details” of the alleged assaults which he hasn’t (as yet) directly refuted lend to their credibility.

            Even Georgina Baillie (who was involved in a scandal with RB) when interviewed by Piers Morgan yesterday said that while she never witnessed such behaviours does acknowledge the allegations refer to a difficult period in his life.

            The plot thickens…



              There is zero plot.  It’s unfounded BS until it’s not.  And they will use it to harm him financially and publicly.

              “Some of the bigger names like Megyn Kelly have come out against RB claiming that the “details” of the alleged assaults which he hasn’t (as yet) directly refuted lend to their credibility.”

              That’s a bunch of words that mean nothing.  She is doing the bidding of others.  Never trusted her.

              “Even Georgina Baillie (who was involved in a scandal with RB) when interviewed by Piers Morgan yesterday said that while she never witnessed such behavior’s does acknowledge the allegations refer to a difficult period in his life.”

              Another formation of phrases and letters that amounts to zero.

              All of this is crap. There is zero chance that organically 4 women from his past 15-20 years ago got together and decide to make accusations.  Someone sought them out.  And accusations mean nothing.  Literally zero.  That is simply a smear tactic.  Just like with Trump, Kavanaugh, Carlson and Clarence Thomas.  It’s all the same.

              I can sit here right now and say I was touched inappropriately by Bill Mahr, Brian Stelter, Hunter Biden and Kamala Harris at a satanic ceremony where babies were devoured.  That silly statement is no different at all than what is floating around about Brand.  The only difference is one is a media attack and the other is not.

              Let’s play devils advocate.  Let’s say Russel Brand walks around his female co-workers with a huge erection Anchorman style. OK.  So, total perv.  Maybe criminal.  Does that mean his public claims about the military industrial complex and big pharma are wrong?  No.  But that’s the assumption they hope you make and THAT’S the point.


              Some of the bigger names like Megyn Kelly have come out against RB claiming that the “details” of the alleged assaults which he hasn’t (as yet) directly refuted lend to their credibility.

              Just like Johny Depp, they cancel culture mob is going after Russel Brand.

              With ZERO evidence but only a “she said…” BS, they want to ruin his career, just like they did with Depp.

              And I hope just like Depp, when/if a trial does happen, if Brand did nothing wrong, those who falsely accused him gets sued .

              And the media once again proves it is not investigative journalism but is only an agenda pushers, are using this “story” to misdirect from what important issues?


                “Just like Johny Depp, they cancel culture mob is going after Russel Brand”

                They seem similar but they are not.  The Depp situation was just Amber Heard being a lunatic and people/media jumping in on the entire thing partly because “men bad” and probably more so for the clicks.  During that trial even intelligent YT channels were pumping out Depp/Heard garbage daily.

                The deal with Brand is a political hit job sponsored by the establishment machine and backed by their favorite propaganda tool, the mainstream media.

                Yes, both are/were fabricated nonsense but one is far more insidious than the other and it’s history repeating.

                How many famous men can you recall in the last 5 or so years that have had baseless accusations lobbed against them?

                – Trump

                – Kavanaugh

                – Clarence Thomas

                – Carlson

                It’s interesting, they all seem to have something in common but I cannot quite put my finger on it.

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Vknid.

                If anything these instances show how adept the Woke DEMonS in control of left-wing media are at convicting people in the court of public opinion.

                Remember when they took out Milo Yiannopoulos? They’ve honed their skills since then; these devil’s have this thing down to a fine art.


                If we’re honest in many cases they’re using past indiscretions to stir up trouble. It doesn’t matter how long ago it occurred, once there’s a modicum of truth they’ll twist it as needed to manipulate and rile the simpletons in their base.

                In my opinion Trump has had the most success in fighting them off, mainly because he doesn’t give a fat rat’s petunia about their accusations. But more importantly he uses their own tactics against them by playing to HIS base.

                You gotta fight fire with fire.


                  “If we’re honest in many cases they’re using past indiscretions to stir up trouble. It doesn’t matter how long ago it occurred, once there’s a modicum of truth they’ll twist it as needed to manipulate and rile the simpletons in their base.”

                  I can remember in the 80’s/90’s what politicians did was twist the truth or present a truth in a certain light.  Now truth is not even needed and total fabrication is used.  Or they do the circular logic thing where some paper writes a statement/article and all the others point to that one as proof and then the original one then points to the others as proof of itself.

                  Kavanaugh was an example.  Where was the truth?  That Kavanaugh went to college?  That he went to parties and had beer?

                  Everyone needs to understand where we are with this.  A lie can be 100% fabricated (IE Steele Dossier) and the media will in unison push it and people will believe it.

                  The danger is this can be done to anyone and it is.


                  Rumble to U.K. Parliament: go F*** yourself.

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