Distant Flux: System Initializing on Steam, wishlist now!

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  • #327649

    The latest Steam update:

    Started populating frost slime monster horde, with new abilities. Added damage reflection and lifesteal. Worked on experience, ability classes, leveling requirements, and more.


    The latest Steam update:

    Frost Slimes now have more abilities and their monstrous growth. Shadow Rats have more monster types, abilities, and their growth. The System Scavengers were also updated.


    This week I focused on low-level efficiency improvements, especially regarding savegames, using a mix of JSON serialization and Linux text manipulation to narrow down what was being used.

    Saving a game is much faster than it was. I also noticed that most of the game’s data is all about leveling and stats. :)


    Latest update:

    Item shop listings are now governed directly by activities like research or faction level. Crafting, refining, and research room levels provide different bonuses to operations.


    Latest Steam update:

    New room construction mechanic added; rooms can now be upgraded in parallel, and they have changing costs; max members now determined by level of Residential room.


    Latest Steam update:

    Changes include scrapper base starter rooms, room and character unlocks, crafting project and shop listing unlocks, a teleporter system rework, and more.


    Latest Steam update:

    More base changes, including a new resource refinery, items, a leatherworks, profession training, NPCs, and paths, as well as equipment and ability proficiencies.

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