DNC is being funneled money from somewhere

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  • #189633

    The DNC is yet again playing the game where they blame everyone else for their crimes. Nearly 50% of all of their doantions last year and just over 50% this year are coming from people listed as unemployed. This is compared to RNC donations from unemployed people of 2% or 4% respectfully.

    This money is fradulent and anyone with a fucntioning brain knows it but no one fucking cares. We all know the DNC are criminals and they are clearly going to get away with it some more.

    “Auditing these suspect donations to determine if millions lied by indicating they were unemployed when in fact they were not, or if their names were just being used by a foreign programmer or someone else to move money without their knowledge, will take time,” Pudner said. “We’ve planned a series of forensic procedures to identify whether or not these donors of record exist or not, if they made the contributions themselves, and whether they were legally able, and whether or not they are potential ‘straw’ donors, making the contributions after being given the money and direction by someone else.”




    OH look.




    No wait, it is happening to benefit the democrats, so that is by default a NON-foreign interference.

    Nothing to see here.  It is business as usual.


    How else can they say their “campaign contributions” are more than Trumps?

    They are taking money any way they can.

    I would not be surprised if they decides disaster relief money gets funneled into… oh wait, the Clinton foundation already showed they do that too.

    How silly of me.




    The entire DNC is disgusting.


    This whole Act Blue group is something else man I tell you what.

    Imagine BLM donating 100’s of millions of dollars just to give it to two white dudes!  The sheer irony of this.

    This whole racket needs to be shut down.  Meanwhile these fucking idiots are out here “fighting the system”

    When in reality they are running cover for these huge mega corps that have been taking the whole world for a ride around the block.

    When you get pushed out of the car your shoes are gone, your wallet missing and your legs are broken.  Just a reminder that you are allowed to live as long as you know you play ball.

    The whole thing is beyond fucked up Dragon.  And yet here we are bending over and just taking it.

    Those of us ready to stand up would just be lumped in with these Antifa idiots and BLM groups running the perfect cover for these people.

    See how that works?  Funny eh.  Not in ha ha funny but as in if you don’t laugh something bad happens.

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