Distant Flux: System Initializing on Steam, wishlist now!

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  • #327649

    The latest Steam update:

    Started populating frost slime monster horde, with new abilities. Added damage reflection and lifesteal. Worked on experience, ability classes, leveling requirements, and more.


    The latest Steam update:

    Frost Slimes now have more abilities and their monstrous growth. Shadow Rats have more monster types, abilities, and their growth. The System Scavengers were also updated.


    This week I focused on low-level efficiency improvements, especially regarding savegames, using a mix of JSON serialization and Linux text manipulation to narrow down what was being used.

    Saving a game is much faster than it was. I also noticed that most of the game’s data is all about leveling and stats. :)


    Latest update:

    Item shop listings are now governed directly by activities like research or faction level. Crafting, refining, and research room levels provide different bonuses to operations.


    Latest Steam update:

    New room construction mechanic added; rooms can now be upgraded in parallel, and they have changing costs; max members now determined by level of Residential room.


    Latest Steam update:

    Changes include scrapper base starter rooms, room and character unlocks, crafting project and shop listing unlocks, a teleporter system rework, and more.


    Latest Steam update:

    More base changes, including a new resource refinery, items, a leatherworks, profession training, NPCs, and paths, as well as equipment and ability proficiencies.


    Latest Steam update:

    Added new rooms like the Workshop and Improvisium for starter items and research, also added the Firearms Factory, Energy Weapons Factory, and Halls of Magic, with items and more.


    Latest Steam update:

    New ability mechanics, items, and paths, including the Pugilist, the Scholar, the Emberbolt Launcher, stack consumption boosts, grenades, rings of power, the Cafeteria, and more.


    Latest Steam update:

    Added Administrative, Combat Engineer, and Synergium rooms; configured attribute and affinity stat boosts; zone environments can now be affected by player abilities, and more.


    Latest Steam update:

    Civilian AI improvements; deep paths like Archmage; equipment leveling and supply; encumbered and immobilized states; diseases and cures; training and project costs; and more.


    Road map update; what’s up next for the demo:

    • Combat and zone AI behaviors.
    • Output improvements. Right now information presentation is effectively debug mode so that I can ensure things are working, but I want the interface to be more polished and user friendly for the demo.
    • New game, savegame, and options dialog updates.
    • A final content population and stat balancing run.
    • A final sweep of my checklists to see if anything needs to be fixed.

    Latest Steam update:

    Added AI ability orders; character behavior profiles; buying/selling/upgrading, equipping, resting, studying items, and other AI utility orders; threat mechanic; taunt ability.

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